class | IGenericEvent |
| IGenericEvent is a common class to all notifications events received: More...
struct | ParamBlockData |
| Is a data structure for parameter blocks updates, used with events such as : EventType_Material_ParamBlock, EventType_Node_ParamBlock, ... All related to paramblocks updates. More...
struct | ParamBlockData::ContainerTypeAndIndex |
| Is a data structure for parameter blocks container information Retrieve the parameter block that was updated in the references or custom attributes or whatever of the Object* from the INode* or Mtl* or Texmap* etc... Example is a parameter from the shadow generator of a light node has been updated : m_ParamBlockType is the type of the param block such as PB1 or PB2 m_ParamBlockIndexPath contains the path to retrieve which parameter block was udpated. More...
class | IMaterialEvent |
| You receive a IMaterialEvent instance when something is changed in a Material: Events monitored : all related to materials. More...
class | ITexmapEvent |
| You receive a ITexmapEvent instance when something is changed in a Texmap: Events monitored : all related to texmaps. More...
class | IReferenceTargetEvent |
| You receive a IReferenceTargetEvent instance when something is changed in a ReferenceTarget: Events monitored : all related to reference targetss. More...
class | INodeEvent |
| Base class for all events associated with notifier types: NotifierType_Node_*. More...
class | INodeParamBlockEvent |
| Event related to a parameter block change in a node's object. More...
class | INodePropertyEvent |
| Event related to a change in a node's object GI properties. More...
class | IViewEvent |
| You receive a IViewEvent instance when something dealing with the view has changed: Events received with that class : EventType_View_Transform or EventType_View_Active. More...
class | ISceneNodeEvent |
| You receive a ISceneNodeEvent instance when some nodes have been added/removed to/from the scene Event monitored: EventType_Scene_Node_Added/EventType_Scene_Node_Removed. More...
enum | NodeEventType {
EventType_Node_ParamBlock =1<<0
, EventType_Node_Uncategorized =1<<1
, EventType_Node_WireColor =1<<2
, EventType_Node_Transform =1<<3
EventType_Node_Deleted =1<<4
, EventType_Node_Hide =1<<5
, EventType_Node_Selection =1<<6
, EventType_Node_Material_Replaced =1<<7
EventType_Node_Material_Updated =1<<8
, EventType_Node_Reference =1<<9
, EventType_Node_RenderProperty =1<<10
, EventType_Node_GIProperty =1<<11
EventType_Node_DisplayProperty =1<<12
, EventType_Mesh_Vertices =1<<13
, EventType_Mesh_Faces =1<<14
, EventType_Mesh_UVs =1<<15
} |
| The classes instances we receive when we are notified of a change: More...
enum | MaterialEventType { EventType_Material_ParamBlock =1<<0
, EventType_Material_Deleted =1<<1
, EventType_Material_Reference =1<<2
, EventType_Material_Uncategorized =1<<3
} |
| The update types for materials, you will receive a IMaterialEvent. More...
enum | TexmapEventType { EventType_Texmap_ParamBlock =1<<0
, EventType_Texmap_Deleted =1<<1
, EventType_Texmap_Uncategorized =1<<2
} |
| The update types for materials, you will receive a ITexmapEvent. More...
enum | ReferenceTargetEventType { EventType_ReferenceTarget_ParamBlock =1<<0
, EventType_ReferenceTarget_Deleted =1<<1
, EventType_ReferenceTarget_Uncategorized =1<<2
} |
| The update types for materials, you will receive a ITexmapEvent. More...
enum | ViewEventType {
EventType_View_Properties = 1<<0
, EventType_View_Active = 1<<1
, EventType_View_Deleted = 1<<2
, EventType_View_Type = 1<<3
EventType_View_NodesFiltered = 1<<4
} |
enum | SceneEventType { EventType_Scene_Node_Added =1<<0
, EventType_Scene_Node_Removed =1<<1
} |
enum | RenderSettingsEventType { EventType_RenderSettings_LockView =1<<0
} |
enum | RenderEnvironmentEventType { EventType_RenderEnvironment_BackgroundColor =1<<0
, EventType_RenderEnvironment_EnvironmentMap =1<<1
, EventType_RenderEnvironment_EnvironmentMapState =2<<2
} |
enum | NotifierType {
, NotifierType_Node_Light
, NotifierType_Node_Helper
, NotifierType_Node_Geom
, NotifierType_Texmap
, NotifierType_ReferenceTarget
, NotifierType_View
, NotifierType_RenderSettings
, NotifierType_RenderEnvironment
} |
| The types of notifiers which may be registered, each corresponding to its own event class. More...
This file contains The notification API events we receive when something is updated in the scene