Advanced Mesh Adaptation Controls

The Advanced Adaptation controls provide detailed control over how the mesh is generated. The default values of these parameters were chosen based on rigorous testing and work for most situations. You can adjust the values as needed.

To view them, expand Advanced on the Adaptation tab of the Solve dialog.

Growth Rate

To modify the smoothness of the volumetric mesh, adjust the Growth Rate. This performs the same function as in Mesh Autosizing.

Boundary Layer Growth

To modify the smoothness of the boundary layer mesh, adjust the Boundary Layer Growth. This parameter is a constraint on the variation of the wall layer thickness.

Refinement Limit

You can use Refinement Limit to prevent over-refinement of the mesh when Wall Layers is disabled. The threshold is given by the product of the minimum model bounding box dimension and the refinement limit. When Wall Layers is enabled, the boundary layer dictates the minimum allowable length scale during Adaptation, and this parameter plays no role.

Resolution Factor

The Resolution Factor has a similar function to the Resolution Factor on the Advanced Meshing Controls dialog.

It affects the relative fineness of the mesh, but unlike the parameter on the Advanced Meshing Control dialog, it is not linked to the geometry. The Adaptation algorithm automatically computes an error threshold against which the mesh is refined. For greater refinement, specify a value less than 1.0. This reduces the error threshold by the specified factor, resulting in a finer mesh.

Related Topics:

The following topics describe additional parameters on the Adaptation dialog:

Adaptive Meshing

Additional Mesh Adaptation Parameters

To see the effect of Mesh Adaptation on an industrial valve simulation, click here.

For an Example model showing how to use Mesh Adaptation...