Exposure Rollout (Physical Camera)

Sets the camera's exposure.

Install Exposure Control
Click to make Physical Camera exposure control the active exposure control.

If Physical Camera exposure control is already active, this button is disabled and its label reads, "Exposure Control Installed."

If a different exposure control is active, the other controls on this rollout are inactive.

By default, settings on this rollout override the global settings on the Physical Camera exposure control.

You can also set the Physical Camera exposure control to override the individual camera exposure settings.

Exposure Gain group

Models film speed (or its digital equivalent).

These two values are coupled: Changing either the Manual ISO value or the Target Exposure Value changes the other setting as well.

White Balance group

Adjusts the color balance.

Enable Vignetting
When on, rendering simulates the darkening that occurs at the edges of the film plane.

For a more physically accurate simulation of vignetting, use the Optical Vignetting (Cats Eye) control on the Bokeh (Depth of Field) rollout.

Amount Increase the amount to increase the vignetting effect. Default=1.0.

Exposure vignetting

Left: No vignetting; Right: Vignetting=100.0