To Create a Simple Corridor

  1. At the Command prompt, enter CreateSimpleCorridor.
  2. In the Create Corridor dialog box, specify the following parameters:
    • Name
    • Description
    • Corridor Style (corridor element display)
    • Code Set Style (link, point and shape code display)
    • Corridor Layer
    • Target Surface
    • Specify the simple corridor baseline. Either:
      • Feature Lines: Define a feature line and an assembly.
      • Alignments and profiles: Define an alignment, a profile along the alignment and an assembly.
        Note: If you select <none>, the corridor will be created without any regions or assemblies. You can then add regions and assemblies using the Corridor Section Editor.
    Note: Make sure that the Set Baseline and Region Parameters option is cleared.
  3. Click OK.
  4. The corridor name is displayed in the Corridors collection on the Prospector tab.