To Edit Pipe Network Parts Lists

When creating new parts lists, you first add the part families, and then add the part sizes that you want to be available within that family.

To add part families to a pipe network parts list

  1. In Toolspace, on the Settings tab, expand the Pipe Network collection, and then expand the Parts Lists collection.
  2. Right-click the desired parts list and click Edit Parts List. The Network Parts List dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the Pipes tab to add a pipe part family to this parts list, or the Structures tab to add a structure part family.
  4. On either the Pipes or the Structures tab, in the Name column, expand the parts list to view the part families that are currently included.
  5. Right-click the name of the parts list at the top level and click Add Part Family. The Part Catalog dialog box is displayed.
    Note: Part families that are included in the current parts list are not displayed in the part catalog. Only part families that are available to be added to the current parts list are displayed in the part catalog.
  6. In the part catalog, select the part families you want to add, and click OK.
  7. Click OK or Apply on either the Pipes tab or the Structures tab to save the changes.

After adding a part family, you must select desired part sizes. If you add a part family but do not select the part sizes, part family content is not displayed in the parts list.

To add part sizes to a pipe network parts list

If you do not add part sizes within a part family, no content is displayed for that part family in the parts list.

  1. In Toolspace, on the Settings tab, expand the Pipe Network collection, and then expand the Parts Lists collection.
  2. Right-click the desired parts list and click Edit Parts List. The Network Parts List dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the Pipes tab to add sizes for pipe parts, or the Structures tab to add sizes for structures.
  4. Expand the parts list so that you can see the part families that are currently included.
  5. Right-click a part family and click Add Part Size. The Part Size Creator dialog box is displayed.
  6. Use the Part Size Creator dialog box to add part sizes to the current part family.

    You can select existing sizes one at a time, or you can use the Add All Sizes check box. For example, for the Elliptical Concrete Pipe part family, you can add only the part size of “8-inch inner pipe width”, or you can check Add All Sizes to add all the size choices that are available in the drop-down list simultaneously: for example, 8, 12, 18, and 24.

  7. For each part size that is added, you may also add optional properties which are not defined in the part family.

    For example, to specify a material for a pipe, add the optional Material property and enter the desired text to set the property.

  8. Click OK on the Part Size Creator dialog box.
  9. Click OK or Apply on either the Pipes tab or the Structures tab to save the changes.

To add an optional property to a part size

To add further definition to a part, such as a name for a material, you can assign optional properties to a part size definition in a parts list. An example of an optional property is the Material property available for the Concrete Pipe part family. You can assign this optional property to part sizes within the Concrete Pipe part family.

  1. In Toolspace, on the Settings tab, expand the Pipe Network collection, and then expand the Parts Lists collection.
  2. Right-click the desired parts list and click Edit Parts List. The Network Parts List dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the Pipes tab to assign an optional property to a pipe part size, or the Structures tab to assign an optional property to a structure part size.
  4. On either the Pipes tab or the Structures tab, in the Name column, expand the parts list so that you can see the part families that are currently included.
  5. Right-click the desired part family and select Add Part Size.
  6. The Part Size Creator dialog box is displayed. The optional properties are identified in the Source field.
  7. If the optional property can be assigned, you can click in the Value field and set the property from a list of choices. If the optional property has a static value, no choices are available.
  8. Click in the Value field to select and assign the property.
  9. Click OK on the Part Size Creator dialog box.
  10. Type in the value or string.
  11. Click OK or Apply on the Pipes or Structures tabs to save the changes.
  12. After an optional property is assigned to the part, the property may be viewed or edited in the Part Properties tab of either the Pipe Properties or the Structure Properties dialog box, viewed or edited in the Pipe Network Vistas, or it can be displayed as labeling text for the part in the drawing.

To add a user-defined property to a network part

  1. Navigate to the Part Parameter Configuration xml file (AeccPartParamCfg.xml). The default location is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD <version>\enu\Pipes Catalog\Aecc Shared Content.
  2. Open the file and select ViewSource in order to modify the file.
  3. Navigate to the <AeccParamDeclaration> section. A sample optional property is the Hazen Williams Coefficient flow analysis. The entry for this is: <AeccDfParameter name="ACHW" desc="Hazen Williams Coefficient" context="FlowAnalysis_HazenWilliams" index="0" datatype="Float" usage="Double_General" unit="" visible="True" internal="True"/>.
  4. Copy an existing optional property and make changes as appropriate to create a new property.
  5. In the <AeccParamUsage> section, the corresponding entry for the sample in step 3 is <AeccOptParam context="FlowAnalysis_HazenWilliams"/>. Copy and modify an entry as appropriate to create an new entry for your property.
  6. Save and close the xml file.