The toolbar provides two types of plot creation tools:
Freehand tools draw plots as a network of lines, curves, and polylines.
Precise sizing tools control the angles and directions of plot lines.
You can also set default values for the plot sizing parameters and the Automatic Layout options.
Tip: Object Snap can be very useful when creating plots, especially with the freehand tools. Use Object Snap to attach lines exactly to existing endpoints and vertices.
Note: Using the layout tools is the only activity possible while the Plot Layout Tools toolbar is open.
Click Home tabCreate Design panelPlot drop-downPlot Creation ToolsFind.
Click a plot layout tool.
In the Create Plots - Layout dialog box, you can edit default settings before creating any plots.
Specify a site with which to associate the plot or accept the default <None>. For more information, see About Sites.
Specify a plot style or accept the default style.
Specify the Object Layer Setting.
Specify the Plot Label Set or accept the default. Click OK.
Use the commands on the Plot Layout Tools toolbar to create the plot.