Use this palette to define the valid sizes of the content being defined.
Toolbar |
Displays the New Column dialog box to define options for adding a new column to the table. |
Adds a row to the end of the Family Table. |
Imports a Excel Worksheet into the Family Table. |
Displays the Key Columns dialog box to add, remove or reorder, columns from the Key Columns list. Key columns, uniquely define a row. |
Displays the Find and Replace dialog box to perform find or find and replace operations on the grid in the Family Table. |
Sets the visibility of special columns. |
Show Normal Columns Sets the visibility of columns that belong to the column type Normal. |
Show Global Columns Sets the visibility of columns that belong to the column type Global. Global columns contain constant values that do not change from row to row. |
Show Calculated Columns Sets the visibility of columns that belong to the column type Calculated. Calculated columns contain values derived from a formula. |
Show Status and ID Columns Sets the visibility of columns status for records and parts and record IDs. |
Show Translated Messages Enables the program to show translated messages in a tooltip window. Some columns contain tokens that look like (gefmsg “gefseal” 20). These tokens correspond to intelligent phrases in the language translation database. When this option is available, as you move the pointer over a cell that contains a token, the program translates the token to a real message (corresponding to the current language setting) and shows it in a tooltip window. |
Preview and make changes to pages before printing. |
Select a printer, number of copies, and other printing options. |
Applies the values of the selected row and resizes the geometry in the Content Editor. It will also update the Parameters Manager with the values of the selected row. |
Right-click menu items (columns) |
Column Properties Displays the Columns Properties dialog box. |
Sort Column Use to sort columns. Arrange items in the sequence of the lowest value to the highest (ascending). Arrange items in the sequence of the highest value to the lowest (descending). |
Freeze Column Freeze the selected column or columns. |
Unfreeze Unfreeze the frozen columns. |
Maximize All Headings Adjusts the width of all columns to fit to the column-header widths. |
Maximize All Data Cells Adjusts the widths of all columns equally so the largest width of the column header or the largest width of data in cells, whichever is larger, applies to all columns. |
Size Columns Equally Adjusts the widths of all columns equally so the largest width of the column header or the largest width of data in the cells is applied to all columns. |
Hide Columns Hides the selected column or columns. |
Unhide Columns Displays the Unhide Columns dialog box to select the column or columns you want to unhide. |
Add Column Adds a new column to the end of the table. |
Insert Column Left Inserts a new column to the left of the selected column. |
Delete Columns Deletes the selected column. |
Clear Contents Deletes the content in the column. |
Right-click menu items (rows) |
Freeze Row Freeze the selected row or rows. |
Unfreeze Unfreeze the frozen rows. |
Hide Rows Hides the selected row or rows. |
Unhide Rows Displays the Unhide Rows dialog box to select the row or rows you want to unhide. |
Add Row Adds a new row to the end of the table. |
Insert Row Above Inserts a new row above the selected row. |
Delete Rows Deletes the selected row. |
Undelete Rows Restores the selected row. |
Clear Contents Deletes the content in the row. |
Apply Row Values to Model Updates the parameters in the Parameters Manager with the values of columns in the Family Table. |