Command Macro Editor (Command Macros Palette)

Edits a saved command macros.


You can edit the properties of a saved command macro.

Note: Command macros are stored in the commandmacros.cuix file and can also be edited with the Customize User Interface Editor.
Tip: While command macros can be used from the Saved tab of the Command Macros palette or the Automation ribbon tab, they can also be added to and used from other user interface elements using the Customize User Interface Editor.

List of Options

The following options are displayed.


Specifies the name of the command.

The name is used as the caption of the command macro on the Saved tab of the Command Macros palette or for the button when added to the Automation ribbon tab.


Specifies the description of the command macro.

The description is displayed in a tooltip when the mouse pointer is over the command macro on the Saved tab of the Command Macros palette or the Automation ribbon tab.


Displays the image assigned to the command macro.

The image is used to identify the command macro on the Saved tab of the Command Macros palette or the Automation ribbon tab.


Specifies the macro string for the command macro.

Note: For information on macro strings, see About Command Macro Strings.