To Specify the Rotation of a Surface Hatch

Use this procedure to specify the rotation of a surface hatch.

  1. Select the object for which you want to rotate an individual surface hatch, and click <Object> tabSurface Hatch panelAdd Override.
  2. Select the object face where you want to change the rotation.

    A profile surrounds the selected face.

  3. Specify where the override applies:
    If you want to… Then…
    override only the selected face of the object select Only Selected <Direction> Face for Faces. For example, to apply a surface hatch override only to the selected Front face of a wall, select Only Selected Front Face.
    override all faces of the object in the same view direction select All <Direction> Faces for Faces. For example, to apply a surface hatch override to all Top faces of a selected column, select All Top Faces.
  4. Specify the rotation of the surface hatch.

    Specifying surface hatch rotation angles

  5. Click OK.