Setup the two-shot overmolding process

In this task you first select the materials to use, and then setup the process settings that are characteristic of a two-shot overmolding process.

  1. Ensure the study from the previous task is open.

  2. Click material a (Home tab > Molding Process Setup panel > Select Material A), to select the material to be used for the first component.

  3. Click the Manufacturer drop-down list.

  4. Scroll through the list until you find SABIC Innovative Plastics US, LLC.

  5. In the Trade name drop-down list, select Lexan LS1.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click material b (Home tab > Molding Process Setup panel > Select Material B), to select the material to be used for the overmolded component.

  8. Click the Manufacturer drop-down list.

  9. Scroll through the list until you find Advanced Elastomer Systems.

  10. In the Trade name drop-down list, select Santoprene 121-75 M100.

  11. Click OK.

  12. Click (Home tab > Molding Process Setup panel > Process Settings), and enter the following parameters:

    • Page 1: Fill + Pack Settings for First Component Stage

      • Mold surface temperature: 80 ºC.

      • Melt temperature: 300 ºC.

      • Filling control: Injection time of 1 s.

      • Velocity/pressure switch-over: by %volume filled at 99 %.

      • Pack/hold control: %filling pressure vs time.

        • Distance, row 1: at 0 s 80% Filling pressure.
        • Distance, row 2: at 10 s 80% Filling pressure.
      • Cooling time: Specified of 10 s.

    • Page 2: Fill + Pack Settings for Overmolding Stage

      • Mold surface temperature: 60 ºC.

      • Melt temperature: 200 ºC.

      • Filling control: Injection time of 1 s.

      • Velocity/pressure switch-over: by %volume filled at 99 %.

      • Pack/hold control: %filling pressure vs time.

        • Distance, row 1: at 0 s 80% Filling pressure.
        • Distance, row 2: at 10 s 80% Filling pressure.
      • Cooling time: Specified of 10 s.

    • Page 3: Warp Settings

      • Warpage analysis type: Small deflection
      • Use mesh aggregation
      • Number of threads for parallelization: Automatic.
  13. Click Finish.

  14. Click analyze Analyze in the Study Tasks pane, to run the analysis.

Click the Next topic link below to move on to the next task of the tutorial.

Parent topic: Two-Shot overmolding

Previous topic: Assign properties to the second shot component elements

Next topic: Review Fill time of the two-shot overmolding process