To Work With Conditional Assemblies

To create a conditional assembly

  1. Create an assembly containing at least one subassembly.
  2. In the tool palette, click the desired conditional subassembly. For example, you may want to select the ConditionalCutOrFill subassembly, which may be located on the Conditional tool palette.
  3. In the Properties palette, set the subassembly’s Side, Layout Width, Layout Gradient, Type, and Minimum\Maximum Distance parameters to indicate the conditions under which they should be applied. For example, the table below shows how to set these parameters for the ConditionalCutOrFill subassembly in a fill situation. You may want to specify these settings differently, depending on the type of condition you want to configure.
    Parameter Value Description
    Side Left Specifies which side of the assembly or corridor the subassembly is inserted towards.
    Layout Width 20.0000’ Specifies the length of the line that is drawn to represent this subassembly in layout mode. This parameter, in combination with the Layout Gradient parameter, allows you to position the ConditionalCutOrFill subassembly and subassemblies that are attached to it, but does not display or have any effect in the corridor model.
    Layout Gradient 4.000:1 Specifies the gradient of the line that is drawn to represent this subassembly in layout mode. This parameter, in combination with the Layout Width parameter, allows you to position the ConditionalCutOrFill subassembly and subassemblies that are attached to it, but does not display or have any effect in the corridor model.
    Type Fill Specifies the type of condition that when detected subsequent specified subassemblies will be applied to the assembly.
    Minimum Distance 0.0000’ When the Cut or Fill (Type) depth is between these two values, the subsequent subassemblies will be applied to the assembly.
    Maximum Distance 5.0000’
    Note: For the ConditionalCutOrFill subassembly, the Layout Width and Layout Gradient parameters only affect the appearance of the subassembly in layout view. These parameters enable you to position the conditional subassembly and the subassemblies that are attached to it, but do not affect the corridor model.
  4. If desired, you can add more conditional subassemblies to the same side of the assembly.
  5. Configure the opposite side of the assembly as desired. You can add conditional subassemblies to one or both sides.
  6. When you are finished adding subassemblies to the assembly, press Esc to exit subassembly placement mode.

    The next step is to assign descriptive names to each of the subassemblies in the conditional assembly. Assigning meaningful names to the subassemblies makes it easier to identify them when you are assigning targets, and helps you to identify subassemblies in the Subassemblies collection in Prospector.

To assign meaningful names to conditional subassemblies

  1. In the drawing, right-click the conditional assembly and select Assembly Properties.
  2. In the Assembly Properties dialog box, click the Construction tab.

    Subassemblies that are added to the one side of an assembly display the default names, followed by the side to which they were added.

  3. In the Item list, select the conditional subassembly that is located on the left side of the assembly. Click it again to highlight the text. Change the name so that it indicates the type of condition it is set to detect. In the following example, the name of the first conditional subassembly has been changed to COND Fill 0-5 for TR-L. In this example, COND indicates that this is a conditional subassembly. Fill indicates the type of condition that activates it. 0-5 indicates the minimum and maximum distance value of the fill condition it is looking for. In this example, TR-L is a reference to the name of the parent assembly this particular subassembly is associated with (in this case, “Through Road” or “TR” and “Left side” or “L”.)
  4. Rename any other conditional subassemblies in the assembly to meaningful names.
  5. Click OK.

After assigning meaningful names to the conditional subassemblies, the final step is to set the corridor targets.