3ds Max C++ API Reference
No Matches
ReadonlyTextFileStream Class Reference

ReadonlyTextFileStream is only used for opening text file in read-only mode. More...

#include <readonlytextfilestream.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for ReadonlyTextFileStream:

Public Member Functions

ScripterExport ReadonlyTextFileStream ()
 The default constructor.
 ~ReadonlyTextFileStream ()
 The default destructor.
ScripterExport ReadonlyTextFileStreamopen (const MCHAR *ifile_name, unsigned int encoding=-1)
 Open a new text file.
MaxSDK::Util::Char get_char () override
void unget_char (const MaxSDK::Util::Char &c) override
MaxSDK::Util::Char peek_char () override
int at_eos () override
unsigned int pos () override
void seek (int pos) override
void rewind () override
void flush_to_eol () override
MaxSDK::Util::Char putch (const MaxSDK::Util::Char &c) override
const MCHARputs (const MCHAR *str) override
int printf (const MCHAR *format,...) override
void collect () override
void close () override
void gc_trace () override
void log_to (CharStream *log) override
void close_log () override
CharStreamget_log () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from CharStream
ScripterExport CharStream ()
virtual ~CharStream ()
 classof_methods (CharStream, Value)
BOOL _is_charstream () override
void gc_trace () override
virtual MaxSDK::Util::Char get_char ()=0
virtual void unget_char (const MaxSDK::Util::Char &c)=0
virtual MaxSDK::Util::Char peek_char ()=0
virtual int at_eos ()=0
virtual void rewind ()=0
virtual unsigned int pos ()
virtual unsigned int line ()
virtual void seek (int pos)
virtual void flush_to_eol ()=0
virtual void flush_to_eobuf ()
virtual void flush_whitespace ()
virtual MaxSDK::Util::Char putch (const MaxSDK::Util::Char &c)
virtual const MCHARputs (const MCHAR *str)
virtual int printf (const MCHAR *format,...)
virtual void close ()
virtual void flush ()
virtual void log_to (CharStream *log)
virtual void close_log ()
virtual Listenerget_listener ()
virtual CharStreamget_log ()
virtual Valueget_file_name ()
virtual void set_file_name (const MCHAR *fileName)
virtual CharStreamget_resource_value_stream (Value *resourceID)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Value
virtual ScripterExport BOOL is_kind_of (ValueMetaClass *c)
virtual ScripterExport ValueMetaClasslocal_base_class ()
virtual Valueeval ()
virtual Valueeval_no_wrapper ()
virtual ScripterExport Valueapply (Value **arglist, int count, CallContext *cc=nullptr)
virtual ScripterExport Valueapply_no_alloc_frame (Value **arglist, int count, CallContext *cc=nullptr)
virtual void export_to_scripter ()
virtual Valuemap (node_map &m)
virtual Valuemap_path (PathName *path, node_map &m)
virtual Valuefind_first (BOOL(*test_fn)(INode *node, int level, const void *arg), const void *test_arg)
virtual Valueget_path (PathName *path)
virtual ScripterExport void sprin1 (CharStream *stream)
virtual ScripterExport void sprint (CharStream *stream)
virtual void prin1 ()
virtual void print ()
virtual Class_ID get_max_class_id ()
virtual Valuedelete_vf (Value **arglist, int arg_count)
virtual ValueclearSelection_vf (Value **arglist, int arg_count)
virtual float to_float ()
virtual double to_double ()
virtual const MCHARto_string ()
virtual MSTR to_mstr ()
virtual MSTR to_filename ()
virtual int to_int ()
virtual INT64 to_int64 ()
virtual INT_PTR to_intptr ()
virtual BOOL to_bool ()
virtual BitArrayto_bitarray ()
virtual Point4 to_point4 ()
virtual Point3 to_point3 ()
virtual Point2 to_point2 ()
virtual AColor to_acolor ()
virtual COLORREF to_colorref ()
virtual INodeto_node ()
virtual Ray to_ray ()
virtual Interval to_interval ()
virtual Quat to_quat ()
virtual AngAxis to_angaxis ()
virtual Matrix3to_matrix3 ()
virtual Box3 to_box3 ()
virtual float * to_eulerangles ()
virtual Mtlto_mtl ()
virtual Texmapto_texmap ()
virtual MtlBaseto_mtlbase ()
virtual Modifierto_modifier ()
virtual TimeValue to_timevalue ()
virtual Controlto_controller ()
virtual Atmosphericto_atmospheric ()
virtual Effectto_effect ()
virtual IMultiPassCameraEffectto_mpassCamEffect ()
virtual ShadowTypeto_shadowtype ()
virtual FilterKernelto_filter ()
virtual INodeto_rootnode ()
virtual ITrackViewNodeto_trackviewnode ()
virtual NURBSIndependentPointto_nurbsindependentpoint ()
virtual NURBSPointto_nurbspoint ()
virtual NURBSObjectto_nurbsobject ()
virtual NURBSControlVertexto_nurbscontrolvertex ()
virtual NURBSCurveto_nurbscurve ()
virtual NURBSCVCurveto_nurbscvcurve ()
virtual NURBSSurfaceto_nurbssurface ()
virtual NURBSTexturePointto_nurbstexturepoint ()
virtual NURBSSetto_nurbsset ()
virtual ReferenceTargetto_reftarg ()
virtual Meshto_mesh ()
virtual BezierShapeto_beziershape ()
virtual Thunkto_thunk ()
virtual void to_fpvalue (FPValue &v)
virtual Rendererto_renderer ()
virtual Box2to_box2 ()
virtual NURBSTextureSurfaceto_nurbstexturesurface ()
virtual NURBSDisplayto_nurbsdisplay ()
virtual TessApproxto_tessapprox ()
virtual Valuewiden_to (Value *arg, Value **arg_list)
virtual BOOL comparable (Value *arg)
virtual BOOL special_case_compare (Value *arg, bool &specialCaseCompareResult)
virtual ScripterExport Valuedeep_copy (HashTable *remapper)
virtual BOOL is_const ()
virtual ScripterExport Valueget_property (Value **arg_list, int count)
virtual ScripterExport Valueset_property (Value **arg_list, int count)
ScripterExport Value_get_property (Value *prop)
virtual ScripterExport Value_set_property (Value *prop, Value *val)
virtual Valueget_container_property (Value *prop, Value *cur_prop)
virtual Valueset_container_property (Value *prop, Value *val, Value *cur_prop)
virtual BOOL _is_collection ()
virtual BOOL _is_charstream ()
virtual BOOL _is_rolloutcontrol ()
virtual BOOL _is_rolloutthunk ()
virtual BOOL _is_function ()
virtual BOOL _is_selection ()
virtual BOOL _is_thunk ()
virtual BOOL _is_indirect_thunk ()
virtual SelectionIteratorselection_iterator ()
virtual ScripterExport IOResult Save (ISave *isave)
virtual void drop_MAX_refs ()
virtual BaseInterfaceGetInterface (Interface_ID id)
ScripterExport Valuemake_heap_permanent ()
ScripterExport Valuemake_heap_static ()
ScripterExport Valueget_heap_ptr ()
ScripterExport Valueget_stack_heap_ptr ()
ScripterExport Valuemigrate_to_heap ()
ScripterExport Valueget_live_ptr ()
virtual BOOL object_supports_case_sensitive_names ()
ScripterExport Value_get_property (Value *prop, Value *prop_name_as_parsed)
ScripterExport Value_set_property (Value *prop, Value *val, Value *prop_name_as_parsed)
virtual ScripterExport Valueget_case_sensitive_property (Value **arg_list, int count, const TCHAR *case_sensitive_name)
virtual ScripterExport Valueset_case_sensitive_property (Value **arg_list, int count, const TCHAR *case_sensitive_name)
ScripterExport Valueinvoke_getter_case_sensitive_property (Value *target, getter_vf getter, Value **arg_list, int count, const TCHAR *case_sensitive_name, const TCHAR *nested_prop_case_sensitive_name)
ScripterExport Valueinvoke_setter_case_sensitive_property (Value *target, setter_vf setter, Value **arg_list, int count, const TCHAR *case_sensitive_name, const TCHAR *nested_prop_case_sensitive_name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Collectable
ScripterExport Collectable ()
virtual ScripterExport ~Collectable ()
ScripterExport voidoperator new (size_t sz, char flag)
ScripterExport voidoperator new (size_t sz)
ScripterExport void operator delete (void *val)
ScripterExport void operator delete (void *val, char flag)
virtual void collect ()=0
virtual ScripterExport void gc_trace ()
ScripterExport bool derives_from_Animatable ()
virtual BOOL derives_from_MAXWrapper ()
ScripterExport void make_collectable ()
void make_permanent ()
void make_static ()
int is_marked ()
int is_not_marked ()
int is_garbage ()
int is_permanent ()
void mark_in_use ()
void unmark_in_use ()
int has_heap_copy ()
int is_in_heap ()
int is_on_stack ()

Protected Attributes

int mUngetcharCount
MaxSDK::Util::Char mUngetcharBuf [8]
size_t mCharCount
size_t mCharPos
- Protected Attributes inherited from CharStream
unsigned int mlineNumber

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Collectable
static ScripterExport void for_all_values (void(*map_fn)(Value *val), ValueMapper *mapper=nullptr, ValueMetaClass *c=nullptr)
static void mark ()
static void sweep ()
static void setup (size_t)
static ScripterExport void gc ()
static void coalesce_free_list ()
static void close_down ()
static void drop_maxwrapper_refs ()
static ScripterExport void push_alloc_stack_frame ()
static ScripterExport void pop_alloc_stack_frame ()
static ScripterExport ULONGLONG get_num_values_created ()
static ScripterExport bool validate_value_linkages ()
- Public Attributes inherited from Value
- Public Attributes inherited from Collectable
byte flags
byte flags2
short flags3
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Collectable
static CRITICAL_SECTION heap_update
static Collectablecollectable_list
static Collectablepermanent_list
static free_memfree_list [GC_NUM_SUBLISTS]
static size_t heap_allocated
static size_t heap_size
static ScripterExport collectable_state state
static ScripterExport bool fullCollectNextHoldFlush
static bool gc_light
static bool in_gc
static HANDLE hGCCompletedEvent
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Value
static ScripterExport Valuekeyarg_marker_value

Detailed Description

ReadonlyTextFileStream is only used for opening text file in read-only mode.

It's equivalent to use FileStream when opening files in "rt" mode. But FileStream is very slow when reading files. So we optimize the original codes in FileStream and create this new class which is thousand times faster for reading text files than FileStream.

Invoke any non-read-only methods in ReadonlyTextFileStream will result in a runtime exception. Such methods include putch(),puts(),printf().

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ReadonlyTextFileStream()

The default constructor.

◆ ~ReadonlyTextFileStream()

The default destructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ open()

ScripterExport ReadonlyTextFileStream * open ( const MCHAR ifile_name,
unsigned int  encoding = -1 

Open a new text file.

[in]ifile_nameThe file name.
[in]encodingThe encoding to use if if can not be determined from the file contents, If -1, a default encoding based on the file language setting in Preference /Files (exposed through Interface14) will be used.
The ReadonlyTextFileStream instance itself if max is able to open the file or undefined if it fails.

◆ get_char()

MaxSDK::Util::Char get_char ( )

Implements CharStream.

◆ unget_char()

void unget_char ( const MaxSDK::Util::Char c)

Implements CharStream.

◆ peek_char()

MaxSDK::Util::Char peek_char ( )

Implements CharStream.

◆ at_eos()

int at_eos ( )

Implements CharStream.

◆ pos()

unsigned int pos ( )

Reimplemented from CharStream.

◆ seek()

void seek ( int  pos)

Reimplemented from CharStream.

◆ rewind()

void rewind ( )

Implements CharStream.

◆ flush_to_eol()

void flush_to_eol ( )

Implements CharStream.

◆ putch()

MaxSDK::Util::Char putch ( const MaxSDK::Util::Char c)

Reimplemented from CharStream.

◆ puts()

const MCHAR * puts ( const MCHAR str)

Reimplemented from CharStream.

◆ printf()

int printf ( const MCHAR format,

Reimplemented from CharStream.

◆ collect()

void collect ( )

Implements Collectable.

◆ close()

void close ( )

Reimplemented from CharStream.

◆ gc_trace()

void gc_trace ( )

Reimplemented from CharStream.

◆ log_to()

void log_to ( CharStream log)

Reimplemented from CharStream.

◆ close_log()

void close_log ( )

Reimplemented from CharStream.

◆ get_log()

CharStream * get_log ( )

Reimplemented from CharStream.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mUngetcharCount

int mUngetcharCount

◆ mUngetcharBuf

MaxSDK::Util::Char mUngetcharBuf[8]

◆ mFileBuf

MaxSDK::Util::Char* mFileBuf

◆ mCharCount

size_t mCharCount

◆ mCharPos

size_t mCharPos

◆ mLog

CharStream* mLog