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ITreeView Class Referenceabstract

#include <itreevw.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for ITreeView:

Public Member Functions

virtual ~ITreeView ()
virtual void SetPos (int x, int y, int w, int h)=0
virtual void Show ()=0
virtual void Hide ()=0
virtual BOOL IsVisible ()=0
virtual BOOL InViewPort ()=0
virtual void SetTreeRoot (ReferenceTarget *root, ReferenceTarget *client=NULL, int subNum=0)=0
virtual void SetLabelOnly (BOOL only)=0
virtual void SetMultiSel (BOOL on)=0
virtual void SetSelFilter (TrackViewFilter *f=NULL)=0
virtual void SetActive (BOOL active)=0
virtual BOOL IsActive ()=0
virtual HWND GetHWnd ()=0
virtual int GetTrackViewParent (int index)=0
virtual void Flush ()=0
virtual void UnFlush ()=0
virtual void SetMatBrowse ()=0
virtual DWORD GetTVID ()=0
virtual const MCHARGetIObjectName ()
virtual int NumInterfaces ()
virtual BaseInterfaceGetInterfaceAt (int index)
virtual BaseInterfaceGetInterface (Interface_ID id)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IObject
virtual const MCHARGetIObjectName ()
virtual void AcquireIObject ()
virtual void ReleaseIObject ()
virtual void DeleteIObject ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseInterfaceServer
UtilExport BaseInterfaceGetInterface (Interface_ID id) override
virtual UtilExport int NumInterfaces () const
virtual UtilExport BaseInterfaceGetInterfaceAt (int i) const
virtual UtilExport ~BaseInterfaceServer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from InterfaceServer
virtual UtilExport ~InterfaceServer ()
virtual UtilExport BaseInterfaceGetInterface (Interface_ID id)
template<class InterfaceType >
InterfaceType * GetTypedInterface ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ITreeViewOps
virtual ~ITreeViewOps ()
virtual int GetNumTracks ()=0
virtual int NumSelTracks ()=0
virtual void GetSelTrack (int i, AnimatablePtr &anim, AnimatablePtr &client, int &subNum)=0
virtual ReferenceTargetGetAnim (int index)=0
virtual ReferenceTargetGetClient (int index)=0
virtual BOOL CanAssignController ()=0
virtual void DoAssignController (BOOL clearMot=TRUE)=0
virtual void ShowControllerType (BOOL show)=0
virtual const MCHARGetTVName ()=0
virtual void SetTVName (const MCHAR *)=0
virtual void CloseTreeView ()=0
virtual void SetFilter (DWORD mask, int which, BOOL redraw=TRUE)=0
virtual void ClearFilter (DWORD mask, int which, BOOL redraw=TRUE)=0
virtual DWORD TestFilter (DWORD mask, int which)=0
virtual void ZoomOn (Animatable *owner, int subnum)=0
virtual void ZoomSelected ()=0
virtual void ExpandTracks ()=0
virtual int GetIndex (Animatable *anim)=0
virtual void SelectTrackByIndex (int index, BOOL clearSelection=TRUE)=0
virtual void SelectTrack (Animatable *anim, BOOL clearSelection=TRUE)=0
virtual BOOL AssignControllerToSelected (Animatable *ctrl)=0
virtual void SetEditMode (int mode)=0
virtual int GetEditMode ()=0
virtual BOOL IsCurrent ()=0
virtual void SetCurrent ()=0
virtual void SetAutoZoomOnSelChange (BOOL autoZoom)=0
virtual BOOL AutoZoomOnSelChange () const =0
 FN_0 (tv_getName, TYPE_STRING, GetTVName)
 VFN_1 (tv_setName, SetTVName, TYPE_STRING)
 VFN_0 (tv_close, CloseTreeView)
 FN_0 (tv_getNumTracks, TYPE_INT, GetNumTracks)
 FN_0 (tv_numSelTracks, TYPE_INT, NumSelTracks)
 FN_0 (tv_canAssignController, TYPE_BOOL, CanAssignController)
 VFN_0 (tv_doAssignController, DoAssignController)
 FN_1 (tv_assignController, TYPE_BOOL, fpAssignControllerToSelected, TYPE_REFTARG)
 VFN_1 (tv_showControllerTypes, ShowControllerType, TYPE_BOOL)
 VFN_0 (tv_expandTracks, ExpandTracks)
 VFN_0 (tv_zoomSelected, ZoomSelected)
 VFN_2 (tv_zoomOnTrack, fpZoomOn, TYPE_REFTARG, TYPE_INT)
 FN_1 (tv_getAnim, TYPE_REFTARG, GetAnim, TYPE_INDEX)
 FN_1 (tv_getClient, TYPE_REFTARG, GetClient, TYPE_INDEX)
 FN_1 (tv_getSelAnim, TYPE_REFTARG, fpGetSelectedAnimatable, TYPE_INDEX)
 FN_1 (tv_getSelClient, TYPE_REFTARG, fpGetSelectedClient, TYPE_INDEX)
 FN_1 (tv_getSelAnimSubNum, TYPE_INDEX, fpGetSelectedAnimSubNum, TYPE_INDEX)
 FN_1 (tv_getIndex, TYPE_INDEX, fpGetIndex, TYPE_REFTARG)
 VFN_2 (tv_selectTrackByIndex, fpSelectTrackByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_BOOL)
 VFN_2 (tv_selectTrack, fpSelectTrack, TYPE_REFTARG, TYPE_BOOL)
 FN_VA (tv_setFilter, TYPE_BOOL, fpSetFilter)
 FN_VA (tv_clearFilter, TYPE_BOOL, fpClearFilter)
 FN_VA (tv_testFilter, TYPE_BOOL, fpTestFilter)
 VFN_1 (tv_setEditMode, SetEditMode, TYPE_ENUM)
 FN_0 (tv_getEditMode, TYPE_ENUM, GetEditMode)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getEditModeProp, GetEditMode, tv_setEditModeProp, SetEditMode, TYPE_ENUM)
 FN_0 (tv_getCurrent, TYPE_BOOL, IsCurrent)
 VFN_0 (tv_setCurrent, SetCurrent)
 RO_PROP_FN (tv_getUIInterface, fpGetUIInterface, TYPE_INTERFACE)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getModifySubTree, ModifySubTree, tv_setModifySubTree, ModifySubTree, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getModifyChildren, ModifyChildren, tv_setModifyChildren, ModifyChildren, TYPE_BOOL)
 VFN_0 (tv_launchUtilityDialog, LaunchUtilityDialog)
 VFN_1 (tv_launchUtility, LaunchUtility, TYPE_TSTR_BV)
 VFN_1 (tv_closeUtility, CloseUtility, TYPE_TSTR_BV)
 FN_0 (tv_getUtilityCount, TYPE_INT, GetUtilityCount)
 FN_1 (tv_getUtilityName, TYPE_TSTR_BV, GetUtilityName, TYPE_INDEX)
 VFN_2 (tv_setTangentType, SetTangentType, TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_ENUM)
 VFN_2 (tv_setInTangentType, SetInTangentType, TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_ENUM)
 VFN_2 (tv_setOutTangentType, SetOutTangentType, TYPE_ENUM, TYPE_ENUM)
 VFN_1 (tv_reduceKeys, ReduceKeys, TYPE_FLOAT)
 VFN_0 (tv_splitKey, SplitKey)
 VFN_0 (tv_stepPreviousKeySelection, StepPreviousKeySelection)
 VFN_0 (tv_stepNextKeySelection, StepNextKeySelection)
 VFN_0 (tv_shrinkKeySelection, ShrinkKeySelection)
 VFN_0 (tv_growKeySelection, GrowKeySelection)
 VFN_0 (tv_easeToPreviousKey, EaseToPreviousKey)
 VFN_0 (tv_easeToNextKey, EaseToNextKey)
 VFN_0 (tv_mirrorKeyTangents, MirrorKeyTangents)
 VFN_1 (tv_nudgeKey, NudgeKey, TYPE_BOOL)
 VFN_1 (tv_scaleTangentsDown, ScaleTangentsDown, TYPE_BOOL)
 VFN_1 (tv_scaleTangentsUp, ScaleTangentsUp, TYPE_BOOL)
 VFN_1 (tv_loopKey, LoopKey, TYPE_BOOL)
 VFN_0 (tv_snapScaleOriginsToFirstSelectedKey, SnapScaleOriginsToFirstSelectedKey)
 VFN_1 (tv_spaceKeyEvenly, SpaceKeyEvenly, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getInteractiveUpdate, InteractiveUpdate, tv_setInteractiveUpdate, InteractiveUpdate, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getSyncTime, SyncTime, tv_setSyncTime, SyncTime, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getFreezeSelKeys, FreezeSelKeys, tv_setFreezeSelKeys, FreezeSelKeys, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getFreezeNonSelCurves, FreezeNonSelCurves, tv_setFreezeNonSelCurves, FreezeNonSelCurves, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getShowNonSelCurves, ShowNonSelCurves, tv_setShowNonSelCurves, ShowNonSelCurves, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getShowTangents, ShowTangents, tv_setShowTangents, ShowTangents, TYPE_ENUM)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getShowFrozenKeys, ShowFrozenKeys, tv_setShowFrozenKeys, ShowFrozenKeys, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getIsolateCurve, IsolateCurve, tv_setIsolateCurve, IsolateCurve, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getUseSoftSelect, UseSoftSelect, tv_setUseSoftSelect, UseSoftSelect, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getSoftSelectRange, SoftSelectRange, tv_setSoftSelectRange, SoftSelectRange, TYPE_TIMEVALUE)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getSoftSelectFalloff, SoftSelectFalloff, tv_setSoftSelectFalloff, SoftSelectFalloff, TYPE_FLOAT)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getEffectSelectedObjectsOnly, EffectSelectedObjectsOnly, tv_setEffectSelectedObjectsOnly, EffectSelectedObjectsOnly, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getManualNavigation, ManualNavigation, tv_setManualNavigation, ManualNavigation, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getAutoExpandChildren, AutoExpandChildren, tv_setAutoExpandChildren, AutoExpandChildren, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getAutoExpandTransforms, AutoExpandTransforms, tv_setAutoExpandTransforms, AutoExpandTransforms, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getAutoExpandObjects, AutoExpandObjects, tv_setAutoExpandObjects, AutoExpandObjects, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getAutoExpandModifiers, AutoExpandModifiers, tv_setAutoExpandModifiers, AutoExpandModifiers, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getAutoExpandMaterials, AutoExpandMaterials, tv_setAutoExpandMaterials, AutoExpandMaterials, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getAutoExpandXYZ, AutoExpandXYZ, tv_setAutoExpandXYZ, AutoExpandXYZ, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getAutoSelectAnimated, AutoSelectAnimated, tv_setAutoSelectAnimated, AutoSelectAnimated, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getAutoSelectPosition, AutoSelectPosition, tv_setAutoSelectPosition, AutoSelectPosition, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getAutoSelectRotation, AutoSelectRotation, tv_setAutoSelectRotation, AutoSelectRotation, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getAutoSelectScale, AutoSelectScale, tv_setAutoSelectScale, AutoSelectScale, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getAutoSelectXYZ, AutoSelectXYZ, tv_setAutoSelectXYZ, AutoSelectXYZ, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getAutoZoomToRoot, AutoZoomToRoot, tv_setAutoZoomToRoot, AutoZoomToRoot, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getAutoZoomToSelected, AutoZoomToSelected, tv_setAutoZoomToSelected, AutoZoomToSelected, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getAutoZoomToEdited, AutoZoomToEdited, tv_setAutoZoomToEdited, AutoZoomToEdited, TYPE_BOOL)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getRootTrack, GetRootTrack, tv_setRootTrack, SetRootTrack, TYPE_REFTARG)
 VFN_0 (tv_restoreRootTrack, RestoreDefaultRootTrack)
 PROP_FNS (tv_getScaleValuesOrigin, ScaleValuesOrigin, tv_setScaleValuesOrigin, ScaleValuesOrigin, TYPE_FLOAT)
 VFN_0 (tv_updateList, UpdateList)
 PROP_FNS (tv_autoZoomOnSelChange, AutoZoomOnSelChange, tv_setAutoZoomOnSelChange, SetAutoZoomOnSelChange, TYPE_BOOL)
FPInterfaceDescGetDesc ()
Interface_ID GetID ()
virtual AnimatablefpGetSelectedAnimatable (int index)=0
virtual AnimatablefpGetSelectedClient (int index)=0
virtual int fpGetSelectedAnimSubNum (int index)=0
virtual BOOL fpSetFilter (FPParams *val)=0
virtual BOOL fpClearFilter (FPParams *val)=0
virtual BOOL fpTestFilter (FPParams *val)=0
virtual void fpSelectTrackByIndex (int index, BOOL clearSelection=TRUE)=0
 function-mapping version of SelectTrackByIndex, throwing an exception on an invalid index
virtual BOOL ModifySubTree ()=0
virtual void ModifySubTree (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL ModifyChildren ()=0
virtual void ModifyChildren (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual void LaunchUtility (MSTR name)=0
virtual void LaunchUtilityDialog ()=0
virtual void CloseUtility (MSTR name)=0
virtual int GetUtilityCount ()=0
virtual MSTR GetUtilityName (int index)=0
virtual BOOL InteractiveUpdate ()=0
virtual void InteractiveUpdate (BOOL update)=0
virtual BOOL SyncTime ()=0
virtual void SyncTime (BOOL sync)=0
virtual BOOL FreezeSelKeys ()=0
virtual void FreezeSelKeys (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL FreezeNonSelCurves ()=0
virtual void FreezeNonSelCurves (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL ShowNonSelCurves ()=0
virtual void ShowNonSelCurves (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual int ShowTangents ()=0
virtual void ShowTangents (int type)=0
virtual BOOL ShowFrozenKeys ()=0
virtual void ShowFrozenKeys (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual void IsolateCurve (BOOL onOff)=0
 Turn or off the Isolate Curve state.
virtual BOOL IsolateCurve ()=0
 Get whether the Isolate Curve state is active.
virtual void UseSoftSelect (BOOL use)=0
virtual BOOL UseSoftSelect ()=0
virtual void SoftSelectRange (TimeValue range)=0
virtual TimeValue SoftSelectRange ()=0
virtual void SoftSelectFalloff (float falloff)=0
virtual float SoftSelectFalloff ()=0
virtual void SetTangentType (int type, int effect=EFFECT_ALL_SEL_KEYS)=0
virtual void SetInTangentType (int type, int effect=EFFECT_ALL_SEL_KEYS)=0
virtual void SetOutTangentType (int type, int effect=EFFECT_ALL_SEL_KEYS)=0
ITreeViewUIfpGetUIInterface ()
virtual BOOL EffectSelectedObjectsOnly ()=0
virtual void EffectSelectedObjectsOnly (BOOL effect)=0
virtual BOOL ManualNavigation ()=0
virtual void ManualNavigation (BOOL manual)=0
virtual BOOL AutoExpandChildren ()=0
virtual void AutoExpandChildren (BOOL expand)=0
virtual BOOL AutoExpandTransforms ()=0
virtual void AutoExpandTransforms (BOOL expand)=0
virtual BOOL AutoExpandObjects ()=0
virtual void AutoExpandObjects (BOOL expand)=0
virtual BOOL AutoExpandModifiers ()=0
virtual void AutoExpandModifiers (BOOL expand)=0
virtual BOOL AutoExpandMaterials ()=0
virtual void AutoExpandMaterials (BOOL expand)=0
virtual BOOL AutoExpandXYZ ()=0
virtual void AutoExpandXYZ (BOOL expand)=0
virtual BOOL AutoSelectAnimated ()=0
virtual void AutoSelectAnimated (BOOL select)=0
virtual BOOL AutoSelectPosition ()=0
virtual void AutoSelectPosition (BOOL select)=0
virtual BOOL AutoSelectRotation ()=0
virtual void AutoSelectRotation (BOOL select)=0
virtual BOOL AutoSelectScale ()=0
virtual void AutoSelectScale (BOOL select)=0
virtual BOOL AutoSelectXYZ ()=0
virtual void AutoSelectXYZ (BOOL select)=0
virtual BOOL AutoZoomToRoot ()=0
virtual void AutoZoomToRoot (BOOL zoom)=0
virtual BOOL AutoZoomToSelected ()=0
virtual void AutoZoomToSelected (BOOL zoom)=0
virtual BOOL AutoZoomToEdited ()=0
virtual void AutoZoomToEdited (BOOL zoom)=0
virtual ReferenceTargetGetRootTrack ()=0
virtual void SetRootTrack (ReferenceTarget *root)=0
virtual void RestoreDefaultRootTrack ()=0
virtual float ScaleValuesOrigin ()=0
virtual void ScaleValuesOrigin (float origin)=0
virtual void UpdateList ()=0
virtual void ReduceKeys (float in_threshold)=0
 Remove redundant keys of selected tracks (or just the selected keys if keys are selected for a track)
virtual void SplitKey ()=0
 Deletes all the selected keys and creates two new keys for each deleted key, one on the previous frame, the other one on the next frame.
virtual void StepPreviousKeySelection ()=0
 Moves the key selection backwards.
virtual void StepNextKeySelection ()=0
 Moves the key selection forward.
virtual void ShrinkKeySelection ()=0
 Shrinks key selection.
virtual void GrowKeySelection ()=0
 Grows Key Selection.
virtual void EaseToPreviousKey ()=0
 Eases the selected key value to the previous key.
virtual void EaseToNextKey ()=0
 Eases the selected key value to the next key.
virtual void MirrorKeyTangents ()=0
 Mirrors the tangents of the selected key to the adjacent ones.
virtual void NudgeKey (BOOL toLeft)=0
 Nudges key selection (moves the selected keys on the next frame).
virtual void ScaleTangentsDown (BOOL onlyInnerHandle)=0
 Scales tangents length and angle down.
virtual void ScaleTangentsUp (BOOL onlyInnerHandle)=0
 Scales tangents length and angle up.
virtual void LoopKey (BOOL toLastKey)=0
 Copies the first key value to the last frame of the current animation range.
virtual void SnapScaleOriginsToFirstSelectedKey ()=0
 Works with Scales Values tool.Moves the scale origin to the first selected key.
virtual void SpaceKeyEvenly (BOOL inValue)=0
 Spaces the key selection evenly in time between the first and last keys.
virtual void RelaxKeys (BOOL toLin)=0
 Eases key values and tangents between the first and last keys of the selection.
virtual void FlattenKeys (BOOL toLeft)=0
 Flattens the selected keys to the first selected key value.
virtual void AverageKeys (BOOL weld)=0
 Flattens the selected keys to the average value of the selected keys.
- Public Member Functions inherited from FPMixinInterface
 FPMixinInterface ()
virtual LifetimeType LifetimeControl ()
virtual CoreExport bool RegisterNotifyCallback (InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb)
virtual void UnRegisterNotifyCallback (InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb)
CoreExport ~FPMixinInterface ()
virtual BaseInterfaceGetInterface (Interface_ID id)
virtual FPInterfaceDescGetDescByID (Interface_ID id)
virtual Interface_ID GetID ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from FPInterface
virtual BaseInterfaceGetInterface (Interface_ID id)
virtual FPInterfaceDescGetDesc ()=0
virtual CoreExport FPStatus Invoke (FunctionID fid, TimeValue t=0, FPParams *params=NULL)
virtual FPStatus Invoke (FunctionID fid, FPParams *params)
virtual CoreExport FPStatus Invoke (FunctionID fid, TimeValue t, FPValue &result, FPParams *params=NULL)
virtual FPStatus Invoke (FunctionID fid, FPValue &result, FPParams *params=NULL)
virtual CoreExport FunctionID FindFn (const MCHAR *name)
virtual CoreExport BOOL IsEnabled (FunctionID actionID)
virtual CoreExport BOOL IsChecked (FunctionID actionID)
virtual CoreExport BOOL IsVisible (FunctionID actionID)
virtual CoreExport FunctionID GetIsEnabled (FunctionID actionID)
virtual CoreExport FunctionID GetIsChecked (FunctionID actionID)
virtual CoreExport FunctionID GetIsVisible (FunctionID actionID)
virtual ActionTableGetActionTable ()
virtual void EnableActions (BOOL onOff)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseInterface
virtual UtilExport ~BaseInterface ()
UtilExport BaseInterfaceGetInterface (Interface_ID id) override
virtual UtilExport Interface_ID GetID ()
virtual LifetimeType LifetimeControl ()
virtual bool RegisterNotifyCallback (InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb)
virtual void UnRegisterNotifyCallback (InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb)
virtual BaseInterfaceAcquireInterface ()
virtual void ReleaseInterface ()
virtual void DeleteInterface ()
virtual BaseInterfaceCloneInterface (void *remapDir=nullptr)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ITreeViewOps
enum  {
  tv_getName , tv_setName , tv_close , tv_numSelTracks ,
  tv_getNumTracks , tv_getSelTrack , tv_canAssignController , tv_doAssignController ,
  tv_assignController , tv_showControllerTypes , tv_expandTracks , tv_zoomSelected ,
  tv_zoomOnTrack , tv_getAnim , tv_getClient , tv_getSelAnim ,
  tv_getSelClient , tv_getSelAnimSubNum , tv_getIndex , tv_selectTrackByIndex ,
  tv_selectTrack , tv_setFilter , tv_clearFilter , tv_testFilter ,
  tv_setEditMode , tv_getEditMode , tv_setEditModeProp , tv_getEditModeProp ,
  tv_setCurrent , tv_getCurrent , tv_getUIInterface , tv_getModifySubTree ,
  tv_setModifySubTree , tv_getModifyChildren , tv_setModifyChildren , tv_launchUtilityDialog ,
  tv_launchUtility , tv_getUtilityCount , tv_getUtilityName , tv_closeUtility ,
  tv_getInteractiveUpdate , tv_setInteractiveUpdate , tv_getSyncTime , tv_setSyncTime ,
  tv_setTangentType , tv_setInTangentType , tv_setOutTangentType , tv_getFreezeSelKeys ,
  tv_setFreezeSelKeys , tv_getFreezeNonSelCurves , tv_setFreezeNonSelCurves , tv_getShowNonSelCurves ,
  tv_setShowNonSelCurves , tv_getShowTangents , tv_setShowTangents , tv_getShowFrozenKeys ,
  tv_setShowFrozenKeys , tv_getEffectSelectedObjectsOnly , tv_setEffectSelectedObjectsOnly , tv_getAutoExpandChildren ,
  tv_setAutoExpandChildren , tv_getAutoExpandTransforms , tv_setAutoExpandTransforms , tv_getAutoExpandObjects ,
  tv_setAutoExpandObjects , tv_getAutoExpandModifiers , tv_setAutoExpandModifiers , tv_getAutoExpandMaterials ,
  tv_setAutoExpandMaterials , tv_getAutoExpandXYZ , tv_setAutoExpandXYZ , tv_getAutoSelectAnimated ,
  tv_setAutoSelectAnimated , tv_getAutoSelectPosition , tv_setAutoSelectPosition , tv_getAutoSelectRotation ,
  tv_setAutoSelectRotation , tv_getAutoSelectScale , tv_setAutoSelectScale , tv_getAutoSelectXYZ ,
  tv_setAutoSelectXYZ , tv_getManualNavigation , tv_setManualNavigation , tv_getAutoZoomToRoot ,
  tv_setAutoZoomToRoot , tv_getAutoZoomToSelected , tv_setAutoZoomToSelected , tv_getAutoZoomToEdited ,
  tv_setAutoZoomToEdited , tv_getUseSoftSelect , tv_setUseSoftSelect , tv_getSoftSelectRange ,
  tv_setSoftSelectRange , tv_getSoftSelectFalloff , tv_setSoftSelectFalloff , tv_getRootTrack ,
  tv_setRootTrack , tv_restoreRootTrack , tv_getScaleValuesOrigin , tv_setScaleValuesOrigin ,
  tv_getIsolateCurve , tv_setIsolateCurve , tv_updateList , tv_enumEffectTracks ,
  tv_enumKeyTangentType , tv_editModeTypes , tv_enumTangentDisplay , tv_autoZoomOnSelChange ,
  tv_setAutoZoomOnSelChange , tv_reduceKeys , tv_splitKey , tv_stepPreviousKeySelection ,
  tv_stepNextKeySelection , tv_shrinkKeySelection , tv_growKeySelection , tv_easeToPreviousKey ,
  tv_easeToNextKey , tv_mirrorKeyTangents , tv_nudgeKey , tv_scaleTangentsDown ,
  tv_scaleTangentsUp , tv_loopKey , tv_snapScaleOriginsToFirstSelectedKey , tv_spaceKeyEvenly ,
  tv_relaxKeys , tv_flattenKeys , tv_averageKeys
- Public Types inherited from BaseInterface
enum  LifetimeType { noRelease , immediateRelease , wantsRelease , serverControlled }
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MaxHeapOperators
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size)
 Standard new operator used to allocate objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard new operator used to allocate objects if there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, void *placement_ptr)
 Placement new operator.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, void *placement_ptr)
 Placement delete operator.
static UtilExport voidaligned_malloc (size_t size, size_t alignment)
 Allocates memory on a specified alignment boundary.
static UtilExport voidaligned_realloc (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t alignment)
 Reallocates memory on a specified alignment boundary.
static UtilExport void aligned_free (void *ptr)
 Frees a block of memory that was allocated with aligned_malloc/aligned_realloc.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from FPInterface
static CoreExport FPInterfaceDesc nullInterface
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ITreeViewOps
BOOL fpAssignControllerToSelected (ReferenceTarget *ctrl)
void fpZoomOn (ReferenceTarget *owner, int subnum)
int fpGetIndex (ReferenceTarget *refAnim)
void fpSelectTrack (ReferenceTarget *anim, BOOL clearSelection=TRUE)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FPMixinInterface
 FPMixinInterface (const FPMixinInterface &rhs)
FPMixinInterfaceoperator= (const FPMixinInterface &rhs)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FPInterface
virtual FPStatus _dispatch_fn (FunctionID fid, TimeValue t, FPValue &result, FPParams *p)
- Protected Attributes inherited from BaseInterfaceServer
Tab< BaseInterface * > interfaces
- Protected Attributes inherited from FPMixinInterface
Tab< InterfaceNotifyCallback * > * interfaceNotifyCBs

Detailed Description

See also
Class ITreeViewOps, Class IObject, Class ITrackViewArray, Class TrackViewActionCallback, Class TrackViewFilter, Class ReferenceTarget, Class Animatable

While this is the main TreeView class used for trackview operations, most of the operations for TreeView's are inherited through the ITreeViewOps class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~ITreeView()

virtual ~ITreeView ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ SetPos()

virtual void SetPos ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h 
pure virtual
This method will position the TreeView window at the specified position using the specified size.
int x, int y

The x and y position of the TreeView window, in screen pixels.

int w, int h

The width and height of the TreeView window, in screen pixels.

◆ Show()

virtual void Show ( )
pure virtual
This method shows the TreeView window.

◆ Hide()

virtual void Hide ( )
pure virtual
This method hides the TreeView window.

◆ IsVisible()

virtual BOOL IsVisible ( )
pure virtual
This method allows you to enquire if the TreeView window is currently visible.
TRUE if the TreeView window is visible, otherwise FALSE.

◆ InViewPort()

virtual BOOL InViewPort ( )
pure virtual
This method allows you to enquire whether the TreeView is being displayed in a viewport.
TRUE if the TreeView is displayed in a viewport, otherwise FALSE.

◆ SetTreeRoot()

virtual void SetTreeRoot ( ReferenceTarget root,
ReferenceTarget client = NULL,
int  subNum = 0 
pure virtual
This method allows you to set the TreeView root which represents the initial tree branch.
ReferenceTarget *root

A pointer to a reference target to use as the root in the TreeView.

ReferenceTarget *client

A pointer to the reference target which is the root's client.

int subNum

The sub-animatable number of the root you wish to set.

◆ SetLabelOnly()

virtual void SetLabelOnly ( BOOL  only)
pure virtual
This method will instruct the TreeView to show the labels only.
BOOL only

The only parameter specifies if the label only flag should be set (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

◆ SetMultiSel()

virtual void SetMultiSel ( BOOL  on)
pure virtual
This method controls the state of the TreeView's multi-select capability and allows you to enable or disable the selection of multiple selections.

Set this parameter to TRUE to enable multi-select. FALSE to disable multi-select.

◆ SetSelFilter()

virtual void SetSelFilter ( TrackViewFilter f = NULL)
pure virtual
This method allows you to set set a TreeView selection filter which controls the amount of information displayed in the TreeView.
TrackViewFilter *f

A pointer to a trackview filter which defines the displayable sub-set.

◆ SetActive()

virtual void SetActive ( BOOL  active)
pure virtual
This method allows you to activate or inactivate the treeview.
BOOL active

TRUE to activate, FALSE to deactivate.

◆ IsActive()

virtual BOOL IsActive ( )
pure virtual
This method returns whether the TreeView is active (TRUE) or inactive (FALSE).

◆ GetHWnd()

virtual HWND GetHWnd ( )
pure virtual
This method returns the handle to the TreeView window.

◆ GetTrackViewParent()

virtual int GetTrackViewParent ( int  index)
pure virtual
This method

This method returns the parent index of a specific TrackView entry. If no parent is found, -1 will be returned.
int index

The index of the TrackView entry for which to return the parent index.

◆ Flush()

virtual void Flush ( )
pure virtual
This method will flush the TreeView and resets its size to 0.

◆ UnFlush()

virtual void UnFlush ( )
pure virtual
This method will recalculate the sub-tree and signal the list has changed.

◆ SetMatBrowse()

virtual void SetMatBrowse ( )
pure virtual
This method will set the material browser flag.

◆ GetTVID()

virtual DWORD GetTVID ( )
pure virtual
This method returns the TrackView ID.

◆ GetIObjectName()

virtual const MCHAR * GetIObjectName ( )
Returns the object/class name.
Default Implementation:
{ return _M(""); }

Reimplemented from IObject.

845{return _M("ITrackView");}
#define _M(x)
Used to wrap string literals.
Definition: strbasic.h:67

◆ NumInterfaces()

virtual int NumInterfaces ( )
846{ return IObject::NumInterfaces() + 1; }
virtual UtilExport int NumInterfaces() const

◆ GetInterfaceAt()

virtual BaseInterface * GetInterfaceAt ( int  index)
847 {
848 if (index == 0)
849 return (ITreeViewOps*)this;
850 return IObject::GetInterfaceAt(index-1);
851 }
virtual UtilExport BaseInterface * GetInterfaceAt(int i) const
Definition: itreevw.h:195

◆ GetInterface()

virtual BaseInterface * GetInterface ( Interface_ID  id)
This method returns a pointer to the BaseInterface of the specified interface.
Interface_ID id

The interface ID for which to return the BaseInterface.

Reimplemented from BaseInterfaceServer.

854 {
856 return (BaseInterface*)this;
857 else {
858 return IObject::GetInterface(id);
859 }
860 }
Definition: baseinterface.h:78
virtual UtilExport BaseInterface * GetInterface(Interface_ID id)
Definition: itreevw.h:187