virtual void | SetDuplicateMatchingLayers (bool setDuplicateMatchingLayers)=0 |
| Sets whether to duplicate matching Layers without an identical parent hierarchy when merging layers.
virtual bool | DuplicateMatchingLayers () const =0 |
| Returns whether to duplicate matching Layers without an identical parent hierarchy when merging layers.
virtual bool | SaveContainerAsVersion (bool newFileName, unsigned long saveAsVersion)=0 |
| Saves the content and rules as the new definition into a format compatible with the specified 3ds Max version If there is no definition file name, the user will be prompted for one.
virtual MCHAR * | GetStatusString ()=0 |
| Returns a status string for the container.
virtual void | SetStatusDisplay (bool status)=0 |
| Sets whether the container displays its status in the 3D viewports.
virtual bool | GetStatusDisplay () const =0 |
| Returns whether the container displays its status in the 3D viewports.
virtual const MCHAR * | GetEditingUser () const =0 |
| Returns the user name currently editing the definition for the container.
virtual bool | IsUpdateNeeded () const =0 |
| Returns whether the container is out of date with its definition.
virtual bool | IsInheritedClosed () const =0 |
| Returns whether the container is both inherited and its content is not currently local.
virtual void | SetAccessType (AccessType accessType)=0 |
| Set the type of access for this container when it gets inherited by another container. This replaces IContainerObject::SetEditInPlace since different levels of access are now supported.
virtual AccessType | GetAccessType () const =0 |
| Returns the type of access that the container will provide when inherited.
virtual AccessType | InheritedAccessType () const =0 |
| Returns the type of access that the container has based upon the access provided by its inherited source.
virtual void | SetLockedContents (LockedContents content, bool clear)=0 |
| Set what will be automatically locked when the access type is set to AccessType::eAnythingUnlocked.
virtual void | ClearLockedContents ()=0 |
| Clear the locked content rules so that nothing is automatically locked.
virtual bool | IsLockedContents (LockedContents content) const =0 |
| Get if this content will be automatically locked when the access type is set to AccessType::eAnythingUnlocked.
virtual ProxyType | GetProxyType () const =0 |
| Proxies offer the possibility to represent container content by something other than their definition.
virtual void | SetProxyType (ProxyType type)=0 |
| Sets the proxy type used by the container.
virtual int | GetAlternateDefinitionCount () const =0 |
| Returns the number of alternate definitions for the container.
virtual MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser | GetAlternateDefinition (int defIndex) const =0 |
| Returns the alternate definition for the container from an index.
virtual bool | SetAlternateDefinition (int defIndex, const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser &val)=0 |
| Sets an alternate definition for the container.
virtual bool | AppendAlternateDefinition (const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser &val)=0 |
| Appends one alternate definition to the container alternate definitions.
virtual bool | RemoveAlternateDefinition (int defIndex)=0 |
| Removes one alternate definition from the container alternate definitions.
virtual int | GetCurrentAlternateDefinitionIndex () const =0 |
| Returns the zero-based index of the current alternate definition of the container.
virtual void | SetCurrentAlternateDefinitionIndex (int defIndex)=0 |
| Sets the current alternate definition of the container.
virtual MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser | GetCurrentAlternateDefinition () const =0 |
| Returns the current alternate definition of the container.
FPInterfaceDesc * | GetDesc () |
virtual INode * | GetContainerNode () const =0 |
| Returns the node containing this container object.
virtual void | GetContentNodes (bool nestedContainerNodes, INodeTab &contentNodes) const =0 |
| Returns the content nodes for this container.
virtual bool | IsNodeInContent (INode *in_node, bool nestedContainerNodes) const =0 |
| Checks for content membership.
virtual bool | IsNodeInInheritedContent (INode *in_node, bool nestedContainerNodes) const =0 |
| Checks for inherited content membership.
virtual bool | AddNodeToContent (INode *in_node)=0 |
| Adds a node and its children to the container.
virtual bool | AddNodesToContent (INodeTab &in_nodeTab)=0 |
| Adds several nodes to the container.
virtual bool | RemoveNodeFromContent (INode *in_node, bool detach=true)=0 |
| Removes a node from the container.
virtual MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser | GetLocalDefinitionFileName () const =0 |
| Definition files have the format of a max file, but use a different file extension: .MAXC.
virtual bool | SetLocalDefinitionFileName (const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser &val)=0 |
| Sets the local definition file for the container.
virtual MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser | GetSourceDefinitionFileName () const =0 |
| Gets the source definition file for the container.
virtual bool | SetSourceDefinitionFileName (const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser &val)=0 |
| Sets the source definition file for the container.
virtual bool | SaveContainer (bool newFileName=false)=0 |
| Saves the current content and rules as the new definition. If there is no definition file name, the user will be prompted for one.
virtual bool | UpdateContainer ()=0 |
| Updates the content from its definition, preserving local modifications.
virtual bool | UnloadContainer ()=0 |
| Saves the local definition and deletes the content from the scene.
virtual bool | LoadContainer ()=0 |
| Reloads content from its definition and local modifications. Only available when unloaded.
virtual bool | ReloadContainer ()=0 |
| Reloads content from its definition and local modifications.
virtual bool | MergeSource ()=0 |
| Turns an inherited container into an unsaved local container, merging its content into the scene.
virtual bool | MakeUnique ()=0 |
| Merges a container source, and recursively merges any nested container among its content.
virtual bool | IsInherited () const =0 |
virtual bool | IsOpen () const =0 |
| Returns whether the container is open.
virtual bool | SetOpen (bool isOpen)=0 |
| Opens or closes the container.
virtual bool | IsContainerOpenableOrClosable () const =0 |
| Returns whether the open status of the container can be changed in its current state.
virtual bool | IsUnloaded () const =0 |
| Returns whether the container is unloaded, that is, whether its content has been temporarily deleted.
virtual bool | IsUnique () const =0 |
| Returns whether the container is unique, that is, whether it is local as well as any container it may contain.
virtual void | AllowInPlaceEdit (bool allowEdit)=0 |
| Sets whether the container, when inherited, will allow editing in place.
virtual bool | GetAllowInPlaceEdit () const =0 |
| Returns whether the container, when inherited, will allow editing in place.
virtual void | SetEditInPlace (bool edit)=0 |
| Temporarily makes an inherited container that allows it to act like a local container.
virtual bool | IsInPlaceEditing () const =0 |
| Returns whether the container is currently editing in place.
virtual bool | CanEditInPlace () const =0 |
| For an imported container, returns whether it allows editing in place.
virtual void | SetAutoUpdateClosed (bool setAutoUpdate)=0 |
| Sets whether the container will automatically update if it is closed and its definition is updated.
virtual bool | AutoUpdateClosed () const =0 |
| Returns whether the container will automatically update if it is closed and its definition is updated.
virtual void | SetLabelDisplay (bool display)=0 |
virtual bool | GetLabelDisplay () const =0 |
| Returns whether the container displays its name in the viewport.
virtual void | UseContentBoundingBox (bool useContent)=0 |
| Sets whether the bounding box for the container object will be extended to encompass all of its content.
virtual bool | IsUsingContentBoundingBox () const =0 |
| Returns whether the bounding box for the container object will be extended to encompass all of its content.
virtual void | SetOverrideNodeProperties (bool setOverride)=0 |
| Sets whether the container overrides the object properties (wire color, hidden status etc) of its content.
virtual bool | OverrideNodeProperties () const =0 |
| Returns whether the container overrides the object properties (wire color, hidden status etc) of its content.
virtual void | SetSize (float size, TimeValue t=0)=0 |
| Sets the size of the container helper object.
virtual float | GetSize (TimeValue t=0) const =0 |
| Returns the size of the container helper.
| FPMixinInterface () |
virtual LifetimeType | LifetimeControl () |
virtual CoreExport bool | RegisterNotifyCallback (InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb) |
virtual void | UnRegisterNotifyCallback (InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb) |
CoreExport | ~FPMixinInterface () |
virtual BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id) |
virtual FPInterfaceDesc * | GetDescByID (Interface_ID id) |
virtual Interface_ID | GetID () |
virtual BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id) |
virtual FPInterfaceDesc * | GetDesc ()=0 |
virtual CoreExport FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, TimeValue t=0, FPParams *params=NULL) |
virtual FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, FPParams *params) |
virtual CoreExport FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, TimeValue t, FPValue &result, FPParams *params=NULL) |
virtual FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, FPValue &result, FPParams *params=NULL) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | FindFn (const MCHAR *name) |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | IsEnabled (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | IsChecked (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | IsVisible (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | GetIsEnabled (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | GetIsChecked (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | GetIsVisible (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual ActionTable * | GetActionTable () |
virtual void | EnableActions (BOOL onOff) |
virtual UtilExport | ~BaseInterface () |
| Destructor.
UtilExport BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id) override |
virtual UtilExport Interface_ID | GetID () |
virtual LifetimeType | LifetimeControl () |
virtual bool | RegisterNotifyCallback (InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb) |
virtual void | UnRegisterNotifyCallback (InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb) |
virtual BaseInterface * | AcquireInterface () |
virtual void | ReleaseInterface () |
virtual void | DeleteInterface () |
virtual BaseInterface * | CloneInterface (void *remapDir=nullptr) |
virtual UtilExport | ~InterfaceServer () |
| Destructor.
virtual UtilExport BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id) |
template<class InterfaceType > |
InterfaceType * | GetTypedInterface () |