Autodesk Connector for ArcGIS Window

Use this window bring ArcGIS data into your drawing as Civil 3D objects.

If you have an ArcGIS account, you are prompted to sign in to your account to access your data before this window is displayed. If you don't have an ArcGIS account, you can sign in as a guest to access public data.

Use this window to specify an area of interest on the map, a dataset to use, and the Civil 3D object types to create from the ArcGIS data.

Navigation and Area of Interest Controls

Use the controls at the top of the map area to navigate to your area of interest on the map. Available datasets for the area of interest are displayed in the left pane.

Note: If you do not see any available datasets, try zooming out from your area of interest.
Search By Location
  • Enter a location name, address, or point of interest in the search bar. You can also input longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates.
  • Use the mouse to pan and zoom, or use the zoom in/out tools (+/- buttons) to further refine your search.
Specify the Area of Interest
  • Click to select the current map extents.
    Note: This is the default selection method.
  • Click to draw a rectangular area of interest on the map.
  • Click to import a polygonal area of interest from SHP data.
    Note: To use SHP data, create a .zip file that contains the related SHP dataset files and then select that .zip file during this step. After the SHP dataset is opened, the polygons in the SHP dataset appear in the map view. Click a polygon to select it as the area of interest.

Dataset Filters and Selection

Specify the data to bring into Civil 3D by browsing available datasets for the selected area of interest using the Public, My Content, My Groups, and Organization filters.

Select the check box on the dataset you want to bring into Civil 3D if you want to select all the layers in the dataset.

If you want to manually select the layers to import, click on the tile for the dataset but do not select the check box. Then select the individual layers to import from the list that is displayed to the right.

The warning symbol that is displayed on the tile and next to a selected layer in the list indicates that the feature types need to be specified for the selected layers.

Feature Type Specification

Displays controls for defining what type of Civil 3D objects to create from each layer and for viewing the layer in the map.

Click Layers and use the drop-down lists to specify what type of Civil 3D objects to create from each layer.

Specifies which Civil 3D objects to create from each layer.
Layer Visibility
Controls whether the selected layer is visible in the map area.
Displays information about the selected dataset.
Tip: Click View Layer Data Source to view information about the dataset attributes and to view the map on the ArcGIS website.

Add to My Design Project

Begins the process of adding the selected layers to your drawing. The Import Layers dialog box is then displayed so you can select or create a settings template for the imported data, or you can choose to import the data with the default settings.