Dragged State Tab (Label Style Composer Dialog Box)

Use this tab to define properties for labels when they are dragged away from their insertion points.


Arrow Head Style

Specifies the arrow head style for the leader. Select an arrow head style from the list.

Note: Select None to create a leader without an arrow head.
Arrow Head Size

Specifies the size of the arrow head in plot units.

Note: A value of zero creates a leader without an arrow head.

Specifies whether the leader is visible when a label is dragged from its default position.


Specifies the shape of the leader.

  • Straight Leader: Draws a straight leader.
  • Spline Leader: Draws a spline leader.

Dragged State Components


Specifies how label content is displayed after it is dragged from its default position.

  • As Composed: Labels maintain the original settings for composition and orientation.

    When you select As Composed, all other properties in the Dragged State Components category become unavailable for editing.

  • Stacked Text: Reformats labels based on the settings in this Dragged State Components category.

    When you select Stacked Text, all blocks, lines, ticks, and direction arrows are removed. The text components are stacked vertically in the order they were defined in the label style.

Note: The Summary tab of the Label Style Composer dialog box lists the components in the order in which they were defined.
Border Visibility

Specifies whether the border is visible when a label is dragged from its original position.

Border Type

Specifies the shape of the border.

  • Rectangular: Draws a rectangle around text.
  • Rounded Rectangular: Draws a rectangle with round corners around text.

    The radius used to create the round corners of the rectangle is calculated by adding the gap value and half the overall text height (including descending, subscript, and superscript characters).

Border And Leader Gap

Specifies the distance between the leader and text.

Text Height

Specifies the plotted height for text.

Leader Attachment

Specifies the location where the leader hook is drawn relative to the label content.

Leader Justification

Specifies how label text is justified in relation to the leader.

  • True: Text is left-justified when the leader is on the left of the text, and is right-justified when the leader is on the right.
  • False: Text is left-justified regardless of the leader location.