
Summary: Enable water age (LMA) Calculation


Water_Age_on A

A = 1: on

A = 0: off


Computes the amount of time a liquid or gas spends in areas of a model. The architecture industry calls this "Local Mean Age," and the water industry calls it "Water Age."

Both terms refer to the amount of time the working fluid spends throughout a room or tank. This quantity is valuable because it shows which regions are stagnant and which are free-flowing.

HVAC engineers find this especially useful for understanding where air movement is slowest, which can indicate areas that are subject to accumulating impurities and are prone to poor circulation.

To view LMA results, plot the "Local mean age (LMA)" scalar. The result will be displayed in units of time, and present a distribution of the amount of time the fluid spends throughout the model.

Note: Because CFD performs the LMA calculation at every iteration, the solver requires a significant amount of additional resources. Instead of using these resources throughout the entire simulation, it is best to enable this option after your analysis is complete, and then run 1 iteration to complete the LMA computation.