To Add Floating Straights to Profiles

To add a floating vertical straight with a specified gradient and length

Add a floating vertical straight by specifying a gradient and length.

  1. Click the profile. Click Profile tabModify Profile panelGeometry Editor Find.
  2. On the Profile Layout Tools toolbar, click Float Tangent (Gradient, Length).
  3. Select the fixed or floating curve to which you want to attach the straight.
  4. Specify the gradient.
  5. Specify the length.
    The specified gradient is held if you grip edit the length of these straights.

To add a floating vertical straight with a specified pass-through point

Add a floating vertical straight by specifying an attachment element and a pass-through point.

The figure shows a floating straight from an attached element (1) to a pass-through point (2).

  1. Click the profile. Click Profile tabModify Profile panelGeometry Editor Find.
  2. On the Profile Layout Tools toolbar, click Float Straight (Through Point).
  3. Specify the fixed or floating curve to which you want to attach the straight.
  4. Specify the pass-through point.

To add a floating vertical straight by best fit

You can define the best fit entity using a series of Autodesk Civil 3D points, AutoCAD points, existing entities or clicks on screen.

The illustration shows a floating vertical straight created by best fit from an existing endpoint (1). The Xs indicate the data points used to create the element.

Note: Each best fit profile element is drawn to the vertical scale set in the profile view style. To create an accurate best fit element, set the profile view style Vertical Exaggeration value to 1.000 to match the horizontal scale of the profile view.
  1. Set the profile view style Vertical Exaggeration value to 1.0000.
  2. Click the profile. Click Profile tabModify Profile panelGeometry Editor Find.
  3. On the Profile Layout Tools toolbar, click Float Straight - Best Fit.
  4. Select an existing fixed or floating profile element to which to attach the best fit straight.
  5. In the Straight by Best Fit dialog box, select one of the following:
    • From COGO Points. In plan view, select two or more points. Enter G to select a point group or N to enter points by number.
    • By Clicking On The Screen. Select a starting point and at least one other point. You can use OSNAP or transparent commands to select points.
    • From Elements. Specify the tessellation and mid-ordinate tolerance settings. You can select one or more of the element types listed on the command line. If you selected a profile element, specify the starting and ending station on the Specify Station Range dialog box.
    As you select points or elements in the drawing window, an X marks each regression point and a temporary, dashed line is displayed in real time. Press Enter to complete the command.
  6. In plan view, select two or more points. Enter G to select a point group or N to enter points by number.

    As the points are selected in plan view, an X marks each regression point and a temporary, dashed straight is displayed in the profile view.

  7. Press Enter to complete the command.
  8. In the Panorama window, use the Regression Data vista to modify the regression points.

    As you highlight a row in the Regression Data vista, the corresponding regression point in the drawing window is highlighted in red.

  9. Create the straight:
    • Click to create the straight and keep the Regression Data vista open.
    • Click to create the straight and close the Regression Data vista.