virtual BOOL | GetUseSplineConstraint ()=0 |
| This checks if constraining the brush to a spline is turned on.
virtual void | SetUseSplineConstraint (BOOL onoff)=0 |
| This turns on and off constraining the brush to a spline.
virtual BOOL | SetSplineConstraintNode (INode *snode)=0 |
| This sets the spline node to use for constraining the brush.
virtual BOOL | IsSplineConstraintNodeValid ()=0 |
| This checks if a valid node has been assigned and is in the scene.
virtual BOOL | InitializeNodesByObjState (int flags, Tab< INode * > &nodeList, Tab< ObjectState > &objList)=0 |
| this loads of the nodes that you want to paint on
virtual BOOL | UpdateMeshesByObjState (BOOL updatePointGather, Tab< ObjectState > &objList)=0 |
| This forces the quadtree to rebuilt.
virtual void | GetPatchFaceData (PatchMesh &patch, Tab< FaceDataFromPatch > &faceData)=0 |
| This lets you take a patch and get a list or tri mesh faces wher each tri has an owning patch index and the UVW space of that face.
virtual BOOL | StartPaintSession (IPainterRightClickHandler *rightClicker)=0 |
| This overload of the method used to start a paint session allows you to submit a class which will handle right-click events in the paint mouse proc.
virtual BOOL | StartPaintSession ()=0 |
| This is called when the a canvas wants to start a paint session.
virtual float | GetStrDragLimitMin ()=0 |
| this get the str limit min for while dragging to chnage the str
virtual void | SetStrDragLimitMin (float l)=0 |
| this set the str limit min for while dragging to chnage the str
virtual float | GetStrDragLimitMax ()=0 |
| this get the str limit max for while dragging to chnage the str
virtual void | SetStrDragLimitMax (float l)=0 |
| this set the str limit max for while dragging to chnage the str
virtual BOOL | InitializeCallback (ReferenceTarget *targetCanvas)=0 |
| The canvas passes a pointer of itself to the painter.
virtual BOOL | InitializeNodes (int flags, Tab< INode * > &nodeList)=0 |
| this loads of the nodes that you want to paint on
virtual BOOL | UpdateMeshes (BOOL updatePointGather)=0 |
| This forces the quadtree to rebuilt.
virtual BOOL | StartPaintSession ()=0 |
| This is called when the a canvas wants to start a paint session.
virtual BOOL | EndPaintSession ()=0 |
| This is called when the a canvas wants to end a paint session.
virtual BOOL | InPaintMode ()=0 |
| This return whether the user is in the paint mode, so a plugin can determine how to paint the UI paint button.
virtual BOOL | BringUpOptions ()=0 |
| This brings up the Painter Options dialog that lets the users sets various setting of the painter system.
virtual int * | RetrieveTimeList (int &ct)=0 |
| This lets you access the time stamp of each sample of a stroke.
virtual BOOL | TestHit (IPoint2 mousePos, Point3 &worldPoint, Point3 &worldNormal, Point3 &localPoint, Point3 &localNormal, Point3 &bary, int &index, INode *node, BOOL &mirrorOn, Point3 &worldMirrorPoint, Point3 &worldMirrorNormal, Point3 &localMirrorPoint, Point3 &localMirrorNormal)=0 |
| this function lets you hit test against the quad tree given a mouse coord
virtual BOOL | RandomHit (Point3 &worldPoint, Point3 &worldNormal, Point3 &localPoint, Point3 &localNormal, Point3 &bary, int &index, float &strFromFalloff, INode *node, BOOL &mirrorOn, Point3 &worldMirrorPoint, Point3 &worldMirrorNormal, Point3 &localMirrorPoint, Point3 &localMirrorNormal, int tabIndex)=0 |
| Retrieves a random hit point around the last hit point or a specified hit point within the brush.
virtual BOOL | RandomHitAlongStroke (Point3 &worldPoint, Point3 &worldNormal, Point3 &localPoint, Point3 &localNormal, Point3 &bary, int &index, float &strFromFalloff, INode *node, BOOL &mirrorOn, Point3 &worldMirrorPoint, Point3 &worldMirrorNormal, Point3 &localMirrorPoint, Point3 &localMirrorNormal, int tabIndex)=0 |
| This will do random hit point along the stroke segment.
virtual BOOL | ClearStroke ()=0 |
| this clears out all the stroke data for the current stroke
virtual BOOL | AddToStroke (IPoint2 mousePos, BOOL rebuildPointGatherData, BOOL updateViewport)=0 |
| this adds a hit test to the current stroke
virtual int | GetStrokeCount ()=0 |
| returns the number of sample points in the current stroke
virtual float * | GetStrokeStr ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of floats where each entry is the str of a point sample
virtual float * | GetStrokeRadius ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of floats where each entry is the radius of a point sample
virtual Point3 * | GetStrokePointWorld ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of point3s where each entry is the world space hit point of the sample
virtual Point3 * | GetStrokeNormalWorld ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of point3s where each entry is the world space normal of the sample
virtual Point3 * | GetStrokePointWorldMirror ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of point3s where each entry is the world space hit point of the sample after it has been mirrored
virtual Point3 * | GetStrokeNormalWorldMirror ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of point3s where each entry is the world space normal of the sample after it has been mirrored
virtual float * | GetStrokePressure ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of floats where each entry is the pressure of a point sample either from a pressure sensitive tablet or from a predefined presssure graph
virtual Point3 * | GetStrokePointLocal ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of point3s where each entry is the local space hit point of the sample
virtual Point3 * | GetStrokeNormalLocal ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of point3s where each entry is the local space normal of the sample
virtual Point3 * | GetStrokePointLocalMirror ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of point3s where each entry is the local space hit point of the sample after it has been mirrored
virtual Point3 * | GetStrokeNormalLocalMirror ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of point3s where each entry is the world space normal of the sample after it has been mirrored
virtual IPoint2 * | GetStrokeMousePos ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of Ipoint2s where each entry is the mouse pos in screen space for the sample
virtual BOOL * | GetStrokeHitList ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of s where each entry is whether the sample hit the mesh or not
virtual Point3 * | GetStrokeBary ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of point3s where each entry is the barycentri coords of the sample
virtual int * | GetStrokeIndex ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of ints where each entry is the index of the face of the sample
virtual BOOL * | GetStrokeShift ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of bools where each entry is the state of the shift of the sample
virtual BOOL * | GetStrokeCtrl ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of bools where each entry is the state of the ctrl of the sample
virtual BOOL * | GetStrokeAlt ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of bools where each entry is the state of the alt of the sample
virtual INode ** | GetStrokeNode ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of INode where each entry is the INode of the sample
virtual int * | GetStrokeTime ()=0 |
| this returns a pointer to an array of ints where each entry is the time stamp of the sample
virtual float | GetStrFromPoint (Point3 point)=0 |
| given a point in world space it returns the str of that point based on the current stroke
virtual float * | GetPredefineStrStrokeData (int &ct)=0 |
| Lets you interogate and set the state of the options dialog.
virtual float * | GetPredefineSizeStrokeData (int &ct)=0 |
| Lets you interogate and set the state of the options dialog.
virtual BOOL | GetBuildNormalData ()=0 |
| Access to the BuildNormalData property.
virtual void | SetBuildNormalData (BOOL enable)=0 |
| Access to the BuildNormalData property.
virtual BOOL | GetEnablePointGather ()=0 |
| Gets the state of point gathering.
virtual void | SetEnablePointGather (BOOL enable)=0 |
| Turn on/off the point gather.
virtual BOOL | LoadCustomPointGather (int ct, Point3 *points, INode *node)=0 |
| This lets you set up a custom list of points to weight to override the currentlist.
virtual float * | RetrievePointGatherWeights (INode *node, int &ct)=0 |
| This retrieves the weight of the points based on the current stroke.
virtual float * | RetrievePointGatherStr (INode *node, int &ct)=0 |
| This retrieves the strength of the points based on the current stroke.
virtual BOOL * | RetrievePointGatherIsMirror (INode *node, int &ct)=0 |
| This retrieves the whether the point was affected by a mirror stroke.
virtual Point3 * | RetrievePointGatherPoints (INode *node, int &ct)=0 |
| This retrieves the the array of the points.
virtual Point3 * | RetrievePointGatherNormals (INode *node, int &ct)=0 |
| This retrieves the the array of the normals.
virtual float * | RetrievePointGatherU (INode *node, int &ct)=0 |
| This retrieves the the array of the U vals, this is how far along the stroke that point is.
virtual BOOL | GetMirrorEnable ()=0 |
| returns if the mirror plane is on or off
virtual void | SetMirrorEnable (BOOL enable)=0 |
| lets you set whether the mirror plane is on/off
virtual Point3 | GetMirrorPlaneCenter ()=0 |
| returns the center of the mirror plane in world space coords
virtual int | GetMirrorAxis ()=0 |
| returns which mirror axis is active
virtual void | SetMirrorAxis (int dir)=0 |
| lets you set the mirror axis
virtual float | GetMirrorOffset ()=0 |
| Returns the mirror offset.
virtual void | SetMirrorOffset (float offset)=0 |
| Sets the mirror offset.
virtual int | GetTreeDepth ()=0 |
| Lets you get the quad tree depth.
virtual void | SetTreeDepth (int depth)=0 |
| Lets you set the quad tree depth.
virtual BOOL | GetUpdateOnMouseUp ()=0 |
| Lets you get the Update on Mouse Up option.
virtual void | SetUpdateOnMouseUp (BOOL update)=0 |
| Lets you get the Update on Mouse Up option.
virtual int | GetLagRate ()=0 |
| These 2 function let you get and set the lag rate.
virtual void | SetLagRate (int lagRate)=0 |
| These 2 function let you get and set the lag rate.
virtual float | GetMinStr ()=0 |
| Let you get the min strength for a brush.
virtual void | SetMinStr (float str)=0 |
| lets you set the min strength for a brush.
virtual float | GetMaxStr ()=0 |
| lets you get the max strength for a brush.
virtual void | SetMaxStr (float str)=0 |
| lets you set the max strength for a brush.
virtual float | GetMinSize ()=0 |
| lets you get the min radius for a brush.
virtual void | SetMinSize (float str)=0 |
| lets you set the min radius for a brush.
virtual float | GetMaxSize ()=0 |
| lets you get the max radius for a brush.
virtual void | SetMaxSize (float str)=0 |
| lets you set the max radius for a brush.
virtual BOOL | GetAdditiveMode ()=0 |
| Gets the aditive mode.
virtual void | SetAdditiveMode (BOOL enable)=0 |
| Sets the aditive mode.
virtual ICurve * | GetFalloffGraph ()=0 |
| This returns the brush falloff curve if you want to handle the doing the brush falloff yourself.
virtual BOOL | GetDrawRing ()=0 |
| This lets you get whether the ring is drawn around the hit point.
virtual void | SetDrawRing (BOOL draw)=0 |
| This lets you set whether the ring is drawn around the hit point.
virtual BOOL | GetDrawNormal ()=0 |
| This lets you get whether the normal vector is drawn at the hit point.
virtual void | SetDrawNormal (BOOL draw)=0 |
| This lets you set whether the normal vector is drawn at the hit point.
virtual BOOL | GetDrawTrace ()=0 |
| This lets you get whether the a line is left behind a stroke as it is drawn.
virtual void | SetDrawTrace (BOOL draw)=0 |
| This lets you set whether the a line is left behind a stroke as it is drawn.
virtual BOOL | GetPressureEnable ()=0 |
| let you get whether pressure sensistivity is turned on
virtual void | SetPressureEnable (BOOL enable)=0 |
| let you set whether pressure sensistivity is turned on
virtual BOOL | GetPressureAffects ()=0 |
| Get what the pressure of a brush affects.
virtual void | SetPressureAffects (int affect)=0 |
| Set what the pressure of a brush affects.
virtual BOOL | GetPredefinedStrEnable ()=0 |
| get whether a predefined str is enabled for a stroke.
virtual void | SetPredefinedStrEnable (BOOL enable)=0 |
| set whether a predefined str is enabled for a stroke.
virtual BOOL | GetPredefinedSizeEnable ()=0 |
| get whether a predefined radius is enabled for a stroke.
virtual void | SetPredefinedSizeEnable (BOOL enable)=0 |
| set whether a predefined radius is enabled for a stroke.
virtual ICurve * | GetPredefineSizeStrokeGraph ()=0 |
| get the predefined radius graph set for a stroke.
virtual ICurve * | GetPredefineStrStrokeGraph ()=0 |
| get the predefined strength graph set for a stroke.
virtual float | GetNormalScale ()=0 |
virtual void | SetNormalScale (float scale)=0 |
virtual BOOL | GetMarkerEnable ()=0 |
virtual void | SetMarkerEnable (BOOL on)=0 |
virtual float | GetMarker ()=0 |
virtual void | SetMarker (float pos)=0 |
virtual int | GetOffMeshHitType ()=0 |
| Returns the mesh hit type.
virtual void | SetOffMeshHitType (int type)=0 |
| Sets the mesh hit type.
virtual float | GetOffMeshHitZDepth ()=0 |
virtual void | SetOffMeshHitZDepth (float depth)=0 |
virtual Point3 | GetOffMeshHitPos ()=0 |
virtual void | SetOffMeshHitPos (Point3 pos)=0 |