To Create a Report

  1. In the Infrastructure Administrator, do one of the following:
    • Click Enterprise and connect to the enterprise industry model. Open a project.
    • Click File and open an industry model drawing or template.
  2. Select the Industry Model node.
  3. On the Administrator toolbar, click the Report Designer icon .
  4. Click New Report and enter a report name, such as Label Definition Overview.
  5. In the New Report dialog box, specify the layout of the report, as shown in the following table:
    Table/Form Select the feature class or view that contains the data to print.
    Title Specify the name of the report.
    Style Select Formular to print every record on a new page (Page Break Before = true).

    Select Table/List to print the records continuously (Page Break Before = False).

    See also Report Designer: Page Controls.

    Format Select the paper format. See also Report Designer Menu Bar, Options menu.
    Attributes Select the feature class attributes to add to the report.
  6. Click OK to create the report definition.

    The definition contains the page heading with title and print date and the page body. The page body has detail child sections with captions for the selected attributes, and a detail head and foot section.

  7. To add text to a section:
    • Click the section to edit in the right pane.
    • Click Add menu > Text and enter the text.
    • Click the new text and change any of its properties (in the left pane on the Design tab).
    • Use the mouse to move and resize the text box and change the height of the page head section in the right pane.

    For more information on text controls, see Report Designer: Text Control.

  8. To add a SQL statement to a body section:
    • Click a body section to edit in the right pane.
    • In the left pane, select the SQL property and click .

      The SQL property is in the Group: Page section for the Page Body and Page Foot sections and in the Group: Detail section for the child sections.

    • In the SQL Assistant, enter a SQL statement, for example:
      select * from TB_LABEL_DEF where {Parameter.Filter}

      Use the tables list, and the Advanced Controls to enter the SQL statement. For example, instead of typing the table name, select the table, and double click. Instead of typing the parameter expression, select the parameter in the list, and double click.

    • In the SQL Assistant, click Execute to validate the SQL statement.
    • Click OK to exit the SQL Assistant.

    For more information on SQL statements for reports, see Report Designer: SQL Statements.

  9. To add a database attribute to a body section:
    • Click a body section to edit in the right pane.
    • Click Add menu > DB Column.
    • Select any attribute that is retrieved by the body section SQL statement.

      Select the DB attribute from a list, or, if you know the attribute name, enter it. Make sure the attribute name is in {} braces. You can also mix parameters, such as {Column} with static text, functions, and parameters.

    • Position the controls with the mouse.

      The application replaces the value {Parameter.Filter} at runtime with the current filter of the relevant form. Only the data of the current filtered records is printed.

    For more information on DB column controls, see Report Designer: DB Column Control.

  10. To add a picture control:
    • Click a body section to edit in the right pane.
    • Click Add menu > Picture.
    • Select the rectangle representing the picture.
    • Position and size the rectangle with the mouse.
    • Change the picture control properties using the options in the Control section in the left panel.

      For more information on these options, see Report Designer Picture Control.

    Note: Note: You can also add charts, functions, units, and parameters. See Report Designer Reference for detailed information.
  11. To add page numbers to the report footer:
    • Click the Page Foot section.
    • Click Add menu > Special > Page X Of Y to add a page counter.
    • Click Add menu > Line to add a line to separate the foot from the body.
    • Position and size the controls with the mouse.
  12. Save and preview the report:
    • Click Report menu > Save.
    • In the left pane, click the Preview tab to display the report.

      You can print or export the report to HTML or ASCII.

    • Click Report menu > Quit to exit the Report Designer.