About the Junction Quadrants Collection (Prospector Tab)

Use the Junction Quadrants collection in the Prospector tree to access details about the quadrants in the junction object.

Expand the Junction Quadrants collection to view the names of the quadrant included in the junction. This collection also displays the names of the corner radius alignments for each quadrant. You can also use this collection to display the names of the incoming and outgoing lane centerlines in the Prospector list view. The list view also displays the value of the intersecting angle between the incoming and outgoing lane centerlines.

Right-clicking a junction quadrant name in Prospector lets you do the following:

Item Description
Edit Corner Radius Parameters Displays the Junction Corner Radius Parameters dialog box. You can change the quadrant name, or edit the corner radius type and geometry (such as simple curve type). You can also add widening, or edit widening parameters.
Edit Corner Radius Profile Rules Displays the Junction Corner Radius Profile Parameters dialog box. You can change whether to extend the profile along the incoming or outgoing lanes, and also change the length by which to extend the profile. Editable parameters have a white background in the Value column, while read-only parameters have a shaded background.
Recreate Corridor Regions Recreates corridor regions for the currently selected junction. It is important to note that using this option removes any manual edits that may have been made to the junction corridor.
Refresh Refreshes the display of items displayed in Prospector.