Import Layers Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to select or create a settings template for controlling settings for objects that are created in the drawing when ArcGIS data is imported, and to specify the path for settings templates.

This dialog box is displayed after you click Add to My Design Project in the Autodesk Connector for ArcGIS dialog box.

Set Active Folder icon
Opens the Select Active Folder dialog box. Specify the location for the settings template files and click Open. The default location is C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Autodesk\C3D <version>\eng\ArcGISImportSettings\.
Note: This is the location where the settings template JSON files are stored. To share these files across an organisation, you can set the path to a network location or to a location in Autodesk Docs.
Specify Settings Template
Displays the available settings templates in the active path. When you select an editable settings template, the Edit button is enabled.
Note: The <Default Settings> option is read-only. It applies the default settings to all data rather than using a settings template.
Opens the Settings Editor with the currently selected settings template open for edit.
Add New
Opens an empty settings template in the Settings Editor.
Selected Layers
Displays the layers that were selected in the Autodesk Connector for ArcGIS dialog box and which feature type was specified to be created from them.
Imports the ArcGIS data using the currently selected settings template.
Note: If you selected pipe network data to import, the Schema Mapping dialog box is displayed. If you selected raster data to import, the Import Raster Data from Autodesk Connector for ArcGIS dialog box is displayed.