In this exercise you convert color images to bitonal (black and white) images.
You convert a color image of a USGS quad sheet to a bitonal image, preparing to trace the contours with AutoCAD Raster Design toolset Vectorization Tools.
Before doing this exercise, ensure that AutoCAD Raster Design toolset options are set as described in the exercise Exercise A1: Setting AutoCAD Raster Design Toolset Options.
Convert the image to bitonal
Use the Threshold slider to determine which pixels will be black and which will be white after you convert the image.
This exercise uses one image. However, if you select multiple images, you can select the image name below the preview to observe the effect of the threshold value on that image. The selected images convert to black and white when you click Apply and Close.
Save the image
Invert the image
After you convert an image (and invert it, if necessary), you typically use the editing filters, such as Despeckle and the bitonal filters, to eliminate raster data that could interfere with tracing the contours.