Review Fill time of the two-shot overmolding process

In this task you review the Fill time of the two-shot overmolding process, from the analysis you completed in the previous task. The overmolded component has the same results as the first shot has in a typical Fill + Pack + Warp analysis.

To review the Fill time results for the 1st component

  1. Click Fill time from the Results list in the Study Tasks pane.

    tank cover

    This result shows the filling pattern for the 1st shot.

  2. Animate the result. Rotate the part as needed.

    Notice the part is about 98 % filled when portions of the material reached some of the edges of the part. The 98% is found in the analysis log at the second to last animation time step.

To review the Fill time (overmolding) results

  1. Click Fill time (overmolding) from the Overmolding Flow folder in the Study Tasks pane.


    Notice that both parts have a similar fill times.

  2. Animate the result.

  3. Make a note of the last point to fill.


    Click the Next topic link below to move on to the next task.

Parent topic: Two-Shot overmolding

Previous topic: Setup the two-shot overmolding process

Next topic: Review Time to reach ejection temperature of the two-shot overmolding process