3ds Max C++ API Reference
No Matches
CharBinaryStream Class Reference

#include <CharBinaryStream.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for CharBinaryStream:

Public Member Functions

 CharBinaryStream ()
virtual ~CharBinaryStream ()
bool Open (MaxSDK::Util::BinaryStream *pStream, const MSTR &mode, unsigned int encoding=-1)
 Open a text file.
MaxSDK::Util::Char get_char () override
void unget_char (const MaxSDK::Util::Char &c) override
MaxSDK::Util::Char peek_char () override
int at_eos () override
void rewind () override
void seek (int pos) override
unsigned int pos () override
unsigned int line () override
void flush () override
void flush_to_eol () override
MaxSDK::Util::Char putch (const MaxSDK::Util::Char &c) override
const MCHARputs (const MCHAR *str) override
int printf (const MCHAR *format,...) override
void close () override
bool IsEncrypted () const
void check_file_is_open () const
void check_readable () const
void check_writeable () const
void check_is_not_eof () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CharStream
ScripterExport CharStream ()
virtual ~CharStream ()
 classof_methods (CharStream, Value)
BOOL _is_charstream () override
void gc_trace () override
virtual MaxSDK::Util::Char get_char ()=0
virtual void unget_char (const MaxSDK::Util::Char &c)=0
virtual MaxSDK::Util::Char peek_char ()=0
virtual int at_eos ()=0
virtual void rewind ()=0
virtual unsigned int pos ()
virtual unsigned int line ()
virtual void seek (int pos)
virtual void flush_to_eol ()=0
virtual void flush_to_eobuf ()
virtual void flush_whitespace ()
virtual MaxSDK::Util::Char putch (const MaxSDK::Util::Char &c)
virtual const MCHARputs (const MCHAR *str)
virtual int printf (const MCHAR *format,...)
virtual void close ()
virtual void flush ()
virtual void log_to (CharStream *log)
virtual void close_log ()
virtual Listenerget_listener ()
virtual CharStreamget_log ()
virtual Valueget_file_name ()
virtual void set_file_name (const MCHAR *fileName)
virtual CharStreamget_resource_value_stream (Value *resourceID)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Value
virtual ScripterExport BOOL is_kind_of (ValueMetaClass *c)
virtual ScripterExport ValueMetaClasslocal_base_class ()
virtual Valueeval ()
virtual Valueeval_no_wrapper ()
virtual ScripterExport Valueapply (Value **arglist, int count, CallContext *cc=nullptr)
virtual ScripterExport Valueapply_no_alloc_frame (Value **arglist, int count, CallContext *cc=nullptr)
virtual void export_to_scripter ()
virtual Valuemap (node_map &m)
virtual Valuemap_path (PathName *path, node_map &m)
virtual Valuefind_first (BOOL(*test_fn)(INode *node, int level, const void *arg), const void *test_arg)
virtual Valueget_path (PathName *path)
virtual ScripterExport void sprin1 (CharStream *stream)
virtual ScripterExport void sprint (CharStream *stream)
virtual void prin1 ()
virtual void print ()
virtual Class_ID get_max_class_id ()
virtual Valuedelete_vf (Value **arglist, int arg_count)
virtual ValueclearSelection_vf (Value **arglist, int arg_count)
virtual float to_float ()
virtual double to_double ()
virtual const MCHARto_string ()
virtual MSTR to_mstr ()
virtual MSTR to_filename ()
virtual int to_int ()
virtual INT64 to_int64 ()
virtual INT_PTR to_intptr ()
virtual BOOL to_bool ()
virtual BitArrayto_bitarray ()
virtual Point4 to_point4 ()
virtual Point3 to_point3 ()
virtual Point2 to_point2 ()
virtual AColor to_acolor ()
virtual COLORREF to_colorref ()
virtual INodeto_node ()
virtual Ray to_ray ()
virtual Interval to_interval ()
virtual Quat to_quat ()
virtual AngAxis to_angaxis ()
virtual Matrix3to_matrix3 ()
virtual Box3 to_box3 ()
virtual float * to_eulerangles ()
virtual Mtlto_mtl ()
virtual Texmapto_texmap ()
virtual MtlBaseto_mtlbase ()
virtual Modifierto_modifier ()
virtual TimeValue to_timevalue ()
virtual Controlto_controller ()
virtual Atmosphericto_atmospheric ()
virtual Effectto_effect ()
virtual IMultiPassCameraEffectto_mpassCamEffect ()
virtual ShadowTypeto_shadowtype ()
virtual FilterKernelto_filter ()
virtual INodeto_rootnode ()
virtual ITrackViewNodeto_trackviewnode ()
virtual NURBSIndependentPointto_nurbsindependentpoint ()
virtual NURBSPointto_nurbspoint ()
virtual NURBSObjectto_nurbsobject ()
virtual NURBSControlVertexto_nurbscontrolvertex ()
virtual NURBSCurveto_nurbscurve ()
virtual NURBSCVCurveto_nurbscvcurve ()
virtual NURBSSurfaceto_nurbssurface ()
virtual NURBSTexturePointto_nurbstexturepoint ()
virtual NURBSSetto_nurbsset ()
virtual ReferenceTargetto_reftarg ()
virtual Meshto_mesh ()
virtual BezierShapeto_beziershape ()
virtual Thunkto_thunk ()
virtual void to_fpvalue (FPValue &v)
virtual Rendererto_renderer ()
virtual Box2to_box2 ()
virtual NURBSTextureSurfaceto_nurbstexturesurface ()
virtual NURBSDisplayto_nurbsdisplay ()
virtual TessApproxto_tessapprox ()
virtual Valuewiden_to (Value *arg, Value **arg_list)
virtual BOOL comparable (Value *arg)
virtual BOOL special_case_compare (Value *arg, bool &specialCaseCompareResult)
virtual ScripterExport Valuedeep_copy (HashTable *remapper)
virtual BOOL is_const ()
virtual ScripterExport Valueget_property (Value **arg_list, int count)
virtual ScripterExport Valueset_property (Value **arg_list, int count)
ScripterExport Value_get_property (Value *prop)
virtual ScripterExport Value_set_property (Value *prop, Value *val)
virtual Valueget_container_property (Value *prop, Value *cur_prop)
virtual Valueset_container_property (Value *prop, Value *val, Value *cur_prop)
virtual BOOL _is_collection ()
virtual BOOL _is_charstream ()
virtual BOOL _is_rolloutcontrol ()
virtual BOOL _is_rolloutthunk ()
virtual BOOL _is_function ()
virtual BOOL _is_selection ()
virtual BOOL _is_thunk ()
virtual BOOL _is_indirect_thunk ()
virtual SelectionIteratorselection_iterator ()
virtual ScripterExport IOResult Save (ISave *isave)
virtual void drop_MAX_refs ()
virtual BaseInterfaceGetInterface (Interface_ID id)
ScripterExport Valuemake_heap_permanent ()
ScripterExport Valuemake_heap_static ()
ScripterExport Valueget_heap_ptr ()
ScripterExport Valueget_stack_heap_ptr ()
ScripterExport Valuemigrate_to_heap ()
ScripterExport Valueget_live_ptr ()
virtual BOOL object_supports_case_sensitive_names ()
ScripterExport Value_get_property (Value *prop, Value *prop_name_as_parsed)
ScripterExport Value_set_property (Value *prop, Value *val, Value *prop_name_as_parsed)
virtual ScripterExport Valueget_case_sensitive_property (Value **arg_list, int count, const TCHAR *case_sensitive_name)
virtual ScripterExport Valueset_case_sensitive_property (Value **arg_list, int count, const TCHAR *case_sensitive_name)
ScripterExport Valueinvoke_getter_case_sensitive_property (Value *target, getter_vf getter, Value **arg_list, int count, const TCHAR *case_sensitive_name, const TCHAR *nested_prop_case_sensitive_name)
ScripterExport Valueinvoke_setter_case_sensitive_property (Value *target, setter_vf setter, Value **arg_list, int count, const TCHAR *case_sensitive_name, const TCHAR *nested_prop_case_sensitive_name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Collectable
ScripterExport Collectable ()
virtual ScripterExport ~Collectable ()
ScripterExport voidoperator new (size_t sz, char flag)
ScripterExport voidoperator new (size_t sz)
ScripterExport void operator delete (void *val)
ScripterExport void operator delete (void *val, char flag)
virtual void collect ()=0
virtual ScripterExport void gc_trace ()
ScripterExport bool derives_from_Animatable ()
virtual BOOL derives_from_MAXWrapper ()
ScripterExport void make_collectable ()
void make_permanent ()
void make_static ()
int is_marked ()
int is_not_marked ()
int is_garbage ()
int is_permanent ()
void mark_in_use ()
void unmark_in_use ()
int has_heap_copy ()
int is_in_heap ()
int is_on_stack ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void ThrowNotOpenedError () const
virtual void ThrowNotReadableError () const
virtual void ThrowNotWritableError () const
virtual void ThrowReachEOFError () const

Protected Attributes

- Protected Attributes inherited from CharStream
unsigned int mlineNumber

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Collectable
static ScripterExport void for_all_values (void(*map_fn)(Value *val), ValueMapper *mapper=nullptr, ValueMetaClass *c=nullptr)
static void mark ()
static void sweep ()
static void setup (size_t)
static ScripterExport void gc ()
static void coalesce_free_list ()
static void close_down ()
static void drop_maxwrapper_refs ()
static ScripterExport void push_alloc_stack_frame ()
static ScripterExport void pop_alloc_stack_frame ()
static ScripterExport ULONGLONG get_num_values_created ()
static ScripterExport bool validate_value_linkages ()
- Public Attributes inherited from Value
- Public Attributes inherited from Collectable
byte flags
byte flags2
short flags3
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Collectable
static CRITICAL_SECTION heap_update
static Collectablecollectable_list
static Collectablepermanent_list
static free_memfree_list [GC_NUM_SUBLISTS]
static size_t heap_allocated
static size_t heap_size
static ScripterExport collectable_state state
static ScripterExport bool fullCollectNextHoldFlush
static bool gc_light
static bool in_gc
static HANDLE hGCCompletedEvent
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Value
static ScripterExport Valuekeyarg_marker_value

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CharBinaryStream()

◆ ~CharBinaryStream()

virtual ~CharBinaryStream ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Open()

bool Open ( MaxSDK::Util::BinaryStream pStream,
const MSTR mode,
unsigned int  encoding = -1 

Open a text file.

[in]pStreamThe binary stream that holds the file.
[in]modeThe file open mode. See the MAXScript Help file, topic FileStream Values, for a description of the mode string values.
[in]encodingThe encoding to use if if can not be determined from the file contents, If -1, a default encoding based on the file language settings in Preference /Files (exposed through Interface14) will be used.
false if pStream is null or this instance already has an open stream, true otherwise.

◆ get_char()

MaxSDK::Util::Char get_char ( )

Implements CharStream.

◆ unget_char()

void unget_char ( const MaxSDK::Util::Char c)

Implements CharStream.

◆ peek_char()

MaxSDK::Util::Char peek_char ( )

Implements CharStream.

◆ at_eos()

int at_eos ( )

Implements CharStream.

◆ rewind()

void rewind ( )

Implements CharStream.

◆ seek()

void seek ( int  pos)

Reimplemented from CharStream.

Reimplemented in FileStream.

◆ pos()

unsigned int pos ( )

Reimplemented from CharStream.

◆ line()

unsigned int line ( )

Reimplemented from CharStream.

◆ flush()

void flush ( )

Reimplemented from CharStream.

◆ flush_to_eol()

void flush_to_eol ( )

Implements CharStream.

◆ putch()

MaxSDK::Util::Char putch ( const MaxSDK::Util::Char c)

Reimplemented from CharStream.

◆ puts()

const MCHAR * puts ( const MCHAR str)

Reimplemented from CharStream.

◆ printf()

int printf ( const MCHAR format,

Reimplemented from CharStream.

◆ close()

void close ( )

Reimplemented from CharStream.

◆ IsEncrypted()

bool IsEncrypted ( ) const

◆ check_file_is_open()

void check_file_is_open ( ) const

◆ check_readable()

void check_readable ( ) const

◆ check_writeable()

void check_writeable ( ) const

◆ check_is_not_eof()

void check_is_not_eof ( ) const

◆ ThrowNotOpenedError()

virtual void ThrowNotOpenedError ( ) const

Reimplemented in FileStream.

◆ ThrowNotReadableError()

virtual void ThrowNotReadableError ( ) const

◆ ThrowNotWritableError()

virtual void ThrowNotWritableError ( ) const

◆ ThrowReachEOFError()

virtual void ThrowReachEOFError ( ) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ stream

MaxSDK::Util::BinaryStream* stream

◆ textReader

◆ textWriter