To publish to ArcGIS or to save back changes to ArcGIS, you need to have an ArcGIS account and you need to be assigned a role that has certain privileges.
See the ArcGIS Online Help for information about user types, roles and privileges.
Task | ArcGIS Role Required |
Bringing public data into a drawing | No ArcGIS account or role required. You can access public data as a guest without having an ArcGIS account. |
Bringing data from your organisation into a drawing | Viewer, Data Editor, User, Publisher or Administrator |
Saving back changes to ArcGIS | Data Editor, User, Publisher or Administrator
Note: To save back changes to ArcGIS, the dataset needs to be editable. See the ArcGIS Online Help for information about managing feature layers, including controlling what edits can be made to a layer.
Publishing to ArcGIS | Publisher or Administrator |
Exporting to FGDB | No ArcGIS account or role required. Exported files are saved locally. |