CATHierarchyBranch : FloatController

CATHierarchyBranch : FloatController {94e2d9c,2c702b5} 

This Controller is a component of the CAT Motion Controllers Hierarchy of 3ds Max CAT.


Class instances not creatable by MAXScript


CATHierarchyBranch CATHierarchyBranch2 


 <CATHierarchyBranch>.Branches (Layer) : float array 

Contains the array of sub-branches of the current controller.

Accessing the .controller property if the array's items returns the CATHierarchyBranch controller of the corresponding sub-branch.

 <CATHierarchyBranch>.BranchNames (LayerNames) : string array 

Get/set the array of sub-branch names.

 <CATHierarchyBranch>.Expandable : integer 

Get/set the Expandable option value.

 <CATHierarchyBranch>.BranchParent : maxObject 

Contains the parent controller of the current branch.

This can be either a CATHierarchyRoot or a CATHierarchyBranch controller.

 <CATHierarchyBranch>.BranchIndex : integer 

Contains the index of the current branch within the hierarchy of its parent.

 <CATHierarchyBranch>.BranchOwner : maxObject 

Contains the branch owner controller.

 <CATHierarchyBranch>.Leaves : maxObject array 

Contains the array of CATHierarchyLeaf controllers.

 <CATHierarchyBranch>.LeafNames : string array 

Contains the array of leaf names.

 <CATHierarchyBranch>.UIType : integer 

Get/set the UI Type option value.

 <CATHierarchyBranch>.isWelded : integer 

Get/set the Welded option value.

 <CATHierarchyBranch>.Controller : maxObject array 

Contains an array of controllers.

 <CATHierarchyBranch>.OwnerSubNum : integer 

Contains the Sub-anim index within the Owner of the Branch.

 <CATHierarchyBranch>.Limbs (CATLimbData) : maxObject array 

Contains an array of CATLimbData2 controllers.

 <CATHierarchyBranch>.CATHierarchyRoot : maxObject 

Contains the CATHierarchyRoot controller of the Branch.