To Edit Surface Hatch Overrides

Use this procedure to edit a surface hatch override that you applied to an object.

  1. Select the object that has a surface override you want to change, and click the <Object> tabSurface Hatch panel Edit Override.
  2. Select the profile of the face you want to edit.

    If you have multiple surface hatch overrides on one object face, be sure to select the override you want to change.

  3. Click Edit In Place tabProfile panel Edit Hatch Override.
  4. Edit the surface hatch override:
    If you want to… Then…
    hide a surface hatch select Hide Surface Hatching.
    re-display a hidden surface hatch clear Hide Surface Hatching.
    change the rotation of the surface hatch enter a value for Rotation, or click and specify the rotation on screen.
    change the offset of the surface hatch enter a value for X Offset or Y Offset, or click and specify the offset on screen.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click (Finish) on the Edits panel to save the changes.