3ds Max C++ API Reference
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PatchMesh Class Reference

#include <patch.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for PatchMesh:

Public Member Functions

CoreExport int HookFixTopology ()
CoreExport PatchMesh ()
CoreExport PatchMesh (PatchMesh &fromPatch)
CoreExport void Init ()
CoreExport ~PatchMesh ()
CoreExport PatchMeshoperator= (PatchMesh &fromPatchMesh)
CoreExport PatchMeshoperator= (Mesh &fromMesh)
CoreExport void CopyPatchDataFrom (PatchMesh &fromPatchMesh)
PRVertexgetRVec (int i)
PRVertexgetRVecPtr (int i)
CoreExport TVPatchmapPatches (int mp) const
CoreExport MtlID getPatchMtlIndex (int i)
CoreExport void setPatchMtlIndex (int i, MtlID id)
CoreExport BOOL buildLinkages (int patch=-1)
CoreExport void computeInteriors ()
CoreExport void computeAux ()
CoreExport void ApplyConstraints (BOOL selOnly=FALSE)
int GetEdge (int v1, int v12, int v21, int v2, int p)
CoreExport Tab< intGetEdge (int v1, int v2) const
CoreExport Tab< intGetPatches (int v1, int v2) const
CoreExport Tab< intGetPatches (int vert) const
CoreExport Tab< intGetEdges (int vert) const
CoreExport Tab< intGetVectors (int vert) const
CoreExport BOOL WeldEdges ()
CoreExport void ClonePatchParts (BitArray *patches=NULL)
CoreExport void CreateExtrusion (int type=PATCH_PATCH, BOOL edgeClone=FALSE)
CoreExport void Attach (PatchMesh *attPatch, int mtlOffset)
CoreExport void ChangePatchInterior (int index, int type)
CoreExport void ChangeVertType (int index, int type)
CoreExport BOOL SelVertsSameType ()
CoreExport BOOL SelPatchesSameType ()
CoreExport BOOL ResetVertexTangents (int index)
CoreExport BOOL ResetVertexTangents (bool useSel=true, const BitArray *vSel=NULL)
CoreExport BOOL PatchSmoothVector (bool useSel=true, const BitArray *vSel=NULL)
CoreExport BOOL PatchSmoothVertex (bool useSel=true, const BitArray *vSel=NULL)
CoreExport BOOL PatchSmoothEdge (bool useSel=true, const BitArray *eSel=NULL)
CoreExport BOOL PatchSmoothPatch (bool useSel=true, const BitArray *pSel=NULL)
CoreExport void ShrinkSelection (int type)
CoreExport void GrowSelection (int type)
CoreExport void SelectEdgeRing (BitArray &eSel)
CoreExport void SelectEdgeLoop (BitArray &eSel)
CoreExport void Dump ()
CoreExport void PrepareMesh ()
CoreExport void PrepareUnrelaxedMesh ()
CoreExport MeshGetMesh ()
CoreExport MeshGetUnrelaxedMesh ()
CoreExport int IntersectRay (Ray &ray, float &at, Point3 &norm)
CoreExport IOResult Save (ISave *isave)
CoreExport IOResult Load (ILoad *iload)
CoreExport void AutoSmooth (float angle, BOOL useSel, BOOL preventIndirectSmoothing)
CoreExport BOOL SingleEdgesOnly ()
CoreExport BitArray & GetElement (int index)
CoreExport BaseInterfaceGetInterface (Interface_ID id)
CoreExport void SetVertexWeightCount (int i)
CoreExport void SetVertexWeight (int i, float w)
CoreExport float VertexWeight (int i)
CoreExport bool VertexWeightSupport ()
CoreExport int VertexWeightSelectLevel ()
CoreExport int UseEdgeDists ()
CoreExport void SetUseEdgeDists (int edgeDist)
CoreExport int EdgeDist ()
CoreExport void SetEdgeDist (int edgeDist)
CoreExport int UseSoftSelections ()
CoreExport void SetUseSoftSelections (int useSoftSelections)
CoreExport int AffectBackface ()
CoreExport void SetAffectBackface (int affectBackface)
CoreExport float Falloff ()
CoreExport void SetFalloff (float falloff)
CoreExport float Pinch ()
CoreExport void SetPinch (float pinch)
CoreExport float Bubble ()
CoreExport void SetBubble (float bubble)
CoreExport void InvalidateVertexWeights ()
CoreExport void UpdateVertexDists ()
CoreExport void UpdateEdgeDists ()
CoreExport void UpdateVertexWeights ()
CoreExport Point3 VertexNormal (int vIndex)
CoreExport BOOL Relaxing ()
CoreExport BOOL SetRelax (BOOL v)
CoreExport BOOL SetRelaxViewports (BOOL v)
CoreExport BOOL SetRelaxValue (float v)
CoreExport BOOL SetRelaxIter (int v)
CoreExport BOOL SetRelaxBoundary (BOOL v)
CoreExport BOOL SetRelaxSaddle (BOOL v)
CoreExport BOOL GetRelax ()
CoreExport BOOL GetRelaxViewports ()
CoreExport float GetRelaxValue ()
CoreExport int GetRelaxIter ()
CoreExport BOOL GetRelaxBoundary ()
CoreExport BOOL GetRelaxSaddle ()
Vert Access

CoreExport BOOL setNumVerts (int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE)
int getNumVerts (void)
void setVert (int i, const Point3 &xyz)
void setVert (int i, float x, float y, float z)
PatchVertgetVert (int i)
PatchVertgetVertPtr (int i)
Vector Access
CoreExport BOOL setNumVecs (int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE)
int getNumVecs (void)
void setVec (int i, const Point3 &xyz)
void setVec (int i, float x, float y, float z)
PatchVecgetVec (int i)
PatchVecgetVecPtr (int i)
Patch Access

CoreExport BOOL setNumPatches (int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE)
int getNumPatches (void)
Edge Access
CoreExport BOOL setNumEdges (int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE)
int getNumEdges (void)
RVert Access

PRVertexgetRVert (int i)
PRVertexgetRVertPtr (int i)
TVert Access

BOOL setNumTVertsChannel (int mp, int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE)
BOOL setNumTVerts (int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE)
int getNumTVertsChannel (int mp) const
int getNumTVerts () const
CoreExport BOOL setNumMapVerts (int mp, int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE)
CoreExport int getNumMapVerts (int mp) const
CoreExport PatchTVertmapVerts (int mp) const
void setTVertChannel (int channel, int i, const UVVert &xyz)
void setTVert (int i, const UVVert &xyz)
void setTVertChannel (int channel, int i, float x, float y, float z)
void setTVert (int i, float x, float y, float z)
void setTVPatchChannel (int channel, int i, TVPatch &tvp)
void setTVPatch (int i, TVPatch &tvp)
PatchTVertgetTVertChannel (int channel, int i)
PatchTVertgetTVert (int i)
PatchTVertgetTVertPtrChannel (int channel, int i)
PatchTVertgetTVertPtr (int i)
TVPatch Access

BOOL setNumTVPatchesChannel (int channel, int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE, int oldCt=0)
BOOL setNumTVPatches (int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE, int oldCt=0)
CoreExport BOOL setNumMapPatches (int channel, int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE, int oldCt=0)
TVPatchgetTVPatchChannel (int channel, int i)
TVPatchgetTVPatch (int i)
MapVert Access

void setMapVert (int mp, int i, const UVVert &xyz)
void setMapVert (int mp, int i, float x, float y, float z)
void setMapPatch (int mp, int i, const TVPatch &tvp)
PatchTVertgetMapVert (int mp, int i)
PatchTVertgetMapVertPtr (int mp, int i)
TVPatchgetMapPatch (int mp, int i)
Render/Snap/Hit Test

CoreExport void render (GraphicsWindow *gw, Material *ma, RECT *rp, int compFlags, int numMat=1)
CoreExport BOOL select (GraphicsWindow *gw, Material *ma, HitRegion *hr, int abortOnHit=FALSE, int numMat=1)
CoreExport void snap (GraphicsWindow *gw, SnapInfo *snap, IPoint2 *p, Matrix3 &tm)
CoreExport BOOL SubObjectHitTest (GraphicsWindow *gw, Material *ma, HitRegion *hr, DWORD vflags, SubPatchHitList &hitList, int numMat=1)
Bounding Box Methods

CoreExport void renderGizmo (GraphicsWindow *gw)
CoreExport void buildBoundingBox (void)
CoreExport Box3 getBoundingBox (Matrix3 *tm=NULL)
CoreExport void GetDeformBBox (Box3 &box, Matrix3 *tm=NULL, BOOL useSel=FALSE)
Data Flow Evaluation
CoreExport void InvalidateGeomCache ()
CoreExport void InvalidateMesh ()
CoreExport void InvalidateRelaxedMesh ()
CoreExport void FreeAll ()
CoreExport void ShallowCopy (PatchMesh *amesh, ChannelMask channels)
CoreExport void DeepCopy (PatchMesh *amesh, ChannelMask channels)
CoreExport void NewAndCopyChannels (ChannelMask channels)
CoreExport void FreeChannels (ChannelMask channels, int zeroOthers=1)
Display Flags Access

void SetDispFlag (DWORD f)
DWORD GetDispFlag (DWORD f)
void ClearDispFlag (DWORD f)
Selection Access
BitArray & VecSel ()
BitArray & VertSel ()
BitArray & EdgeSel ()
BitArray & PatchSel ()
CoreExport BitArray VertexTempSel ()
Tri/Quad Patch Creation
CoreExport BOOL MakeQuadPatch (int index, int va, int vab, int vba, int vb, int vbc, int vcb, int vc, int vcd, int vdc, int vd, int vda, int vad, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, DWORD sm)
CoreExport BOOL MakeTriPatch (int index, int va, int vab, int vba, int vb, int vbc, int vcb, int vc, int vca, int vac, int i1, int i2, int i3, DWORD sm)
Get/Set Mesh Steps and Adaptive Switch/TessApprox

CoreExport void SetMeshSteps (int steps)
CoreExport int GetMeshSteps ()
CoreExport void SetMeshStepsRender (int steps)
CoreExport int GetMeshStepsRender ()
CoreExport void SetShowInterior (BOOL si)
CoreExport BOOL GetShowInterior ()
CoreExport void SetUsePatchNormals (BOOL usePatchNorm)
CoreExport BOOL GetUsePatchNormals ()
CoreExport void SetAdaptive (BOOL sw)
CoreExport BOOL GetAdaptive ()
CoreExport void SetViewTess (TessApprox tess)
CoreExport TessApprox GetViewTess ()
CoreExport void SetProdTess (TessApprox tess)
CoreExport TessApprox GetProdTess ()
CoreExport void SetDispTess (TessApprox tess)
CoreExport TessApprox GetDispTess ()
CoreExport BOOL GetViewTessNormals ()
CoreExport void SetViewTessNormals (BOOL use)
CoreExport BOOL GetProdTessNormals ()
CoreExport void SetProdTessNormals (BOOL use)
CoreExport BOOL GetViewTessWeld ()
CoreExport void SetViewTessWeld (BOOL weld)
CoreExport BOOL GetProdTessWeld ()
CoreExport void SetProdTessWeld (BOOL weld)
Material/Mapping Access
CoreExport void setNumMaps (int ct, BOOL keep=TRUE)
int getNumMaps ()
CoreExport void setMapSupport (int chan, BOOL init=TRUE)
BOOL getMapSupport (int mp)
int NumMapChannels ()
CoreExport void ApplyUVWMap (int type, float utile, float vtile, float wtile, int uflip, int vflip, int wflip, int cap, const Matrix3 &tm, int channel=1)
CoreExport BOOL RecordTopologyTags ()
CoreExport void Transform (Matrix3 &tm)
CoreExport BOOL Weld (float thresh, BOOL weldIdentical=FALSE, int startVert=0)
CoreExport BOOL Weld (int fromVert, int toVert)
CoreExport void DeletePatchParts (BitArray &delVerts, BitArray &delPatches)
CoreExport void Subdivide (int type, BOOL propagate)
CoreExport void AddPatch (int type)
CoreExport int AddHook ()
CoreExport int AddHook (int index)
CoreExport int AddHook (int vertIndex, int segIndex)
CoreExport int RemoveHook ()
CoreExport int UpdateHooks ()
CoreExport void ChangePatchToLinearMapping (int index)
CoreExport void ChangePatchToCurvedMapping (int index)
CoreExport BOOL ArePatchesLinearMapped (int index)
CoreExport BOOL ArePatchesCurvedMapped (int index)
Patch Normals Methods
CoreExport Point3 AverageNormals (int type=PATCH_PATCH)
CoreExport Point3 PatchNormal (int index)
CoreExport void BuildPatchNormals ()
CoreExport void InvalidatePatchNormals ()
CoreExport Point3 EdgeNormal (int index)
CoreExport void MoveNormal (float amount, BOOL useLocalNorms, int type)
CoreExport void FlipPatchNormal (int index)
CoreExport void UnifyNormals (BOOL useSel)
Bevel Operations
CoreExport void CreateBevel ()
CoreExport void Bevel (float amount, int smoothStart, int smoothEnd)
Point3 GetBevelDir (int patchVertID)
Conversion to Mesh

CoreExport void ComputeMesh (Mesh &m, DWORD convertFlags)
Selection Weights
CoreExport float * GetVSelectionWeights ()
CoreExport void SupportVSelectionWeights ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseInterfaceServer
UtilExport BaseInterfaceGetInterface (Interface_ID id) override
virtual UtilExport int NumInterfaces () const
virtual UtilExport BaseInterfaceGetInterfaceAt (int i) const
virtual UtilExport ~BaseInterfaceServer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from InterfaceServer
virtual UtilExport ~InterfaceServer ()
virtual UtilExport BaseInterfaceGetInterface (Interface_ID id)
template<class InterfaceType >
InterfaceType * GetTypedInterface ()

Public Attributes

int numVerts
int numVecs
int numPatches
int numEdges
Tab< HookPointhooks
Tab< Point3 > hookTopoMarkers
Tab< Point3 > hookTopoMarkersA
Tab< Point3 > hookTopoMarkersB
Point3 * normals
BOOL normalsBuilt
Tab< intnumTVerts
Tab< PatchTVert * > tVerts
Tab< TVPatch * > tvPatches
BitArray vecSel
BitArray vertSel
BitArray edgeSel
BitArray patchSel
int bezVecVert
DWORD dispFlags
DWORD selLevel
int cacheSteps
BOOL cacheAdaptive
BOOL unrelaxedMeshValid
BOOL relaxedMeshValid
Tab< Point3 > extrudeDeltas
MaxSDK::Array< ExtrudeDataextrudeData
Tab< Point3 > edgeNormals
Tab< intnewEdges
Tab< intnewVerts
BitArray bevelEdges
Tab< float > edgeDistances
float mFalloff
float mPinch
float mBubble
int mEdgeDist
int mUseEdgeDist
int mAffectBackface
int mUseSoftSelections


class Patch
class MaxGraphics::IPatchMeshInternal

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MaxHeapOperators
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size)
 Standard new operator used to allocate objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard new operator used to allocate objects if there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, void *placement_ptr)
 Placement new operator.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, void *placement_ptr)
 Placement delete operator.
static UtilExport voidaligned_malloc (size_t size, size_t alignment)
 Allocates memory on a specified alignment boundary.
static UtilExport voidaligned_realloc (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t alignment)
 Reallocates memory on a specified alignment boundary.
static UtilExport void aligned_free (void *ptr)
 Frees a block of memory that was allocated with aligned_malloc/aligned_realloc.
- Protected Attributes inherited from BaseInterfaceServer
Tab< BaseInterface * > interfaces

Detailed Description

See also
Class Patch, Class PatchVec, Class PatchEdge, Class PatchVert, Class BitArray, Class TessApprox, Class PatchTVert, ~{ Patches and Faces }~.

A patch mesh can be made up of any number of patches. Each of these patches can be three or four sided. Each edge of a patch can only be used by either one patch (which makes it an open edge) or two patches (which makes it a transitional edge between the two).

All methods of this class are implemented by the system.
int numVerts;

The number of vertices.

int numVecs;

The number of vectors.

int numPatches;

The number of patches.

int numEdges;

The number of edges.

Patch *patches;

The list of patches.

PatchVec *vecs;

The list of PatchVecs.

PatchEdge *edges;

The list of PatchEdges.

Tab<HookPoint> hooks;

This data member is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This table is used internally
PatchVert *verts;

The list of PatchVerts.
Texture Coordinate Assignment:
Tab<int> numTVerts;

This data member is available in release 3.0 and later only.

A table containing the number of texture vertices for each channel.

Tab<PatchTVert *> tVerts;

This data member is available in release 3.0 and later only.

A table containing pointers to the texture vertices for each channel.

Previous to R4.0 this was a Tab<UVVert *>.

Tab<TVPatch *> tvPatches;

This data member is available in release 3.0 and later only.

A table containing pointers to the texture vertex patches for each channel.
Material Assignment:
DWORD mtlIndex;

The object level material.
BitArray vertSel;

The selected vertices.

BitArray edgeSel;

The selected edges.

BitArray patchSel;

The selected patches.

int bezVecVert;

This is used internally.

DWORD dispFlags;

The display attribute flags. See Patch Flags DWORD selLevel;

The current selection level. One of the following values:

PATCH_OBJECT - Object level.

PATCH_VERTEX - Vertex level.

PATCH_PATCH - Patch level.

PATCH_EDGE - Edge level.

int cacheSteps;

This data member is available in release 3.0 and later only.

The meshSteps used for the cache.

BOOL cacheAdaptive;

This data member is available in release 3.0 and later only.

The adaptive switch used for the mesh cache.

Tab<Point3> extrudeDeltas;

This data member is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This data member is for internal use only.

Tab<ExtrudeData> extrudeData;

This data member is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This data member is for internal use only.

BitArray bevelEdges;

This data member is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This data member is for internal use only.

Tab<float> edgeDistances;

This data member is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This data member is for internal use only.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PatchMesh() [1/2]

Constructor. Initializes data members (see Init() below).

◆ PatchMesh() [2/2]

CoreExport PatchMesh ( PatchMesh fromPatch)
Constructor. This PatchMesh is initialized from the specified PatchMesh.

◆ ~PatchMesh()

Destructor. Frees up allocated arrays.

Member Function Documentation

◆ HookFixTopology()

CoreExport int HookFixTopology ( )

◆ Init()

CoreExport void Init ( )
Initializes the data members to default values.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

CoreExport PatchMesh & operator= ( PatchMesh fromPatchMesh)
Assignment operator from another PatchMesh.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

CoreExport PatchMesh & operator= ( Mesh fromMesh)
Assignment operator. This operator will do the conversion from a Mesh to a PatchMesh. Note that this can get very slow if there are a lot of faces in the mesh. When the system does the conversion is must do a fair amount of work with its interior connection lists. It builds a data base of what is connected to what and makes sure that the PatchMesh doesn't have any places where an edge is used by more than two patches. Also, for every face in the mesh it generates a triangular patch. Therefore use this method with some caution as it can create some very complex PatchMesh objects.

◆ CopyPatchDataFrom()

CoreExport void CopyPatchDataFrom ( PatchMesh fromPatchMesh)
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

The following is similar to operator=, but just takes the major components, not the display flags, selection level, etc.
PatchMesh &fromPatchMesh

The patch mesh to copy from.

◆ setNumVerts()

CoreExport BOOL setNumVerts ( int  ct,
BOOL  keep = FALSE 
Sets the number of vertices in the patch mesh.
int ct

The new number of vertices.


If TRUE any old vertices are copied to the new array; otherwise they are freed.
TRUE if the number of vertices was allocated; otherwise FALSE.

◆ getNumVerts()

int getNumVerts ( void  )
Returns the number of vertices in the patch mesh.
1302{ return numVerts; }
int numVerts
Definition: patch.h:1202

◆ setVert() [1/2]

void setVert ( int  i,
const Point3 &  xyz 
Sets the 'i-th' vertex.
int i

The index of the vertex to set.

const Point3 &xyz

The vertex location.
1310{ verts[i].p = xyz; }
PatchVert * verts
Definition: patch.h:1222
Point3 p
Definition: patch.h:231

◆ setVert() [2/2]

void setVert ( int  i,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z 
Sets the 'i-th' vertex.
int i

The index of the vertex to set.

float x, float y, float z

The vertex location.
1317{ verts[i].p.x=x; verts[i].p.y=y; verts[i].p.z=z; }
controller mat max min numsubs x z controller keys x z controller keys x z
Definition: generics.inl:214
controller mat max min numsubs x z controller keys x z controller keys x
Definition: generics.inl:212

◆ getVert()

PatchVert & getVert ( int  i)
Returns the 'i-th' vertex.
int i

The index of the vertex to retrieve.
1323{ return verts[i]; }

◆ getVertPtr()

PatchVert * getVertPtr ( int  i)
Returns the address of the 'i-th' vertex.
int i

The index of the vertex.
1328{ return verts+i; }

◆ setNumVecs()

CoreExport BOOL setNumVecs ( int  ct,
BOOL  keep = FALSE 
Sets the number of vectors.
int ct

The new vector count.


If TRUE any previous vectors are copied; otherwise they are freed.
TRUE if the number was allocated and set; otherwise FALSE.

◆ getNumVecs()

int getNumVecs ( void  )
Returns the number of vectors.
1342{ return numVecs; }
int numVecs
Definition: patch.h:1203

◆ setNumPatches()

CoreExport BOOL setNumPatches ( int  ct,
BOOL  keep = FALSE 
Sets the number of patches.
int ct

The new patch count.


If TRUE any previous patches are copied; otherwise they are freed.
TRUE if the number was allocated and set; otherwise FALSE.

◆ getNumPatches()

int getNumPatches ( void  )
Returns the number of patches.
1356{ return numPatches; }
int numPatches
Definition: patch.h:1204

◆ setNumEdges()

CoreExport BOOL setNumEdges ( int  ct,
BOOL  keep = FALSE 
Sets the number of edges.
int ct

The new edge count.


If TRUE any previous edges are copied; otherwise they are freed.
TRUE if the number was allocated and set; otherwise FALSE.

◆ getNumEdges()

int getNumEdges ( void  )
Returns the number of edges.
1370{ return numEdges; }
int numEdges
Definition: patch.h:1205

◆ setVec() [1/2]

void setVec ( int  i,
const Point3 &  xyz 
Sets the 'i-th' vector.
int i

The index of the vector to set.

const Point3 &xyz

The vector to set.
1381{ vecs[i].p = xyz; }
PatchVec * vecs
Definition: patch.h:1207
Point3 p
Definition: patch.h:121

◆ setVec() [2/2]

void setVec ( int  i,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z 
Sets the 'i-th' vector.
int i

The index of the vector to set.

float x, float y, float z

The vector values to set.
1388{ vecs[i].p.x=x; vecs[i].p.y=y; vecs[i].p.z=z; }

◆ getVec()

PatchVec & getVec ( int  i)
Returns the 'i-th' vector.
int i

The index of the vector to retrieve.
1394{ return vecs[i]; }

◆ getVecPtr()

PatchVec * getVecPtr ( int  i)
Returns the address of the 'i-th' vector.
int i

The index of the vector.
1399{ return vecs+i; }

◆ getRVert()

PRVertex & getRVert ( int  i)
This method is not currently used.
1405{ return rVerts[i]; }

◆ getRVertPtr()

PRVertex * getRVertPtr ( int  i)
This method is not currently used.
1407{ return rVerts+i; }

◆ getRVec()

PRVertex & getRVec ( int  i)
1410{ return rVecs[i]; }

◆ getRVecPtr()

PRVertex * getRVecPtr ( int  i)
1411{ return rVecs+i; }

◆ setNumTVertsChannel()

BOOL setNumTVertsChannel ( int  mp,
int  ct,
BOOL  keep = FALSE 
This method is available in release 2.0 and later only.

Sets the number of mapping vertices in the original TV map or vertex color channel.
int mp

Specifies the channel. If 0, the number of vertices in the original mapping channel (map channel 1) is set. If nonzero, the number of vertices in the vertex color channel (map channel 0) is set.

int ct

The number of map vertices desired.


If TRUE, any existing mapping verts are copied over into the new array.
TRUE on success; otherwise FALSE.
1432{ return setNumMapVerts (mp?0:1, ct, keep); }
CoreExport BOOL setNumMapVerts(int mp, int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE)

◆ setNumTVerts()

BOOL setNumTVerts ( int  ct,
BOOL  keep = FALSE 
Sets the number of mapping verts in the original mapping channel (channel 1).
int ct

The number of map vertices desired.


If TRUE, any existing mapping verts are copied over into the new array.
TRUE if successful, FALSE if unsuccessful.
1441{ return setNumMapVerts (1, ct, keep); }

◆ getNumTVertsChannel()

int getNumTVertsChannel ( int  mp) const
This method is available in release 2.0 and later only.

Returns the number of mapping verts in the original map or vertex colors.
int mp

If 0, the number of vertices in the original mapping channel (map channel 1) is returned. If nonzero, the number of vertices in the vertex color channel (map channel 0) is returned.
1451{ return numTVerts[mp?0:1]; }
Tab< int > numTVerts
Definition: patch.h:1225

◆ getNumTVerts()

int getNumTVerts ( ) const
Returns the number of mapping vertices in the original mapping channel (channel 1).
1454{ return getNumMapVerts(1); }
CoreExport int getNumMapVerts(int mp) const

◆ setNumMapVerts()

CoreExport BOOL setNumMapVerts ( int  mp,
int  ct,
BOOL  keep = FALSE 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Sets the number of mapping verts in the specified mapping channel.
int mp

The mapping channel. In this method, 0 is the vertex color channel, and channels 1 through MAX_MESHMAPS-1 are the map channels.

int ct

The number of mapping verts desired.


If TRUE any old vertices are copied to the new array; otherwise they are freed.
TRUE if the number of vertices was allocated; otherwise FALSE.

◆ getNumMapVerts()

CoreExport int getNumMapVerts ( int  mp) const
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Returns the number of mapping verts in the specified mapping channel.
int mp

In this method, 0 is the vertex color channel, and channels 1 through MAX_MESHMAPS-1 are the map channels.

◆ mapVerts()

CoreExport PatchTVert * mapVerts ( int  mp) const
This method is available in release 4.0 and later only.

Returns a pointer to the list of PatchTVerts for the specified channel of this patch.
int mp

The mapping channel. In this method, 0 is the vertex color channel, and channels 1 through MAX_MESHMAPS-1 are the map channels.

◆ mapPatches()

CoreExport TVPatch * mapPatches ( int  mp) const

◆ setNumTVPatchesChannel()

BOOL setNumTVPatchesChannel ( int  channel,
int  ct,
BOOL  keep = FALSE,
int  oldCt = 0 
This method is available in release 2.0 and later only.

Sets the number of map patches in the original TV or vertex color channels. (Note that setNumMapPatches() is called from setNumPatches(), so this doesn't need to be called separately once a map channel is active.)


If the map patches are NULL and keep = TRUE they stay NULL.

If the map patches are NULL and keep = FALSE they are allocated, and map verts also init themselves from the main vert array.

If the map patches are non-NULL and ct = 0 they are set to NULL (and freed)
int channel

If 0, the number of map patches in the original map channel are set. If nonzero, the number of map patches in the vertex color channel is set.

int ct

The number of map patches desired – should match the number of patches.


The keep flag. See above.

int oldCt=0

The old number of patches. This is important for determining how much to copy over when keep is TRUE.
TRUE if storage has been allocated and the number is set; otherwise FALSE.
1530{ return setNumMapPatches (channel?0:1, ct, keep, oldCt); }
CoreExport BOOL setNumMapPatches(int channel, int ct, BOOL keep=FALSE, int oldCt=0)

◆ setNumTVPatches()

BOOL setNumTVPatches ( int  ct,
BOOL  keep = FALSE,
int  oldCt = 0 
Sets the number of map patches in the original TV channel. (Note that setNumMapPatches() is called from setNumPatches(), so this doesn't need to be called separately once a map channel is active.)


If the map patches are NULL and keep = TRUE they stay NULL.

If the map patches are NULL and keep = FALSE they are allocated, and map verts also init themselves from the main vert array.

If the map patches are non-NULL and ct = 0 they are set to NULL (and freed)
int ct

The number of map patches desired – should match the number of patches.


If TRUE, existing map patches are copied into the new map patch array. oldCt should specify how many patches were around previously.

int oldCt=0

The old number of patches. This is important for determining how much to copy over when keep is TRUE.
TRUE if storage has been allocated and the number is set; otherwise FALSE.
1553{ return setNumMapPatches (1, ct, keep, oldCt); }

◆ setNumMapPatches()

CoreExport BOOL setNumMapPatches ( int  channel,
int  ct,
BOOL  keep = FALSE,
int  oldCt = 0 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Sets the number of map patches in the specified map channel. (Note that this is called from setNumPatches(), so it doesn't need to be called separately once a map channel is active.)


If the map patches are NULL and keep = TRUE they stay NULL.

If the map patches are NULL and keep = FALSE they are allocated, and map verts also init themselves from the main vert array.

If the map patches are non-NULL and ct = 0 they are set to NULL (and freed).
int channel

The mapping channel. In this method, 0 is the vertex color channel, and channels 1 through MAX_MESHMAPS-1 are the map channels.

int ct

The number of map patches desired – should match the number of patches.


If TRUE, existing map patches are copied into the new map patch array. oldCt should specify how many patches were around previously.

int oldCt=0

The old number of patches. This is important for determining how much to copy over when keep is TRUE.
TRUE if storage has been allocated and the number is set; otherwise FALSE.

◆ setTVertChannel() [1/2]

void setTVertChannel ( int  channel,
int  i,
const UVVert &  xyz 
This method is available in release 2.0 and later only.

Sets the 'i-th' map vertex of the specified channel.
int channel

The mapping channel. In this method, 0 is the vertex color channel, and channels 1 through MAX_MESHMAPS-1 are the map channels.

int i

The index of the map vertex to set.

const UVVert &xyz

The value to set.
1597{ tVerts[channel?0:1][i] = xyz; }
Tab< PatchTVert * > tVerts
Definition: patch.h:1226

◆ setTVert() [1/2]

void setTVert ( int  i,
const UVVert &  xyz 
Sets the 'i-th' map vertex.
int i

The index of the map vertex to set.

const UVVert &xyz

The value to set.
1604{ tVerts[1][i] = xyz; }

◆ setTVertChannel() [2/2]

void setTVertChannel ( int  channel,
int  i,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z 
This method is available in release 2.0 and later only.

Sets the 'i-th' map vertex of the specified channel.
int channel

The mapping channel. In this method, 0 is the vertex color channel, and channels 1 through MAX_MESHMAPS-1 are the map channels.

int i

The index of the map vertex to set.

float x, float y, float z

The values to set.
1616{ tVerts[channel?0:1][i].p.x=x; tVerts[channel?0:1][i].p.y=y; tVerts[channel?0:1][i].p.z=z; }

◆ setTVert() [2/2]

void setTVert ( int  i,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z 
Sets the 'i-th' map vertex.
int i

The index of the map vertex to set.

float x, float y, float z

The values to set.
1623{ tVerts[1][i].p.x=x; tVerts[1][i].p.y=y; tVerts[1][i].p.z=z; }

◆ setTVPatchChannel()

void setTVPatchChannel ( int  channel,
int  i,
TVPatch tvp 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Sets the 'i-th' map patch.
int channel

The mapping channel. In this method, 0 is the vertex color channel, and channels 1 through MAX_MESHMAPS-1 are the map channels.

int i

The index of the map vertex to set.

TVPatch &tvp

The map patch to set.
1635{ tvPatches[channel?0:1][i] = tvp; }
Tab< TVPatch * > tvPatches
Definition: patch.h:1227

◆ setTVPatch()

void setTVPatch ( int  i,
TVPatch tvp 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Sets the specified map patch.
int i

The zero based index of the texture patch to set.

TVPatch &tvp

The map patch to set.
1644{ tvPatches[1][i] = tvp; }

◆ getTVertChannel()

PatchTVert & getTVertChannel ( int  channel,
int  i 
This method is available in release 2.0 and later only.

Previous to R4, this method returned an UVVert&.

Returns the 'i-th' map vertex of the specified channel.
int channel

The mapping channel. In this method, 0 is the vertex color channel, and channels 1 through MAX_MESHMAPS-1 are the map channels.

int i

The index of the map vertex to retrieve.
1655{ return tVerts[channel?0:1][i]; }

◆ getTVert()

PatchTVert & getTVert ( int  i)
Previous to R4, this method returned an UVVert&.

Returns the 'i-th' map vertex.
int i

The index of the map vertex to retrieve.
1661{ return tVerts[1][i]; }

◆ getTVertPtrChannel()

PatchTVert * getTVertPtrChannel ( int  channel,
int  i 
This method is available in release 2.0 and later only.

Previous to R4, this method returned an UVVert*.

Returns a pointer to the 'i-th' map vertex of the specified channel.
int channel

The mapping channel. In this method, 0 is the vertex color channel, and channels 1 through MAX_MESHMAPS-1 are the map channels.

int i

The index of the texture vertex.
1672{ return tVerts[channel?0:1]+i; }

◆ getTVertPtr()

PatchTVert * getTVertPtr ( int  i)
Previous to R4, this method returned an UVVert*.

Returns a pointer to the 'i-th' map vertex.
int i

The index of the map vertex.
1678{ return tVerts[1]+i; }

◆ getTVPatchChannel()

TVPatch & getTVPatchChannel ( int  channel,
int  i 
This method is available in release 2.0 and later only.

Returns the 'i-th' texture patch structure of the specified channel.
int channel

The mapping channel. In this method, 0 is the vertex color channel, and channels 1 through MAX_MESHMAPS-1 are the map channels.

int i

The index of the TVPatch.
1692{ return tvPatches[channel?0:1][i]; }

◆ getTVPatch()

TVPatch & getTVPatch ( int  i)
This method is available in release 2.0 and later only.

Returns the 'i-th' texture patch from map channel 1.
int i

The index of the TVPatch.
1699{ return tvPatches[1][i]; }

◆ setMapVert() [1/2]

void setMapVert ( int  mp,
int  i,
const UVVert &  xyz 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Sets the specified mapping vertex in the channel passed.
int mp

The mapping channel. In this method, 0 is the vertex color channel, and channels 1 through MAX_MESHMAPS-1 are the map channels.

int i

The zero based index of the vert to set.

const UVVert &xyz

The vert to set.
1716{ mapVerts(mp)[i] = xyz; }
CoreExport PatchTVert * mapVerts(int mp) const

◆ setMapVert() [2/2]

void setMapVert ( int  mp,
int  i,
float  x,
float  y,
float  z 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Sets the specified mapping vertex in the channel passed.
int mp

The mapping channel. In this method, 0 is the vertex color channel, and channels 1 through MAX_MESHMAPS-1 are the map channels.

int i

The zero based index of the vert to set.

float x

The x coordinate of the vert to set.

float y

The y coordinate of the vert to set.

float z

The z coordinate of the vert to set.
1732{ Point3 MV(x,y,z); setMapVert (mp, i, MV); }
void setMapVert(int mp, int i, const UVVert &xyz)
Definition: patch.h:1716

◆ setMapPatch()

void setMapPatch ( int  mp,
int  i,
const TVPatch tvp 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Sets the specified mapping patch in the channel passed.
int mp

The mapping channel. In this method, 0 is the vertex color channel, and channels 1 through MAX_MESHMAPS-1 are the map channels.

int i

The zero based index of the TVPatch to set.

const TVPatch &tvp

The map patch to set.
1744{ mapPatches(mp)[i] = tvp; }
CoreExport TVPatch * mapPatches(int mp) const

◆ getMapVert()

PatchTVert & getMapVert ( int  mp,
int  i 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Previous to R4, this method returned an UVVert&.

Returns a reference to the specified mapping vert from the specified channel.
int mp

The mapping channel. In this method, 0 is the vertex color channel, and channels 1 through MAX_MESHMAPS-1 are the map channels.

int i

The zero based index of the vert to get.
1756{ return mapVerts(mp)[i]; }

◆ getMapVertPtr()

PatchTVert * getMapVertPtr ( int  mp,
int  i 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Previous to R4, this method returned an UVVert*.

Returns a pointer to the specified mapping vert from the specified channel.
int mp

The mapping channel. In this method, 0 is the vertex color channel, and channels 1 through MAX_MESHMAPS-1 are the map channels.

int i

The zero based index of the vert to get.
1768{ return mapVerts(mp) + i; }

◆ getMapPatch()

TVPatch & getMapPatch ( int  mp,
int  i 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Returns a reference to the specified map patch from the specified channel.
int mp

The mapping channel. In this method, 0 is the vertex color channel, and channels 1 through MAX_MESHMAPS-1 are the map channels.

int i

The zero based index of the map patch to get.
1779{ return mapPatches(mp)[i]; }

◆ getPatchMtlIndex()

CoreExport MtlID getPatchMtlIndex ( int  i)

◆ setPatchMtlIndex()

CoreExport void setPatchMtlIndex ( int  i,
MtlID  id 

◆ buildLinkages()

CoreExport BOOL buildLinkages ( int  patch = -1)
This is an important method to call after putting together a PatchMesh. This method does the work to figure out how the PatchMesh is connected together, one patch to another. It determines which edges are used by which patches and so on.
int patch

This option is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This optional parameter allows you to only update adjacency information for a single new patch. If the plugin code is adding new patches and not removing any others then you can call this method with the new patch index and the various adjacency information in vertices, vectors, and edges will be built. If you call this method for the entire object (no parameter or patch < 0) it will destroy all adjacency information and rebuild it from scratch.
TRUE if the patch mesh is valid, FALSE if it is not.

◆ computeInteriors()

CoreExport void computeInteriors ( )
This method computes the interior bezier points for each patch in the mesh. This method should be called after any modifications have been made to alter the PatchMesh(for example changes to point positions). If there are any automatic patches this will compute the interior vectors.

◆ computeAux()

CoreExport void computeAux ( )

◆ render()

CoreExport void render ( GraphicsWindow gw,
Material ma,
RECT *  rp,
int  compFlags,
int  numMat = 1 
Renders a patch mesh using the specified graphics window and array of materials.
GraphicsWindow *gw

Points to the graphics window to render to.

Material *ma

The list of materials to use to render the patch.

RECT *rp

Specifies the rectangular region to render. If the patch mesh should be rendered to the entire viewport pass NULL.

int compFlags

One or more of the following flags:


Forces recalculation of the model to screen transformation; otherwise attempt to use the cache.


Forces all polygons to be rendered; otherwise only those intersecting the box will be rendered.


Forces re-lighting of all vertices (as when a light moves); otherwise only re-light moved vertices


All of the above flags.


If this bit is set then the node being displayed by this mesh is selected. Certain display flags only activate when this bit is set.


If this bit is set then the node being displayed by this mesh is frozen.

int numMat=1

The number of materials supported.

◆ select()

CoreExport BOOL select ( GraphicsWindow gw,
Material ma,
HitRegion hr,
int  abortOnHit = FALSE,
int  numMat = 1 
Checks the given HitRecord hr to see if it intersects the patch mesh object.
GraphicsWindow *gw

Points to the graphics window to check.

Material *ma

The list of materials for the patch mesh.

HitRegion *hr

This describes the properties of a region used for the hit testing. See Class HitRegion.

int abortOnHit = FALSE

If nonzero, the hit testing is complete after any hit; otherwise all hits are checked.

int numMat=1

The number of materials supported.
TRUE if the item was hit; otherwise FALSE.

◆ snap()

CoreExport void snap ( GraphicsWindow gw,
SnapInfo snap,
IPoint2 *  p,
Matrix3 &  tm 
Checks to see if there is a snap point near the given mouse point.
GraphicsWindow *gw

The graphics window in which to check.

SnapInfo *snap

This structure describes the snap settings used, and the results of the snap test. See Structure SnapInfo.

IPoint2 *p

The mouse point to check.

Matrix3 &tm

The object transformation matrix. This is the transformation to place the object into the world coordinate system.

◆ SubObjectHitTest()

CoreExport BOOL SubObjectHitTest ( GraphicsWindow gw,
Material ma,
HitRegion hr,
DWORD  vflags,
SubPatchHitList hitList,
int  numMat = 1 
This method may be called to perform sub-object hit testing of the patch mesh.
GraphicsWindow *gw

The graphics window associated with the viewport the patch mesh is being hit tested in.

Material *ma

The list of materials for the patch mesh.

HitRegion *hr

This describes the properties of a region used for the hit testing. See Class HitRegion.

DWORD vflags

Flags for sub object hit testing. One or more of the following values:


Selected only.


Unselected only.


Abort hit testing on the first hit found.


This treats selected items as solid and unselected items as not solid. Treating an item as solid means the patch will be hit if the mouse is anywhere inside the patch region and not just over a visible edge.


Hit test vertices.


Hit test vectors.


Hit test patches.


Hit test edges.

SubPatchHitList& hitList

See Class SubPatchHitList.

int numMat=1

The number of materials for the mesh.
TRUE if the item was hit; otherwise FALSE.

◆ renderGizmo()

CoreExport void renderGizmo ( GraphicsWindow gw)
This method is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This method will render a 'gizmo' version of the PatchMesh and is used primarily by Editable Patch and Edit Patch to facilitate the Show End Result feature.
GraphicsWindow *gw

The graphics window associated with the viewport the patch mesh gizmo should be shown in.

◆ buildBoundingBox()

CoreExport void buildBoundingBox ( void  )
Computes the bounding box of the patch mesh. The bounding box is stored with the patch mesh object, use getBoundingBox() to retrieve it.

◆ getBoundingBox()

CoreExport Box3 getBoundingBox ( Matrix3 *  tm = NULL)
Retrieves the bounding box of the patch mesh object.
Matrix3 *tm=NULL

The optional TM allows the box to be calculated in any space.

◆ GetDeformBBox()

CoreExport void GetDeformBBox ( Box3 &  box,
Matrix3 *  tm = NULL,
BOOL  useSel = FALSE 
This method is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This method will render a 'gizmo' version of the PatchMesh and is used primarily by Editable Patch and Edit Patch to facilitate the Show End Result feature.
GraphicsWindow *gw

The graphics window associated with the viewport the patch mesh gizmo should be shown in.

◆ InvalidateGeomCache()

CoreExport void InvalidateGeomCache ( )
This method should be called when the PatchMesh changes. It invalidates the caches of the patch mesh.

◆ InvalidateMesh()

CoreExport void InvalidateMesh ( )
This method should be called when the PatchMesh changes. It invalidates the caches of the patch mesh.

◆ InvalidateRelaxedMesh()

CoreExport void InvalidateRelaxedMesh ( )
This method should be called when the PatchMesh changes. It invalidates the caches of the patch mesh.

◆ FreeAll()

CoreExport void FreeAll ( )
Frees everything from the patch mesh.

◆ ShallowCopy()

CoreExport void ShallowCopy ( PatchMesh amesh,
ChannelMask  channels 
This method is used internally in data flow evaluation.

◆ DeepCopy()

CoreExport void DeepCopy ( PatchMesh amesh,
ChannelMask  channels 
This method is used internally in data flow evaluation.

◆ NewAndCopyChannels()

CoreExport void NewAndCopyChannels ( ChannelMask  channels)
This method is used internally in data flow evaluation.

◆ FreeChannels()

CoreExport void FreeChannels ( ChannelMask  channels,
int  zeroOthers = 1 
This method is used internally in data flow evaluation.

◆ SetDispFlag()

void SetDispFlag ( DWORD  f)
Sets the state of the specified display flags.
f- The flags to set. See Patch Flags.
1974{ dispFlags |= f; }
DWORD dispFlags
Definition: patch.h:1239

◆ GetDispFlag()

DWORD GetDispFlag ( DWORD  f)
Returns the state of the specified display flags.
f- The flags to get. See Patch Flags.
1977{ return dispFlags & f; }

◆ ClearDispFlag()

void ClearDispFlag ( DWORD  f)
Clears the specified display flags.
f- The flags to clear. See Patch Flags.
1980{ dispFlags &= ~f; }

◆ VecSel()

BitArray & VecSel ( )
Returns the bits representing the vertex selection status. See the Data Members above. See Class BitArray.
1986{ return vecSel; } // CAL-06/10/03: (FID #1914)
BitArray vecSel
Definition: patch.h:1230

◆ VertSel()

BitArray & VertSel ( )
Returns the bits representing the vertex selection status. See the Data Members above. See Class BitArray.
1990{ return vertSel; }
BitArray vertSel
Definition: patch.h:1231

◆ EdgeSel()

BitArray & EdgeSel ( )
Returns the bits representing the edge selection status. See the Data Members above. See Class BitArray.
1993{ return edgeSel; }
BitArray edgeSel
Definition: patch.h:1232

◆ PatchSel()

BitArray & PatchSel ( )
Returns the bits representing the patch selection status. See the Data Members above. See Class BitArray.
1996{ return patchSel; }
BitArray patchSel
Definition: patch.h:1233

◆ VertexTempSel()

CoreExport BitArray VertexTempSel ( )
Constructs a vertex selection list based on the current selection level. For example if the selection level is at object level all the bits are set. If the selection level is at vertex level only the selected vertex bits are set. See Class BitArray.

◆ ApplyConstraints()

CoreExport void ApplyConstraints ( BOOL  selOnly = FALSE)
This method may be called to apply the coplanar constraints to the patch mesh. The constraints may optionally only apply to selected vertices. There is a flag that may be set for a patch vertex (PVERT_COPLANAR). For example, you can set this flag to make a vertex coplanar with its vectors. If this is done, then when this method is called, the patch code will then go through the PatchMesh and find the average plane that is used by the vertex and all the vectors associated with it. It will then constrain all the vectors to lie in this plane (by rotating them so that they lie on the plane). In this way there will be a consistent transition between the patches sharing the vertex.
BOOL selOnly = FALSE

If TRUE the constraints are only applied to the selected vertices; otherwise all vertices.

◆ MakeQuadPatch()

CoreExport BOOL MakeQuadPatch ( int  index,
int  va,
int  vab,
int  vba,
int  vb,
int  vbc,
int  vcb,
int  vc,
int  vcd,
int  vdc,
int  vd,
int  vda,
int  vad,
int  i1,
int  i2,
int  i3,
int  i4,
DWORD  sm 
Create a quadrilateral patch given a patch index and a list of all the vertices, vectors, interiors, and a smoothing group.
int index - The index of the patch to create (0>= index < numPatches).

int va - The first vertex.

int vab - Vector ab.

int vba - Vector ba.

int vb - The second vertex.

int vbc - Vector bc.

int vcb - Vector cb.

int vc - The third vertex.

int vcd - Vector cd.

int vdc - Vector dc.

int vd - The fourth vertex.

int vda - Vector da.

int vad - Vector ad.

int i1 - Interior 1.

int i2 - Interior 2.

int i3 - Interior 3.

int i4 - Interior 4.

DWORD sm - The smoothing group.
TRUE if the patch was created; otherwise FALSE.

◆ MakeTriPatch()

CoreExport BOOL MakeTriPatch ( int  index,
int  va,
int  vab,
int  vba,
int  vb,
int  vbc,
int  vcb,
int  vc,
int  vca,
int  vac,
int  i1,
int  i2,
int  i3,
DWORD  sm 
Create a triangular patch given a patch index and a list of all the vertices, vectors, interiors, and a smoothing group.
int index - The index of the patch to create (0>= index < numPatches).

int va - The first vertex.

int vab - Vector ab.

int vba - Vector ba.

int vb - The second vertex.

int vbc - Vector bc.

int vcb - Vector cb.

int vc - The third vertex.

int vca - Vector ca.

int vac - Vector ac.

int i1 - Interior 1.

int i2 - Interior 2.

int i3 - Interior 3.

DWORD sm - The smoothing group.
TRUE if the patch was created; otherwise FALSE.

◆ SetMeshSteps()

CoreExport void SetMeshSteps ( int  steps)
Sets the number of steps along each edge that determines how fine the mesh is generated off the patch.
int steps

The number of steps to set.

◆ GetMeshSteps()

CoreExport int GetMeshSteps ( )
Returns the number of mesh steps.

◆ SetMeshStepsRender()

CoreExport void SetMeshStepsRender ( int  steps)
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Sets the Surface Render Steps setting.
int steps

The value to set.

◆ GetMeshStepsRender()

CoreExport int GetMeshStepsRender ( )
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Returns the Surface Render Steps setting.

◆ SetShowInterior()

CoreExport void SetShowInterior ( BOOL  si)
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Sets the 'Show Interior Edges' value.

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.

◆ GetShowInterior()

CoreExport BOOL GetShowInterior ( )
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Returns the 'Show Interior Edge' setting; TRUE if on; FALSE if off.

◆ SetUsePatchNormals()

CoreExport void SetUsePatchNormals ( BOOL  usePatchNorm)
Sets the number of steps along each edge that determines how fine the mesh is generated off the patch.
int steps

The number of steps to set.

◆ GetUsePatchNormals()

CoreExport BOOL GetUsePatchNormals ( )
Sets the number of steps along each edge that determines how fine the mesh is generated off the patch.
int steps

The number of steps to set.

◆ SetAdaptive()

CoreExport void SetAdaptive ( BOOL  sw)
This is currently not used. Reserved for future use.

◆ GetAdaptive()

CoreExport BOOL GetAdaptive ( )
This is currently not used. Reserved for future use.

◆ SetViewTess()

CoreExport void SetViewTess ( TessApprox  tess)
This method is available in release 2.0 and later only.

Sets the tessellation approximation object used for viewport rendering.
TessApprox tess

The tessellation approximation object to be used for viewport rendering.

◆ GetViewTess()

CoreExport TessApprox GetViewTess ( )
This method is available in release 2.0 and later only.

Returns the tessellation approximation object used for rendering in the viewports.

◆ SetProdTess()

CoreExport void SetProdTess ( TessApprox  tess)
This method is available in release 2.0 and later only.

Sets the tessellation approximation object used for production rendering.
TessApprox tess

The tessellation approximation object to be used for production rendering.

◆ GetProdTess()

CoreExport TessApprox GetProdTess ( )
This method is available in release 2.0 and later only.

Returns the tessellation approximation object used for production rendering.

◆ SetDispTess()

CoreExport void SetDispTess ( TessApprox  tess)
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Sets the tessellation approximation object used for display in the viewports.
TessApprox tess

The tessellation approximation object to be used for the viewports.

◆ GetDispTess()

CoreExport TessApprox GetDispTess ( )
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Returns the tessellation approximation object used for display in the viewports.

◆ GetViewTessNormals()

CoreExport BOOL GetViewTessNormals ( )
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Returns TRUE if normals are used from the viewport tessellator; otherwise FALSE.

◆ SetViewTessNormals()

CoreExport void SetViewTessNormals ( BOOL  use)
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Sets if normals are used from the viewport tessellator.
BOOL use

TRUE to use normals; FALSE to not use them.

◆ GetProdTessNormals()

CoreExport BOOL GetProdTessNormals ( )
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Returns TRUE if normals are used from the production renderer tessellator; otherwise FALSE.

◆ SetProdTessNormals()

CoreExport void SetProdTessNormals ( BOOL  use)
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Sets if normals are used from the production renderer tessellator.

◆ GetViewTessWeld()

CoreExport BOOL GetViewTessWeld ( )
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Returns TRUE if the viewport mesh is welded after tessellation; otherwise FALSE.

◆ SetViewTessWeld()

CoreExport void SetViewTessWeld ( BOOL  weld)
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Sets if the viewport mesh is welded after tessellation; otherwise FALSE.
BOOL weld

TRUE to weld; FALSE to not weld.

◆ GetProdTessWeld()

CoreExport BOOL GetProdTessWeld ( )
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Returns TRUE if the production renderer mesh is welded after tessellation; otherwise FALSE.

◆ SetProdTessWeld()

CoreExport void SetProdTessWeld ( BOOL  weld)
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Sets if the production renderer mesh is welded after tessellation; otherwise FALSE.
BOOL weld

TRUE to weld; FALSE to not weld.

◆ GetEdge() [1/2]

int GetEdge ( int  v1,
int  v12,
int  v21,
int  v2,
int  p 
This method is used internally.

◆ GetEdge() [2/2]

CoreExport Tab< int > GetEdge ( int  v1,
int  v2 
) const

◆ GetPatches() [1/2]

CoreExport Tab< int > GetPatches ( int  v1,
int  v2 
) const

◆ GetPatches() [2/2]

CoreExport Tab< int > GetPatches ( int  vert) const

◆ GetEdges()

CoreExport Tab< int > GetEdges ( int  vert) const

◆ GetVectors()

CoreExport Tab< int > GetVectors ( int  vert) const

◆ setNumMaps()

CoreExport void setNumMaps ( int  ct,
BOOL  keep = TRUE 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Set the number of texture maps used by this PatchMesh.
int ct

The number to use. This is a value between 2 and MAX_MESHMAPS-1.


TRUE to keep the old mapping information after the resize; FALSE to discard it.

◆ getNumMaps()

int getNumMaps ( )
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Returns the number of mapping channels in use.
2242{ return numTVerts.Count(); }
int Count() const
Retrieves the number of items in the Tab.
Definition: tab.h:219

◆ setMapSupport()

CoreExport void setMapSupport ( int  chan,
BOOL  init = TRUE 
This method is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This method will allocate mapping channels as needed. If the map channel is already present, no action is taken. Otherwise, the additional channels are created.
int chan

Specifies which channel. See ~{Mapping Channels}~. If zero (special vertex color channel) and init is TRUE, all vertex colors are initialized to white (1,1,1).


If TRUE, the channel is initialized to match the PatchMesh's structure.

◆ getMapSupport()

BOOL getMapSupport ( int  mp)
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Returns TRUE if the specified mapping channel is supported; otherwise FALSE.
int mp

Specifies which channel. See ~{Mapping Channels}~.
2264{ return ((mp<tvPatches.Count()) && tvPatches[mp]) ? TRUE : FALSE; }

◆ NumMapChannels()

int NumMapChannels ( )
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Returns the maximum number of possible mapping channels.
2268{ return MAX_MESHMAPS; }
The higher limit of the mapping channels (map channel can be from 0 to MAX_MESHMAPS - 1)
Definition: mesh.h:427

◆ ApplyUVWMap()

CoreExport void ApplyUVWMap ( int  type,
float  utile,
float  vtile,
float  wtile,
int  uflip,
int  vflip,
int  wflip,
int  cap,
const Matrix3 &  tm,
int  channel = 1 
This method may be called to map this PatchMesh with UVW mapping coordinates.
int type

The mapping type. One of the following values:






float utile

Number of tiles in the U direction.

float vtile

Number of tiles in the V direction.

float wtile

Number of tiles in the W direction.

int uflip

If nonzero the U values are mirrored.

int vflip

If nonzero the V values are mirrored.

int wflip

If nonzero the W values are mirrored.

int cap

This is used with MAP_CYLINDRICAL. If nonzero, then any patch normal that is pointing more vertically than horizontally will be mapped using planar coordinates.

const Matrix3 &tm

This defines the mapping space. As each point is mapped, it is multiplied by this matrix, and then it is mapped.

int channel=1

This parameter is available in release 2.0 and later only.

This indicates which channel the mapping is applied to – channel==1 corresponds to the original texture channel. Note that this is a change from what it meant before release 3.0. Previously channel 1 referred to the color per vertex channel (and this parameter defaulted to 0).

◆ RecordTopologyTags()

CoreExport BOOL RecordTopologyTags ( )
This method tags the points in the patch components to record our topology (this stores identifying values in the various aux2 fields in the Patch). This information can be used after topology-changing operations to remap information tied to vertices, edges and patches.
Returns TRUE if tagged successfully; otherwise FALSE.

◆ Transform()

CoreExport void Transform ( Matrix3 &  tm)
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Transforms the vertices and vectors of the patch mesh, re- computes the interior bezier points for each patch in the mesh and invalidates the geometry cache.
Matrix3 &tm

The matrix to transform with.

◆ Weld() [1/2]

CoreExport BOOL Weld ( float  thresh,
BOOL  weldIdentical = FALSE,
int  startVert = 0 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This method is used internally.

◆ Weld() [2/2]

CoreExport BOOL Weld ( int  fromVert,
int  toVert 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Set the number of texture maps used by this PatchMesh.
int ct

The number to use. This is a value between 2 and MAX_MESHMAPS-1.


TRUE to keep the old mapping information after the resize; FALSE to discard it.

◆ DeletePatchParts()

CoreExport void DeletePatchParts ( BitArray &  delVerts,
BitArray &  delPatches 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This is a method which may be used to delete sets of verts or patches.
BitArray &delVerts

A bit array with bits set for verts to delete.

BitArray &delPatches

A bit array with bits set for patches set to delete.

◆ Subdivide()

CoreExport void Subdivide ( int  type,
BOOL  propagate 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Subdivides the selected edge or patch.
int type

One of the following values:


Subdivides an edge.


Subdivides an entire patch

BOOL propagate

TRUE to propagate; FALSE to not propagate.

◆ AddPatch()

CoreExport void AddPatch ( int  type)
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Add a patch of the desired type to each selected edge that doesn't have two patches attached.
int type

One of the following values:



◆ AddHook() [1/3]

CoreExport int AddHook ( )
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This method is obsolete and should not be used.

◆ AddHook() [2/3]

CoreExport int AddHook ( int  index)
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This method is obsolete and should not be used.

◆ AddHook() [3/3]

CoreExport int AddHook ( int  vertIndex,
int  segIndex 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This method is obsolete and should not be used.

◆ RemoveHook()

CoreExport int RemoveHook ( )
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This method is obsolete and should not be used.

◆ UpdateHooks()

CoreExport int UpdateHooks ( )
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This method is used internally.

◆ WeldEdges()

CoreExport BOOL WeldEdges ( )
This method is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This method will weld any edges which are selected and have the same endpoints.
TRUE if any welding took place, otherwise FALSE.

◆ ClonePatchParts()

CoreExport void ClonePatchParts ( BitArray *  patches = NULL)
This method is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This method will copy the patches specified by the BitArray, or by the patch selection set if the BitArray patches pointer is NULL. This method is used by Editable Patch and Edit Patch to facilitate the shift-copy operations.
BitArray *patches

The array containing the series of selected patches.

◆ CreateExtrusion()

CoreExport void CreateExtrusion ( int  type = PATCH_PATCH,
BOOL  edgeClone = FALSE 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This method will create all the necessary geometry for an extrusion operation.
int type

This option is available in release 4.0 and later only.

Specifies the extrusion type, either PATCH_PATCH or PATCH_EDGE. If the extrusion type is set to PATCH_EDGE, then the edgeClone parameter will tell the function to clone the selected edges prior to creating the extrusion geometry.

BOOL edgeClone

This option is available in release 4.0 and later only.

The edge clone flag. If set to TRUE the function will clone the selected edges prior to creating the extrusion geometry.

◆ AverageNormals()

CoreExport Point3 AverageNormals ( int  type = PATCH_PATCH)
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This method will allow you to obtain the average normal of all selected patches or edges.
int type

This option is available in release 4.0 and later only.

Specifies if the average normal return is based on all selected patches, using PATCH_PATCH, or all selected edges using PATCH_EDGE.

◆ PatchNormal()

CoreExport Point3 PatchNormal ( int  index)
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This method is used internally.

◆ BuildPatchNormals()

CoreExport void BuildPatchNormals ( )
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This method will allow you to obtain the average normal of all selected patches or edges.
int type

This option is available in release 4.0 and later only.

Specifies if the average normal return is based on all selected patches, using PATCH_PATCH, or all selected edges using PATCH_EDGE.

◆ InvalidatePatchNormals()

CoreExport void InvalidatePatchNormals ( )
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This method will allow you to obtain the average normal of all selected patches or edges.
int type

This option is available in release 4.0 and later only.

Specifies if the average normal return is based on all selected patches, using PATCH_PATCH, or all selected edges using PATCH_EDGE.

◆ EdgeNormal()

CoreExport Point3 EdgeNormal ( int  index)
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This method will allow you to obtain the average normal of all selected patches or edges.
int type

This option is available in release 4.0 and later only.

Specifies if the average normal return is based on all selected patches, using PATCH_PATCH, or all selected edges using PATCH_EDGE.

◆ MoveNormal()

CoreExport void MoveNormal ( float  amount,
BOOL  useLocalNorms,
int  type 
This method is used internally.

◆ FlipPatchNormal()

CoreExport void FlipPatchNormal ( int  index)
This method is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This method flips the normal of the specified patch. This is done by reordering the vertices. If the PatchMesh has textures assigned to it then the texture patches are processed as well.
int index

The index of the patch for which you want to flip the normal.

◆ UnifyNormals()

CoreExport void UnifyNormals ( BOOL  useSel)
This method is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This method makes sure the patches in the operation set are all facing the same direction. This is determined by the vertex order around the edges of the patch.
BOOL useSel

If this parameter is set to TRUE, the operation set is the set of selected patches as indicated by the patchSel BitArray. If this parameter is set to FALSE, all patches are processed.

◆ CreateBevel()

CoreExport void CreateBevel ( )
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This method is used internally.

◆ Bevel()

CoreExport void Bevel ( float  amount,
int  smoothStart,
int  smoothEnd 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This method is used internally.

◆ GetBevelDir()

Point3 GetBevelDir ( int  patchVertID)
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

This method is for internal use.

◆ Attach()

CoreExport void Attach ( PatchMesh attPatch,
int  mtlOffset 

◆ ChangePatchInterior()

CoreExport void ChangePatchInterior ( int  index,
int  type 

◆ ChangeVertType()

CoreExport void ChangeVertType ( int  index,
int  type 

◆ SelVertsSameType()

CoreExport BOOL SelVertsSameType ( )

◆ SelPatchesSameType()

CoreExport BOOL SelPatchesSameType ( )

◆ ResetVertexTangents() [1/2]

CoreExport BOOL ResetVertexTangents ( int  index)

◆ ResetVertexTangents() [2/2]

CoreExport BOOL ResetVertexTangents ( bool  useSel = true,
const BitArray *  vSel = NULL 

◆ PatchSmoothVector()

CoreExport BOOL PatchSmoothVector ( bool  useSel = true,
const BitArray *  vSel = NULL 

◆ PatchSmoothVertex()

CoreExport BOOL PatchSmoothVertex ( bool  useSel = true,
const BitArray *  vSel = NULL 

◆ PatchSmoothEdge()

CoreExport BOOL PatchSmoothEdge ( bool  useSel = true,
const BitArray *  eSel = NULL 

◆ PatchSmoothPatch()

CoreExport BOOL PatchSmoothPatch ( bool  useSel = true,
const BitArray *  pSel = NULL 

◆ ShrinkSelection()

CoreExport void ShrinkSelection ( int  type)

◆ GrowSelection()

CoreExport void GrowSelection ( int  type)

◆ SelectEdgeRing()

CoreExport void SelectEdgeRing ( BitArray &  eSel)

◆ SelectEdgeLoop()

CoreExport void SelectEdgeLoop ( BitArray &  eSel)

◆ Dump()

CoreExport void Dump ( )
This method may be called to dump the patch mesh structure via DebugPrint(). See ~{ Troubleshooting }~.

◆ PrepareMesh()

CoreExport void PrepareMesh ( )

◆ PrepareUnrelaxedMesh()

CoreExport void PrepareUnrelaxedMesh ( )

◆ GetMesh()

CoreExport Mesh & GetMesh ( )

◆ GetUnrelaxedMesh()

CoreExport Mesh & GetUnrelaxedMesh ( )

◆ ComputeMesh()

CoreExport void ComputeMesh ( Mesh m,
DWORD  convertFlags 
This method is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This method will produce the mesh version of the PatchMesh.
Mesh& msh

The mesh in which the resulting mesh should be stored.

DWORD convertFlags

The flags modifying the mesh process.


This flag indicates that the subobject vertex and patch selections in the PatchMesh should be converted to subobject vertex and face selections in the mesh.


This flag indicates that soft selections should be used in the mesh to interpolate between selected and nonselected vertices. (Soft Selections cannot be based on edge or patch selection in the PatchMesh, only vertex selection.)

◆ IntersectRay()

CoreExport int IntersectRay ( Ray &  ray,
float &  at,
Point3 &  norm 
This method is available in release 3.0 and later only.

Calculates the intersection of the specified ray with this patch mesh object. This method calls the method of the same name on the Mesh cache.
Ray& ray

Specifies the origin and direction of the ray to intersect with the patch mesh. See Class Ray.

float& at

The computed point of intersection on the surface of the patch mesh.

Point3& norm

The face normal at the point of intersection (at).
Nonzero if the ray intersected the mesh object; otherwise 0. Note that this method ignores backfaces when computing the result.

◆ Save()

CoreExport IOResult Save ( ISave isave)

◆ Load()

CoreExport IOResult Load ( ILoad iload)

◆ AutoSmooth()

CoreExport void AutoSmooth ( float  angle,
BOOL  useSel,
BOOL  preventIndirectSmoothing 
This method is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This method will perform automatic smoothing on the patch mesh. The smoothing angle is determined for each patch by computing the normals at each corner of the patch (using the corner vertex and the two edge vectors connected to that vertex), then averaging the normals of the two corners of each edge to arrive at a normal for that edge. These normals are used to determine whether adjacent patches are within the auto-smooth threshold angle.
float angle

The minimum angle between surface normals for smoothing to be applied, in radians.

BOOL useSel

If this parameter is set to TRUE then only the selected patches are smoothed.

BOOL preventIndirectSmoothing

TRUE to turn on; FALSE to leave it off. This matches the option in the Smooth Modifier UI – use this to prevent smoothing 'leaks" when using this method. If you use this method, and portions of the patch mesh that should not be smoothed become smoothed, then try this option to see if it will correct the problem. Note that the problem it corrects is rare, and that checking this slows the automatic smoothing process.

◆ ChangePatchToLinearMapping()

CoreExport void ChangePatchToLinearMapping ( int  index)
This method is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This method changes the mapping of a patch or all selected patches to linear.
int index

The index of the patch for which to change the mapping to linear. A value < 0 indicates all selected patches are to be changed to linear mapping.

◆ ChangePatchToCurvedMapping()

CoreExport void ChangePatchToCurvedMapping ( int  index)
This method is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This method changes the mapping of a patch or all selected patches to curved.
int index

The index of the patch for which to change the mapping to curved. A value < 0 indicates all selected patches are to be changed to curved mapping.

◆ ArePatchesLinearMapped()

CoreExport BOOL ArePatchesLinearMapped ( int  index)
This method is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This method will check if one or all selected patches have linear mapping applied.
int index

The index of the patch for which to check if mapping is linear. A value < 0 indicates all selected patches are checked for linear mapping.
TRUE if the specified patch or selected patches have linear mapping applied, otherwise FALSE.

◆ ArePatchesCurvedMapped()

CoreExport BOOL ArePatchesCurvedMapped ( int  index)
This method is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This method will check if one or all selected patches have curved mapping applied.
int index

The index of the patch for which to check if mapping is curved. A value < 0 indicates all selected patches are checked for curved mapping.
TRUE if the specified patch or selected patches have curved mapping applied, otherwise FALSE.

◆ SingleEdgesOnly()

CoreExport BOOL SingleEdgesOnly ( )
This method is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This method examines the selected edges and will return TRUE if all selected edges are used by only one single patch. If the method returns FALSE, there are no edges selected or any of the selected edges are used by more than one single patch.

◆ GetElement()

CoreExport BitArray & GetElement ( int  index)
This method is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This method will return a BitArray that defines the group of patches defining an element that contains the patch indicated by the specified index. A PatchMesh element is any set of patches sharing common vertices.
int index

The patch index for which to return the element.

◆ GetInterface()

CoreExport BaseInterface * GetInterface ( Interface_ID  id)
This method returns a pointer to the BaseInterface of the specified interface.
Interface_ID id

The interface ID for which to return the BaseInterface.

Reimplemented from BaseInterfaceServer.

◆ SetVertexWeightCount()

CoreExport void SetVertexWeightCount ( int  i)

◆ SetVertexWeight()

CoreExport void SetVertexWeight ( int  i,
float  w 
2722{ assert( mpVertexWeights ); if ( i >= numVertexWeights ) return; mpVertexWeights[i] = w; }
#define assert(expr)
Definition: assert1.h:82

◆ VertexWeight()

CoreExport float VertexWeight ( int  i)
2723{ if ( !mpVertexWeights ) return 0.0f; if ( i >= numVertexWeights ) return 0.0f; return mpVertexWeights[i]; }

◆ VertexWeightSupport()

CoreExport bool VertexWeightSupport ( )
2724{ if ( mpVertexWeights ) return true; return false; }

◆ GetVSelectionWeights()

CoreExport float * GetVSelectionWeights ( )
This method is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This method provides direct access to the vertex weights array and is included to match a similar function in the Mesh class.
A pointer to the vertex weights array.
Default Implementation:
{ return mpVertexWeights; }
2735{ return mpVertexWeights; }

◆ SupportVSelectionWeights()

CoreExport void SupportVSelectionWeights ( )
This method is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This method allocates a vertex weights array, if none is currently allocated. This method is included to match a similar function in the Mesh class.

◆ VertexWeightSelectLevel()

CoreExport int VertexWeightSelectLevel ( )
2744{ return mVertexWeightSelectLevel; }

◆ UseEdgeDists()

CoreExport int UseEdgeDists ( )

◆ SetUseEdgeDists()

CoreExport void SetUseEdgeDists ( int  edgeDist)

◆ EdgeDist()

CoreExport int EdgeDist ( )

◆ SetEdgeDist()

CoreExport void SetEdgeDist ( int  edgeDist)

◆ UseSoftSelections()

CoreExport int UseSoftSelections ( )

◆ SetUseSoftSelections()

CoreExport void SetUseSoftSelections ( int  useSoftSelections)

◆ AffectBackface()

CoreExport int AffectBackface ( )

◆ SetAffectBackface()

CoreExport void SetAffectBackface ( int  affectBackface)

◆ Falloff()

CoreExport float Falloff ( )

◆ SetFalloff()

CoreExport void SetFalloff ( float  falloff)

◆ Pinch()

CoreExport float Pinch ( )

◆ SetPinch()

CoreExport void SetPinch ( float  pinch)

◆ Bubble()

CoreExport float Bubble ( )

◆ SetBubble()

CoreExport void SetBubble ( float  bubble)

◆ InvalidateVertexWeights()

CoreExport void InvalidateVertexWeights ( )

◆ UpdateVertexDists()

CoreExport void UpdateVertexDists ( )

◆ UpdateEdgeDists()

CoreExport void UpdateEdgeDists ( )

◆ UpdateVertexWeights()

CoreExport void UpdateVertexWeights ( )

◆ VertexNormal()

CoreExport Point3 VertexNormal ( int  vIndex)

◆ Relaxing()

CoreExport BOOL Relaxing ( )

◆ SetRelax()

CoreExport BOOL SetRelax ( BOOL  v)

◆ SetRelaxViewports()

CoreExport BOOL SetRelaxViewports ( BOOL  v)

◆ SetRelaxValue()

CoreExport BOOL SetRelaxValue ( float  v)

◆ SetRelaxIter()

CoreExport BOOL SetRelaxIter ( int  v)

◆ SetRelaxBoundary()

CoreExport BOOL SetRelaxBoundary ( BOOL  v)

◆ SetRelaxSaddle()

CoreExport BOOL SetRelaxSaddle ( BOOL  v)

◆ GetRelax()

CoreExport BOOL GetRelax ( )

◆ GetRelaxViewports()

CoreExport BOOL GetRelaxViewports ( )

◆ GetRelaxValue()

CoreExport float GetRelaxValue ( )

◆ GetRelaxIter()

CoreExport int GetRelaxIter ( )

◆ GetRelaxBoundary()

CoreExport BOOL GetRelaxBoundary ( )

◆ GetRelaxSaddle()

CoreExport BOOL GetRelaxSaddle ( )

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Patch

friend class Patch

◆ MaxGraphics::IPatchMeshInternal

friend class MaxGraphics::IPatchMeshInternal

Member Data Documentation

◆ numVerts

int numVerts

◆ numVecs

int numVecs

◆ numPatches

int numPatches

◆ numEdges

int numEdges

◆ patches

Patch* patches

◆ vecs

PatchVec* vecs

◆ edges

PatchEdge* edges

◆ hooks

Tab<HookPoint> hooks

◆ hookTopoMarkers

Tab<Point3> hookTopoMarkers

◆ hookTopoMarkersA

Tab<Point3> hookTopoMarkersA

◆ hookTopoMarkersB

Tab<Point3> hookTopoMarkersB

◆ normals

Point3* normals

◆ normalsBuilt

BOOL normalsBuilt

◆ verts

PatchVert* verts

◆ numTVerts

Tab<int> numTVerts

◆ tVerts

Tab<PatchTVert *> tVerts

◆ tvPatches

Tab<TVPatch *> tvPatches

◆ vecSel

BitArray vecSel

◆ vertSel

BitArray vertSel

◆ edgeSel

BitArray edgeSel

◆ patchSel

BitArray patchSel

◆ bezVecVert

int bezVecVert

◆ dispFlags

DWORD dispFlags

◆ selLevel

DWORD selLevel

◆ cacheSteps

int cacheSteps

◆ cacheAdaptive

BOOL cacheAdaptive

◆ unrelaxedMeshValid

BOOL unrelaxedMeshValid

◆ relaxedMeshValid

BOOL relaxedMeshValid

◆ extrudeDeltas

Tab<Point3> extrudeDeltas

◆ extrudeData

MaxSDK::Array<ExtrudeData> extrudeData

◆ edgeNormals

Tab<Point3> edgeNormals

◆ newEdges

Tab<int> newEdges

◆ newVerts

Tab<int> newVerts

◆ bevelEdges

BitArray bevelEdges

◆ edgeDistances

Tab<float> edgeDistances

◆ mFalloff

float mFalloff

◆ mPinch

float mPinch

◆ mBubble

float mBubble

◆ mEdgeDist

int mEdgeDist

◆ mUseEdgeDist

int mUseEdgeDist

◆ mAffectBackface

int mAffectBackface

◆ mUseSoftSelections

int mUseSoftSelections