Boolean Operation options

Lets you set the default behavior that happens when you perform a boolean operation. For a list of boolean operations, see Boolean operations.

Select Mesh > Booleans > <Name of Boolean Operation> > to set the following options:

Tag intersection components

When on, creates a new component tag named booleanIntersection after a boolean operation is performed. Booleans output the intersection as edge components. For more information on component tags, see Assign Component Tags to geometry.

Interactive Update
Turn on to mitigate slow interactive performance. When on, the boolean continuously refreshes whenever the mouse button is pressed. When off, the boolean only refreshes when the mouse button is released.
Note: The interactivity of booleans can slow down when the number of polygons or input objects in your scene increase.
Operation for new inputs
Lets you set the default operation for boolean input objects. The default operation is assigned to all input objects when a boolean node is created and all subsequent input objects that are added to the node. This option is universal, applying the selected default to all boolean nodes in your scene.
Tip: This option is also available in the Boolean stack, where the default operation is only applied at the node level. Setting a default operation in the Boolean stack overrides the selected default in the Boolean Operation options.
Input object display
Lets you set the default display mode for your boolean input objects. The selected display mode is assigned to all input objects when a boolean node is created and all subsequent input objects that are added to the node. By default, input objects display as orange wireframes.
Note: After the boolean node is created, you can use the Boolean stack to change the display mode for your input objects.
Geometry Mode

Sets how the boolean operation is performed. Select from the following options:
  • Mesh: Your input object remains a mesh object.
  • OpenVDB: Your input object is turned into a volume. When OpenVDB is selected, your objects are converted into volumes, where the Boolean operation is calculated. The Boolean result is then converted back to meshed quadrilateral polygons.

    The OpenVDB mode lets you produce topologically independent results from watertight geometry. The OpenVDB mode computes reliably and mitigates issues, like meshes that contain polygonal errors.

    This mode is often successful on problematic geometry that causes the traditional Mesh mode to fail. However, you sacrifice some detail on the original geometry.

Voxel Size

Controls how finely your mesh is encoded into a volume. The lower the voxel size, the sharper the results. A higher Voxel Size value produces rounder features because there is not enough resolution to produce hard edges. In areas where input meshes intersect, this softening can also create smooth transitional areas. This can produce results that appear more organic.
Note: Using a very small Voxel Size value can produce large quantities of geometry, which may cause Maya to freeze. The default Voxel Size (1.0) generally captures most detail, but it is dependent on the size of the Boolean input objects.
Intersection Classifcation
Boolean operations are performed on intersections. When working with open meshes (planes or meshes with holes), Maya can calculate the intersection of the selected meshes in different ways:
  • Auto: Sets Intersection Classification to Edge when the selected meshes contain one open and one closed mesh.
  • Edge: Treats open meshes like closed volumes.
  • Normal: Treats open meshes like open volumes.

For information on Intersection Classification settings for each boolean operation, see Boolean Intersection Classification.

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