To Add Pipe Runs to a Pressure Network

Lay out additional pipe runs for a pressure network along a path.

  1. Select a pipe run in the pressure network. The Pressure Network Plan Layout tab opens.
  2. Click Pressure Network Plan Layout tab Pipe Run panel Add New Pipe Run Create New Pipe Run.
  3. The Create Pipe Run dialog box is appears. Specify the following information for the pressure network:
    • pipe run name
    • parts list
    • size and material for the pressure pipes (parts will share the same material and nominal diameter)
    • layers
    • reference surface
    • whether to create a surface profile for the pressure network to follow
    • cover depth from reference surface
    • reference alignment
  4. Click OK. You are prompted at the command line to specify the first point or enter a level.
    Note: If you specify a reference surface and cover value, then the surface levels and cover value are used to establish the pressure network levels during the pressure network layout.
  5. (Optional) On the Pressure Network Plan Layout tab, click Pipe Run panel Add Bends Automatically to include a bend fitting at each segment connection.
  6. Begin selecting points in the drawing to create the pipe run of the pressure network. Draw straight segments to insert straight pipe segments, or enter C for Curve to draw a curved segment. For more information, see To Insert Curved Pressure Network Segments. As you lay out the points of the pipe run, a bend is created between each segment.
    Note: During layout, a single pressure pipe is created when multiple connected segments are drawn in a straight line with no horizontal or vertical directional changes.
  7. (Optional) On the Pressure Network Plan Layout tab, click Compass panel Visibility to turn on the compass guide for allowable deflection angles. Click Snapping to snap to the compass tick marks when laying out the pipe run.

    After you select two points to insert the first pressure pipe, the compass appears and displays the angles of bends in the parts list that match the selected size and material.

  8. Continue laying out the pressure network and press Enter to end the command.
  9. On the Pressure Network Plan Layout tab, click Close panel Close .

Branch fittings can be added at intersections of pipe runs in the same pressure network.