Use this dialog box to view and change corridor-related settings.
This topic documents settings in all corridor-related Edit Settings dialog boxes (drawing-level, feature-level and command-level).
For information about drawing-level ambient settings, see Ambient Settings Tab (Drawing Settings Dialog Box).
Use this setting to establish the defaults when exporting alignments and profiles from a corridor.
Specifies whether a profile is automatically created when creating an alignment from a corridor feature line. If set to Yes, the profile is automatically added to the profile view.
Use this setting to establish the defaults when exporting feature lines from a corridor:
Specifies whether corridor feature lines are smoothed when created.
Use these settings to establish the defaults assigned to corridor creation.
Specifies whether to lock the corridor regions to either the geometry or chainage of the parent alignment:
Specifies the corridor chainage placement frequency along the straight portion of an alignment. Enter a distance in the Value column or click and select a distance in the drawing area.
Specifies the corridor chainage placement frequency along the curve portion of an alignment. Enter a distance in the Value column or click and select a distance in the drawing area.
Specifies the corridor chainage placement frequency along the transition portion of an alignment. Enter a distance in the Value column or click and select a distance in the drawing area.
Specifies whether corridor chainages are placed at horizontal geometry points.
Specifies whether corridor chainages are placed at superelevation critical points (such as ‘end normal crossfall’, ‘level soffit’, ‘reverse crossfall’ and ‘begin full super’).
Specifies the corridor chainage placement frequency along curve portions of the profile geometry. Enter a distance in the Value column or click and select a distance in the drawing area.
Specifies whether corridor chainages are placed at profile geometry points.
Specifies whether assemblies are inserted at the high and low points of the profile geometry.
Specifies whether or not to automatically add assemblies (assembly insertion stations) to the corridor regions based on offset target objects (feature lines, alignments or polylines).
Specifies the assembly insertion frequency along the curve portion of an offset target. Enter a value or click and select a distance in the drawing.
Use these settings to specify the defaults when creating feature lines.
Specifies whether a name is applied to feature lines when created.
Specifies whether a style is applied to feature lines when created.
Specifies the layer that is applied to feature lines when created. The settings are: Use the Layer Setting (from the drawing settings); and Use the Current Layer.
Specifies whether a dynamic link is created between the feature line and the alignment.
Specifies whether feature lines are smoothed when exported.
Specifies the maximum 2D distance within which the non-collinear points must be located from the resulting smooth curve. If set to 0, the curve will interpolate all points.
Specifies the maximum distance within which the non-collinear points must be located to be converted into arcs.
Specifies the minimum distance between co-linear points in the resulting smooth curve. The intermediate co-linear points are weeded.
Use these settings to establish the default behaviour for viewing corridor sections.
Specifies the scale factor to use when viewing the corridor sections. For example, enter 1 to fit the section exactly to the viewing area.
Specifies whether drawing layers unassociated with the corridor are turned off or on.
Specifies whether the corridor model is automatically rebuilt when you edit a subassembly using the View/Edit Corridor Section Tools.
Specifies the visible extent of 3D objects displayed in a corridor section, measured forward from the sampled section.
Specifies the visible extent of 3D objects displayed in a corridor section, measured from the sampled section back.
Use these settings to establish the default behaviour for corridor section view grids:
Specifies whether there are horizontal grid lines.
Specifies whether there are vertical grid lines.
Specifies whether the grid spacing in the Corridor Section Editor is adjusted automatically when you change the zoom level.
Specifies the frequency of major grid lines compared to minor grid lines.
Specifies the interval between horizontal grid lines. Enter a distance in the Value column or click and select a distance in the drawing area.
Specifies the interval between vertical grid lines. Enter a distance in the Value column or click and select a distance in the drawing area.
Specifies the colour for grid lines. Click in the Value column, and click to select a colour in the Select Colour Dialog Box.
Specifies whether there is a centre axis line for the grid.
Specifies the colour for the centre axis line. Click in the Value column, and click to select a colour in the Select Colour dialog box.
Use these settings to establish the default behaviour for viewing corridor section grid text:
Specifies the text style. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Select Text Style dialog box.
Specifies the colour for grid text. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Select Colour dialog box.
Specifies the height of grid text as a percentage of the height of the grid.
Specifies whether there is annotation for the centre axis line of the grid.
Use these settings to specify the defaults for the section slider line.
Specifies whether the section slider line is displayed when multiple viewports have been configured for the section editor.
Use these settings to specify the defaults when creating rehab corridors.
The number of lanes on the left side of the road centreline.
The number of lanes on the right side of the road centreline.
The distance between the inside edge of lane and the outside edge of lane.
Assign ideal crossfalls to individual lanes.
The desired crossfall (%) for the finished ground profile.
Specifies the maximum change in crossfall to the existing ground profile crossfall (%) that you want to design for.
If you Use Superelevation, Ideal Crossfall will be defined by the Outside/Inside Lane Superelevation value for the chainage, as defined by the superelevation table for the alignment. If no superelevation table is defined for the alignment, Ideal Crossfall will be set equal to 0.
The maximum permitted change in Corrected Crossfall between two road chainages in the rehab corridor region, relative to the distance in length between two chainages.
The maximum permitted difference in Accepted Slope between two adjacent lanes.
The type of the milling and/or levelling layer.
The depth of the overlay layer.
The minimum depth of the levelling layer.
The minimum depth of the milling layer
Use these settings to specify the defaults used when using the MatchCorrRegionParams command. These command settings specify the default state of the Match Region Parameters dialog box options (ticked or unticked) when you use this command.
Specifies whether or not to match assemblies by default when using this command.
Specifies whether or not to match targets by default when using this command.
Specifies whether or not to match assembly frequency by default when using this command.
Use these settings to establish the default styles assigned to corridor components:
Specifies the default style for an alignment created from the corridor. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Alignment Style dialog box.
Specifies the default style for the slope markings added to corridors. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Slope Pattern Style dialog box.
Specifies the default code set style. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Code Set Style dialog box.
Specifies the default code set style for feature lines that are extracted from corridors. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Code Set Style for Extracted Feature Lines dialog box.
Specifies the default style for the alignment label sets created from corridors. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Alignment Label Set dialog box.
Specifies the default corridor surface style. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Corridor Surface Style dialog box.
Specifies the default style for the corridor. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Corridor Style dialog box.
Specifies the default profile label set style. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Profile Label Set dialog box.
Specifies the default style for a profile created from the corridor. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Profile Style dialog box.
Specifies the default style for a feature line created from a corridor. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Feature Line Style dialog box.
Specifies the default render material style for the corridor. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Render Material style dialog box.
Use these settings to specify the default name formats for corridors and corridor surfaces, as well as for alignments and profiles from feature lines. Click in the Value column, and click to make changes in the Name Template dialog box.
Use these settings to establish the default styles assigned to corridor region:
Specifies whether the baseline of a corridor region is highlighted by default.
Specifies the colour for the baseline. Click in the Value column, and click to select a colour in the Select Colour Dialog Box.
Specifies the default baseline lineweight. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Lineweight dialog box.
Specifies whether the boundary of a corridor region is highlighted by default.
Specifies the colour for the region boundary. Click in the Value column, and click to select a colour in the Select Colour dialog box.
Specifies the default region boundary lineweight. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Lineweight dialog box.
Specifies whether the horizontal targets of a corridor region are highlighted by default.
Specifies the colour for horizontal targets. Click in the Value column, and click to select a colour in the Select Colour dialog box.
Specifies the default horizontal targets lineweight. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Lineweight dialog box.
Specifies whether the interior assemblies of a corridor region are highlighted by default.
Specifies the colour for interior assemblies. Click in the Value column, and click to select a colour in the Select Colour dialog box.
Specifies the default interior assemblies lineweight. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Lineweight dialog box.
Use these settings to control whether inner and outer corridor corners on fixed width corridors should be cleaned up automatically. For more information, see About Corner Clean-up for Corridors and To Clean Up Corridor Corners.
Automatically clears corridor bowties at the inner corners of tangent-tangent intersections on fixed width corridors. By default, this is set to Yes.
Automatically cleans up the outer corners of tangent-tangent intersections on fixed width corridors. By default, this is set to Yes.
Use these settings to specify the defaults used when creating a profile using design criteria.
Specifies whether to associate a design criteria file with the profile.
The first XML file found in the <install directory>\Data\Corridor Design Standards\<units> is used by default.
Specifies whether to associate a design check set with the profile.
Specifies the default design check set. Click in the Value column, and click to select a set in the Default Design Check Set dialog box.