New Column/Column Properties Dialog Box (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

Appears when adding a new column from the toolbar on the Family Table or when inserting or appending a column from the context menu.




Use this space to type a name to identify the column. The name must be unique and can only contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore character (_).



Provides a list of uncalculated parameters for selection. Select a parameter so the column can be associated to the column.



Use this space to type a short description for the column. This description appears on the column header in the Family Table window.

The description supports GEF messages. GEF messages fetch strings from Multi Language Dictionary (MLD) files, and renders the display name in the language of the locale.

For example, the GEF message (gefmsg gefscrnt 220) fetches string number 220 from the file gefscrnt.mld.

This automatically translates to Nominal Length in an English locale , and Nennlänge in a German locale.


Display in the Size Selection dialog box check box

Select to have the selected column display in the table view of the Size Selection dialog box. If the option is checked and disabled, the column is a key column. To clear this check box, open the Key Columns dialog box, remove the columns list, and then clear the check box from the Column Properties dialog box




Select the type of value (whole number, decimal, or text) that is appropriate for the column.



Select the number of digits after the decimal for the values in a column.





Normal columns contain values that can be edited.



Global columns contain constant values that do not change from row to row.



Calculated columns contain values derived from a formula. The syntax for numeric formulas is the same as it is for dimension constraints.



Use to select the measurable entity the column contains.

Use to select the unit of measurement for the column contents.


Component property mapping

Use to specify the component property to display in each column.