Layer Definition Page (Publish to ArcGIS Dialog Box)

Use this page of the dialog box to specify the layer names to use for each object type.

Object Type
Displays the Civil 3D object types that are in the selection set.

Click each object type to display a list of attributes that you can publish for the object type. You can select the tick boxes for the attributes you want to publish and change the default attribute name.

ArcGIS Category
Specifies whether the Civil 3D objects are represented as points, lines or polygons in ArcGIS.
ArcGIS Layer Name
Specifies the ArcGIS layer name for the object type. Layers are used in ArcGIS to organise content.

A layer name is limited to 120 characters. A layer name must begin with a letter and cannot contain reserved words, spaces or any of the following characters: (`~@#$%^&*,;()-+=|\<>?/{}.!'[]:").