Class_ID | ClassID () override |
| Retrieves a constant that uniquely identifies the plugin class.
SClass_ID | SuperClassID () override |
| Retrieves a constant representing the type of the plugin.
virtual IKDriverControl * | GetIKDriver ()=0 |
virtual void | SetDOF (int which, BOOL onOff)=0 |
virtual void | SetInitPos (Point3 pos)=0 |
virtual void | SetInitRot (Point3 rot)=0 |
virtual void | MakeEE (BOOL onOff, DWORD which, Point3 pos, Quat rot)=0 |
CoreExport | Control () |
virtual | ~Control () |
virtual BOOL | InheritsParentTransform () |
CoreExport int | NumRefs () |
| Returns the total number of references this ReferenceMaker can hold.
CoreExport RefTargetHandle | GetReference (int i) |
| Returns the 'i-th' reference.
CoreExport int | NumSubs () |
CoreExport Animatable * | SubAnim (int i) |
CoreExport MSTR | SubAnimName (int i, bool localized=true) override |
CoreExport void * | GetInterface (ULONG id) |
CoreExport int | PaintFCurves (ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcGraph, Rect &rcPaint, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags) |
CoreExport int | GetFCurveExtents (ParamDimensionBase *dim, float &min, float &max, DWORD flags) |
| This method is called to calculate the largest and smallest values of the anim.
virtual CoreExport void | BaseClone (ReferenceTarget *from, ReferenceTarget *to, RemapDir &remap) |
virtual BOOL | PreventNodeDeletion () |
virtual CoreExport float | EvalVisibility (TimeValue t, View &view, Box3 pbox, Interval &valid) |
virtual BOOL | VisibleInViewports () |
virtual BOOL | CanInstanceController () |
CoreExport void | CloneControl (Control *ctrl, RemapDir &remap) |
virtual CoreExport SvGraphNodeReference | SvTraverseAnimGraph (IGraphObjectManager *gom, Animatable *object, int id, DWORD flags) |
virtual CoreExport MSTR | SvGetName (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, bool isBeingEdited) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvHandleDoubleClick (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvCanInitiateLink (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvCanConcludeLink (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, IGraphNode *gNodeChild) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvLinkChild (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeThis, IGraphNode *gNodeChild) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvEditProperties (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
CoreExport void * | GetInterface (ULONG id) override |
| Inherited from Animatable.
CoreExport BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id) override |
| Inherited from Animatable.
virtual void | Copy (Control *from)=0 |
virtual BOOL | IsReplaceable () |
virtual void | CommitValue (TimeValue t) |
virtual void | RestoreValue (TimeValue t) |
virtual INode * | GetTarget () |
virtual RefResult | SetTarget (INode *targ) |
virtual Control * | GetPositionController () |
virtual Control * | GetRotationController () |
virtual Control * | GetScaleController () |
virtual BOOL | SetPositionController (Control *c) |
virtual BOOL | SetRotationController (Control *c) |
virtual BOOL | SetScaleController (Control *c) |
virtual Control * | GetXController () |
virtual Control * | GetYController () |
virtual Control * | GetZController () |
virtual Control * | GetWController () |
virtual Control * | GetRollController () |
virtual BOOL | SetRollController (Control *c) |
virtual DWORD | GetInheritanceFlags () |
virtual BOOL | SetInheritanceFlags (DWORD f, BOOL keepPos) |
virtual BOOL | ChangeParents (TimeValue t, const Matrix3 &oldP, const Matrix3 &newP, const Matrix3 &tm) |
virtual RefResult | PinNodeChanged (RefMessage message, const Interval &changeInt, PartID &partID) |
virtual BOOL | IsColorController () |
virtual BOOL | IsLeaf () |
virtual int | IsKeyable () |
virtual void | GetValue (TimeValue t, void *val, Interval &valid, GetSetMethod method=CTRL_ABSOLUTE)=0 |
void | GetValue (TimeValue t1, void *val1, GetSetMethod method1=CTRL_ABSOLUTE) |
void | GetValue (TimeValue t1, void *val1, Interval &&, GetSetMethod method1=CTRL_ABSOLUTE) |
virtual void | SetValue (TimeValue t, void *val, int commit=1, GetSetMethod method=CTRL_ABSOLUTE)=0 |
virtual CoreExport bool | GetLocalTMComponents (TimeValue t, TMComponentsArg &cmpts, Matrix3Indirect &parentMatrix) |
virtual int | GetORT (int type) |
virtual CoreExport void | SetORT (int ort, int type) |
virtual CoreExport void | EnableORTs (BOOL enable) |
CoreExport IOResult | Save (ISave *isave) |
CoreExport IOResult | Load (ILoad *iload) |
virtual void | EnumIKParams (IKEnumCallback &callback) |
virtual BOOL | CompDeriv (TimeValue t, Matrix3 &ptm, IKDeriv &derivs, DWORD flags) |
virtual float | IncIKParam (TimeValue t, int index, float delta) |
virtual void | ClearIKParam (Interval iv, int index) |
virtual void | InitIKJoints (InitJointData *posData, InitJointData *rotData) |
virtual BOOL | GetIKJoints (InitJointData *posData, InitJointData *rotData) |
virtual BOOL | GetDOFParams (TimeValue t, Matrix3 &ptm, DOFParams &dofs, BOOL nodeSel) |
virtual BOOL | CreateLockKey (TimeValue t, int which) |
virtual void | MirrorIKConstraints (int axis, int which, BOOL pasteMirror=FALSE) |
virtual BOOL | TerminateIK () |
virtual void | InitIKJoints2 (InitJointData2 *posData, InitJointData2 *rotData) |
virtual BOOL | GetIKJoints2 (InitJointData2 *posData, InitJointData2 *rotData) |
virtual void | NodeIKParamsChanged () |
virtual void | TMInvalidated () |
virtual BOOL | OKToBindToNode (INode *node) |
virtual BOOL | CanCopyIKParams (int which) |
virtual IKClipObject * | CopyIKParams (int which) |
virtual BOOL | CanPasteIKParams (IKClipObject *co, int which) |
virtual void | PasteIKParams (IKClipObject *co, int which) |
virtual BOOL | CanApplyEaseMultCurves () |
CoreExport TimeValue | ApplyEase (TimeValue t, Interval &valid) |
CoreExport void | AppendEaseCurve (Control *cont) |
CoreExport void | DeleteEaseCurve (int i) |
CoreExport Control * | GetEaseCurve (int i) |
CoreExport int | NumEaseCurves () |
CoreExport float | GetMultVal (TimeValue t, Interval &valid) |
CoreExport void | AppendMultCurve (Control *cont) |
CoreExport void | DeleteMultCurve (int i) |
CoreExport Control * | GetMultCurve (int i) |
CoreExport int | NumMultCurves () |
virtual void | PostCloneNode () |
virtual int | Display (TimeValue t, INode *inode, ViewExp *vpt, int flags) |
virtual int | HitTest (TimeValue t, INode *inode, int type, int crossing, int flags, IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt) |
virtual void | GetWorldBoundBox (TimeValue t, INode *inode, ViewExp *vpt, Box3 &box) |
virtual void | ActivateSubobjSel (int level, XFormModes &modes) |
virtual void | SelectSubComponent (CtrlHitRecord *hitRec, BOOL selected, BOOL all, BOOL invert=FALSE) |
virtual void | ClearSelection (int selLevel) |
virtual int | SubObjectIndex (CtrlHitRecord *hitRec) |
virtual void | SelectAll (int selLevel) |
virtual void | InvertSelection (int selLevel) |
virtual void | GetSubObjectCenters (SubObjAxisCallback *cb, TimeValue t, INode *node) |
virtual void | GetSubObjectTMs (SubObjAxisCallback *cb, TimeValue t, INode *node) |
virtual void | SubMove (TimeValue t, Matrix3 &partm, Matrix3 &tmAxis, Point3 &val, BOOL localOrigin=FALSE) |
virtual void | SubRotate (TimeValue t, Matrix3 &partm, Matrix3 &tmAxis, Quat &val, BOOL localOrigin=FALSE) |
virtual void | SubScale (TimeValue t, Matrix3 &partm, Matrix3 &tmAxis, Point3 &val, BOOL localOrigin=FALSE) |
virtual BOOL | RescaleTime (Interval oseg, Interval nseg) |
virtual int | GetDrawPixelStep () |
virtual int | GetExtentTimeStep () |
CoreExport void | GetClassName (MSTR &s, bool localized=true) const override |
| Retrieves the name of the plugin class.
CoreExport SClass_ID | SuperClassID () override |
| Retrieves a constant representing the type of the plugin.
BOOL | IsRefTarget () override |
| Checks if this is a ReferenceTarget.
CoreExport RefResult | TestForLoop (const Interval &refInterval, RefMakerHandle hmaker) |
| Tests for a cyclical reference.
CoreExport BOOL | HasDependents () |
| Checks if a ReferenceTarget has references.
CoreExport BOOL | HasRealDependents () |
| Checks if this has Real (Strong) Dependents.
void | BeginDependencyTest () |
| Starts Dependency Test.
BOOL | EndDependencyTest () |
| Ends Dependency Test.
virtual void | RefAdded (RefMakerHandle rm) |
| Called after a reference is made to a target.
virtual void | RefAddedUndoRedo (RefMakerHandle rm) |
| Called after a reference is made to a target because of undo or redo.
virtual void | RefDeleted (ReferenceMaker *oldOwner) |
| Called after a reference to this is deleted.
virtual void | RefDeletedUndoRedo (RefMakerHandle oldOwner) |
| Called after a reference to this is deleted because of undo or redo.
CoreExport RefResult | DeleteAllRefsToMe () override |
| Deletes all references to this ReferenceTarget.
CoreExport RefResult | TransferReferences (RefTargetHandle oldTarget, BOOL delOld=FALSE) |
| Transfers all the references from oldTarget to this.
CoreExport int | DoEnumDependents (DependentEnumProc *dep) |
| Begins an enumeration that searches back in the dependency network.
virtual CoreExport RefTargetHandle | Clone (RemapDir &remap) |
| This method is used by 3ds Max to clone an object.
CoreExport RefResult | NotifyDependents (const Interval &changeInt, PartID partID, RefMessage message, SClass_ID sclass=NOTIFY_ALL, BOOL propagate=TRUE, RefTargetHandle hTarg=nullptr, NotifyDependentsOption notifyDependentsOption=REFNOTIFY_ALLOW_OPTIMIZATIONS) override |
| Notify all dependent RefMakers concerned with the message.
void | FlagDependents (TimeValue t, PartID which=PART_PUT_IN_FG) |
| This sends the REFMSG_FLAGDEPENDENTS message up the pipeline.
virtual void | NotifyForeground (TimeValue t) |
| This method is called to flag dependents into the FG.
virtual void | NotifyTarget (int message, ReferenceMaker *hMaker) |
| Sends messages to ReferenceTargets.
CoreExport | ReferenceTarget () |
| Constructor.
virtual CoreExport RefResult | AutoDelete () |
| Deletes the object when it has no more real dependents.
CoreExport RefResult | MaybeAutoDelete () |
| Deletes the object when it has no more real dependents.
void | GetClassName (MSTR &s, bool localized=true) const override |
| Retrieves the name of the plugin class.
CoreExport SClass_ID | SuperClassID () override |
| Retrieves a constant representing the type of the plugin.
CoreExport RefResult | ReplaceReference (int which, RefTargetHandle newtarg, BOOL delOld=TRUE) |
| Used when cloning reference makers.
CoreExport RefResult | DeleteAllRefsFromMe () |
| Deletes all references from this ReferenceMaker.
CoreExport RefResult | DeleteAllRefs () |
| Deletes all references both to and from this item.
CoreExport RefResult | DeleteReference (int i) |
| Deletes the specified reference.
virtual BOOL | CanTransferReference (int i) |
| Tells whether this reference can be transfered.
CoreExport ReferenceSaveManager & | GetReferenceSaveManager () |
| Access the ReferenceSaveManager of this ReferenceMaker.
virtual CoreExport IOResult | Save (ISave *isave, ChannelMask) |
| Access the ReferenceSaveManager of this ReferenceMaker.
virtual CoreExport IOResult | Load (ILoad *iload, ChannelMask) |
| Access the ReferenceSaveManager of this ReferenceMaker.
virtual int | RemapRefOnLoad (int iref) |
| Used to load old files with references.
virtual CoreExport void | RescaleWorldUnits (float f) |
| Rescale size of all world units in object and its reference hierarchy.
CoreExport void | EnumAuxFiles (AssetEnumCallback &assetEnum, DWORD flags) override |
| Enumerate auxiliary files (e.g. bitmaps)
virtual CoreExport void | SaveEnum (SaveEnumProc &sep, BOOL isNodeCall=0) |
| The default save enumeration.
virtual CoreExport bool | SpecifySaveReferences (ReferenceSaveManager &referenceSaveManager) |
| Used to specify reference slot remapping during scene file save.
CoreExport int | DoEnumDependents (DependentEnumProc *dep) |
| Begins an enumeration that searches back in the dependency network.
CoreExport bool | EnumRefHierarchy (RefEnumProc &proc, bool includeCustAttribs=true, bool includeIndirectRefs=true, bool includeNonPersistentRefs=true, bool preventDuplicatesViaFlag=true) |
| This method provides a general purpose reference enumerator.
CoreExport int | FindRef (RefTargetHandle rtarg) |
| Get the index of the ReferenceTarget.
BOOL | IsRefMaker () override |
| Tells whether it is a ReferenceMaker.
virtual BOOL | IsRealDependency (ReferenceTarget *rtarg) |
| Returns whether this is a "real" (strong) dependency or not.
virtual BOOL | ShouldPersistWeakRef (RefTargetHandle rtarg) |
| Specifies whether a weak reference is to be persisted on a partial load or save.
CoreExport | ReferenceMaker () |
| Constructor.
CoreExport void | DeleteMe () |
| Deletes an instance of this class.
virtual void | FreeCaches () |
virtual int | NumChildren () |
virtual Animatable * | ChildAnim (int i) |
virtual CoreExport MSTR | NodeName () |
virtual void | EditTrack () |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | SubAnimSetKeyBufferPresent (int subNum) |
| returns true if the sub-anim has a "Set Key" buffer present
virtual BOOL | SetKeyBufferPresent () |
| returns true if there is a "Set Key" buffer present
virtual CoreExport void | SubAnimCommitSetKeyBuffer (TimeValue t, int subNum) |
| Commit any "Set Key" buffers on the given sub-anim.
virtual void | CommitSetKeyBuffer (TimeValue t) |
| Commit any "Set Key" buffers.
virtual CoreExport void | SubAnimRevertSetKeyBuffer (int subNum) |
| Revert any "Set Key" buffers on the given sub-anim.
virtual void | RevertSetKeyBuffer () |
| Revert any "Set Key" buffers.
virtual LRESULT CALLBACK | TrackViewWinProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
| This function is obsolete.
virtual BOOL | IsRefMaker () |
| Tells whether it is a ReferenceMaker.
virtual bool | IsParamBlockDesc2Used (ParamBlockDesc2 *desc) |
| Returns true if the passed description is being used.
virtual bool | GetMacroRecorderName (bool used_as_rhs_value, MSTR &objectSpecifiedName) |
| This method is called to access the object specified name to use for the Maxscript macrorecorder.
CoreExport | Animatable () |
| Constructor.
virtual CoreExport void | DeleteThis () |
| Deletes an instance of this class.
MSTR | ClassName (bool localized=true) const |
| Returns the name of the plugin class.
virtual void | BeginEditParams (IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags, Animatable *prev=NULL) |
virtual void | EndEditParams (IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags, Animatable *next=NULL) |
virtual CoreExport void | ReleaseInterface (ULONG id, void *i) |
virtual CoreExport int | SetProperty (ULONG id, void *data) |
virtual CoreExport void * | GetProperty (ULONG id) |
CoreExport void | AppendProperty (AnimProperty *prop) |
| A function to directly add arbitrary properties to this object developers should ensure that the properties ID does not conflict with any Max-specific IDs.
CoreExport AnimProperty * | FindProperty (DWORD id) |
| Find any property.
CoreExport void | AddAppDataChunk (const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, DWORD sbid, DWORD len, void *data) |
| Adds application/plugin specific (custom) data to an Animatable.
CoreExport AppDataChunk * | GetAppDataChunk (const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, DWORD sbid) |
| Retrieves the application/plugin specific (custom) data stored with an Animatable.
CoreExport BOOL | RemoveAppDataChunk (const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, DWORD sbid) |
| Deletes the application/plugin specific (custom) data stored with an Animatable.
CoreExport void | ClearAllAppData () |
| Deletes all application/plugin specific (custom) data stored with an Animatable.
virtual BOOL | CanDeleteSubAnim (int i) |
virtual void | DeleteSubAnim (int i) |
virtual DWORD | GetSubAnimCurveColor (int subNum) |
virtual int | SubNumToRefNum (int subNum) |
virtual BOOL | CanCopyAnim () |
CoreExport int | HasSubElements (int type=0) |
virtual int | GetSubFCurveExtents (int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, float &min, float &max, DWORD flags) |
| The values max and min should be initialized before calling this function.
virtual ParamDimension * | GetParamDimension (int i) |
virtual BOOL | SelectSubAnim (int subNum) |
virtual BOOL | BypassTreeView () |
virtual BOOL | BypassTrackBar () |
virtual BOOL | BypassPropertyLevel () |
virtual BOOL | InvisibleProperty () |
virtual int | NumKeys () |
virtual TimeValue | GetKeyTime (int index) |
virtual int | GetKeyIndex (TimeValue t) |
virtual BOOL | GetNextKeyTime (TimeValue t, DWORD flags, TimeValue &nt) |
virtual void | CopyKeysFromTime (TimeValue src, TimeValue dst, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | DeleteKeyAtTime (TimeValue t) |
virtual BOOL | IsKeyAtTime (TimeValue t, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | GetKeyTimes (Tab< TimeValue > ×, Interval range, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | GetKeySelState (BitArray &sel, Interval range, DWORD flags) |
CoreExport void | OpenTreeEntry (int type, DWORD tv) |
CoreExport void | CloseTreeEntry (int type, DWORD tv) |
CoreExport int | IsTreeEntryOpen (int type, DWORD tv) |
CoreExport BOOL | GetSelInTrackView (DWORD tv) |
CoreExport void | SetSelInTrackView (DWORD tv, BOOL sel) |
CoreExport BOOL | InTrackViewSelSet (int which) |
CoreExport void | SetTrackViewSelSet (int which, BOOL inOut) |
virtual BOOL | AssignController (Animatable *control, int subAnim) |
virtual BOOL | CanAssignController (int subAnim) |
| Return true if we can reassign the subanim specified.
virtual BOOL | CanMakeUnique () |
CoreExport int | EnumAnimTree (AnimEnum *animEnum, Animatable *client, int subNum) |
virtual int | RenderBegin (TimeValue t, ULONG flags=0) |
virtual int | RenderEnd (TimeValue t) |
virtual CoreExport Interval | GetTimeRange (DWORD flags) |
virtual void | EditTimeRange (Interval range, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | DeleteTime (Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | ReverseTime (Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | ScaleTime (Interval iv, float s) |
virtual void | InsertTime (TimeValue ins, TimeValue amount) |
virtual BOOL | SupportTimeOperations () |
virtual CoreExport void | MapKeys (TimeMap *map, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | DeleteKeys (DWORD flags) |
virtual void | DeleteKeyByIndex (int index) |
virtual void | SelectKeys (TrackHitTab &sel, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | SelectSubKeys (int subNum, TrackHitTab &sel, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | SelectSubCurve (int subNum, BOOL sel) |
virtual void | SelectKeyByIndex (int i, BOOL sel) |
virtual BOOL | IsKeySelected (int i) |
virtual void | FlagKey (TrackHitRecord hit) |
virtual int | GetFlagKeyIndex () |
virtual int | NumSelKeys () |
virtual void | CloneSelectedKeys (BOOL offset=FALSE) |
virtual void | AddNewKey (TimeValue t, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | MoveKeys (ParamDimensionBase *dim, float delta, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | ScaleKeyValues (ParamDimensionBase *dim, float origin, float scale, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | SelectCurve (BOOL sel) |
virtual BOOL | IsCurveSelected () |
| Returns TRUE if the function curve is selected; otherwise returns FALSE.
virtual BOOL | IsSubCurveSelected (int subNum) |
| Returns the selected state of the sub-curve whose index is passed.
virtual int | GetSelKeyCoords (TimeValue &t, float &val, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | SetSelKeyCoords (TimeValue t, float val, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | SetSelKeyCoordsExpr (ParamDimension *dim, const MCHAR *timeExpr, const MCHAR *valExpr, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | AdjustTangents (TrackHitRecord hit, ParamDimensionBase *dim, Rect &rcGraph, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, int dx, int dy, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | AdjustTangents (TrackHitRecord hit, ParamDimensionBase *dim, float angle, float length, DWORD flags) |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | IsAnimated () |
virtual BOOL | CanCopyTrack (Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual BOOL | CanPasteTrack (TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual TrackClipObject * | CopyTrack (Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | PasteTrack (TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual BOOL | CanCopySubTrack (int subNum, Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual BOOL | CanPasteSubTrack (int subNum, TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual TrackClipObject * | CopySubTrack (int subNum, Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | PasteSubTrack (int subNum, TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | GetTrackVSpace (int lineHeight) |
virtual int | HitTestTrack (TrackHitTab &hits, Rect &rcHit, Rect &rcTrack, float zoom, int scroll, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | PaintTrack (ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcTrack, Rect &rcPaint, float zoom, int scroll, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | PaintSubTrack (int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcTrack, Rect &rcPaint, float zoom, int scroll, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | HitTestFCurves (ParamDimensionBase *dim, TrackHitTab &hits, Rect &rcHit, Rect &rcGraph, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | PaintSubFCurves (int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcGraph, Rect &rcPaint, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | HitTestSubFCurves (int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, TrackHitTab &hits, Rect &rcHit, Rect &rcGraph, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | EditTrackParams (TimeValue t, ParamDimensionBase *dim, const MCHAR *pname, HWND hParent, IObjParam *ip, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | TrackParamsType () |
CoreExport void | AddNoteTrack (NoteTrack *note) |
CoreExport void | DeleteNoteTrack (NoteTrack *note, BOOL delNote=TRUE) |
CoreExport BOOL | HasNoteTracks () |
CoreExport int | NumNoteTracks () |
CoreExport NoteTrack * | GetNoteTrack (int i) |
CoreExport DWORD | DeleteAllNoteTracks () |
virtual void | FreeAllBitmaps () |
virtual void | GetSystemNodes (INodeTab &nodes, SysNodeContext Context) |
virtual BOOL | IsSubClassOf (Class_ID classID) |
| returns true if the animatable has sub-classed off the given class
virtual CoreExport void | MouseCycleCompleted (TimeValue t) |
virtual CoreExport void | MouseCycleStarted (TimeValue t) |
virtual int | NumParamBlocks () |
virtual IParamBlock2 * | GetParamBlock (int i) |
virtual IParamBlock2 * | GetParamBlockByID (short id) |
CoreExport bool | SvSaveData (ISave *isave, USHORT id) |
CoreExport bool | SvLoadData (ILoad *iLoad) |
CoreExport DWORD | SvGetRefIndex () |
CoreExport void | SvSetRefIndex (DWORD i) |
CoreExport bool | SvDeleteRefIndex () |
CoreExport SvGraphNodeReference | SvStdTraverseAnimGraph (IGraphObjectManager *gom, Animatable *owner, int id, DWORD flags) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvCanSetName (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvSetName (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, const MSTR &name) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvCanRemoveThis (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvRemoveThis (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
| Called when the user deletes this object in the schematic view...
virtual CoreExport bool | SvIsSelected (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
| Returns true if the object is selected in its schematic view.
virtual CoreExport bool | SvIsHighlighted (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport COLORREF | SvHighlightColor (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport COLORREF | SvGetSwatchColor (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvIsInactive (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport MultiSelectCallback * | SvGetMultiSelectCallback (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvCanSelect (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport MSTR | SvGetTip (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport MSTR | SvGetRefTip (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvCanDetach (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvDetach (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport MSTR | SvGetRelTip (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker) |
| Returns a string to be displayed in the tip window in the schematic view for a relationship from "gNodeMaker" to "gNodeTarget"...
virtual CoreExport bool | SvCanDetachRel (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker) |
| Returns true if this object can respond to the SvDetachRel(...) method...
virtual CoreExport bool | SvDetachRel (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker) |
| Detach this relationship.
virtual CoreExport bool | SvHandleRelDoubleClick (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker) |
| Called when this relationship is double-clicked in the schematic view...
CoreExport ICustAttribContainer * | GetCustAttribContainer () |
| This method returns a pointer to the custom attributes container interface class.
CoreExport void | AllocCustAttribContainer () |
| This method allocates space for a custom attributes container.
CoreExport void | DeleteCustAttribContainer () |
| This method deletes space used by a custom attributes container.
void | SetAFlag (DWORD mask) |
void | ClearAFlag (DWORD mask) |
| Clears one or more bits in the Animatable flags.
bool | TestAFlag (DWORD mask) const |
| Tests one or more bits in the Animatable flags.
void | SetAFlagEx (DWORD mask) |
| Sets one or more bits in the Animatable extended flags.
void | ClearAFlagEx (DWORD mask) |
| Clears one or more bits in the Animatable extended flags.
bool | TestAFlagEx (DWORD mask) const |
| Tests one or more bits in the Animatable extended flags.
CoreExport bool | TestFlagBit (int index) |
| Tests the specified flag bit.
CoreExport void | SetFlagBit (int index, bool newValue=true) |
| Sets the specified flag bit.
CoreExport void | ClearFlagBit (int index) |
| Clears the specified flag bit.
virtual UtilExport | ~InterfaceServer () |
| Destructor.
virtual UtilExport BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id) |
template<class InterfaceType > |
InterfaceType * | GetTypedInterface () |