About Coding Methods

Important: It is recommended that you use <space> as the Field/Code Delimiter Property Value. Using decimal characters as the Field/Code Delimiter Property Value may cause certain codes to fail. For example the (decimal). character is valid for a right-turn value and the (minus sign) - character is valid for a negative right-turn value.
Property Example Description

Feature/Code Delimiter: code that indicates the separation of the feature name from the code.


A “ “ (space) is the recommended delimiter.

Field Code Escape: code that indicates that anything entered after the escape indicator is a comment.

EP1 SW1 B/Start of sidewalk

A / (forward slash) is the recommended escape. Start of sidewalk is a comment.

You can enter and exit comment mode using multiple slashes. In the following example, /parking space line/is a comment and ignored. EP1 B/parking space line/LN CPN211.

Automatic Begin on Figure Prefix Match


Select Yes to specify that in EP1 B, EP1 matches the figure prefix of EP, and B is the Begin code.

Specify No, if you do not want the first instance of EP1 to automatically start a new figure named EP. To start a new figure named EP, when EP1 is not an active figure, enter a code for the point as EP1 B, where B is the Begin code in the current linework code set.