3ds Max C++ API Reference
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mesh.h File Reference
#include "maxheap.h"
#include "channels.h"
#include "snap.h"
#include "ioapi.h"
#include "export.h"
#include "vedge.h"
#include "utillib.h"
#include "tab.h"
#include "baseinterface.h"
#include "MeshFaceFlagConstants.h"
#include "GraphicsConstants.h"
#include "assert.h"
#include <Geom/bitarray.h>
#include "TabTypes.h"
#include "Strip.h"
#include <Geom/box3.h>
#include <Geom/point3.h>
#include "UVWMapper.h"
#include "UVWMapTypes.h"
#include "autoptr.h"
#include "Graphics/IRenderItemContainer.h"
#include "Graphics/GenerateMeshRenderItemsContext.h"
#include "MeshChannelContainer.h"
#include "ChannelContainerCommon.h"


class  RNormal
class  RVertex
class  Face
 This class represents a single triangular face. More...
class  TVFace
 This class is used for texture faces as well as vertex colors. More...
class  MeshMap
 In 3ds Max 3.0 and later the user may work with more than 2 mapping channels. More...
class  MapBitArray
 This class can be used to store a bit per map channel, including both negative and positive map channels, and it works with any size index. More...
class  PerData
 This class is used for per -'something' floating-point information. More...
class  StripData
struct  MeshSubHitRec
 This class allows access to the sub-object hit records used in Mesh hit testing. More...
struct  MeshSubHitRec::Iterator
class  SubObjHitList
 This class describes a list of sub-object hit records. More...
class  MeshRenderData
 A developer may derive a class from this class, put any required data in it, and then hang this data off a Mesh. More...
class  Mesh
 The Mesh class is provided for use by plug-ins and is used by the system. More...
class  Mesh::ScopedLockChannels
 A helper class for aquiring and releasing Mesh channel locks. More...
class  VertexNormalsCallback
class  VertexNormalsControl
class  MeshOpProgress
 A callback used while doing a lengthy operation to a mesh. More...


namespace  MaxGraphics
namespace  MaxGraphics::BackfaceWireframe


#define MESH_USE_EXT_CVARRAY   (-32767)
 An argument for the mapChan parameter in Mesh::setVCDisplayData().
 TRUE turns on mp vertex transformation.
 for "cage" orange gizmo meshes in EMesh, EPoly, Mesh Select, etc.
#define NEWMESH
#define MAX_MESHMAPS   100
 The higher limit of the mapping channels (map channel can be from 0 to MAX_MESHMAPS - 1)
#define MESHMAP_USED   0x0001
 Indicates this mapping channel is actually used (carries mapping information).
#define MESHMAP_TEXTURE   0x0002
 Indicates this is a texture mapping channel.
#define MESHMAP_VERTCOLOR   0x0004
 Indicates this is a vertex color channel.
#define MESHMAP_USER   0x0100
 Indicates the channel is used for a developer purpose.
#define NUM_HIDDENMAPS   2
 The number of "Hidden" or negative-indexed maps in objects which support hidden maps.
#define MAP_SHADING   -1
 The shading (or illumination) map.
#define MAP_ALPHA   -2
 The Alpha channel map.
#define MAX_VERTDATA   100
 The maximum channel index for developers' defined data.
#define VDATA_USER   10
 Third parties should use this channel or higher.
#define VDATA_SELECT   0
 The vertex soft selection data.
#define VDATA_WEIGHT   1
 The vertex weight data.
#define VDATA_ALPHA   2
 Vertex Alpha values.
#define VDATA_CORNER   3
 Cornering values for subdivision use.
#define VDATA_CREASE   4
 Crease values for subdivision use.
#define VDATA_COLOR   5
 Special-use display colors (Color24)
#define MAX_WEIGHT   ((float)1e5)
#define MIN_WEIGHT   ((float)1e-5)
 The floating point data type.
#define PERDATA_TYPE_COLOR24   1
 The color data type.
#define MESH_EDGE_LIST   (1<<1)
 Edge list.
#define MESH_LOCK_RENDDATA   (1<<2)
 Setting this flag prevents render data from being deleted (except when the mesh is deleted).
#define MESH_SMOOTH_BIT1   (1<<3)
#define MESH_SMOOTH_BIT2   (1<<4)
#define MESH_SMOOTH_BIT3   (1<<5)
#define MESH_SMOOTH_BIT4   (1<<6)
#define MESH_SMOOTH_MASK   0x78
 Flag mask for SMOOTH_BIT's 1 thru 4.
#define MESH_BEEN_DSP   (1<<9)
 This flag is reserved for internal use.
#define MESH_SMOOTH_SUBSEL   (1<<10)
 Having this bit set to 1 indicates that the smooth faces with selection-color outlines should be displayed.
 Mesh flag that Signals that face normals should be rebuilt.
#define MESH_CACHEINVALID   (1<<12)
 Mesh, vertices and Face flag Signals that the they have changed and RVertices normals should be rebuilt.
 Mesh flag to determine whether the back facing attribute on the face list has been computed or not.
 Mesh flag that means that the mesh has only set some of the vertices as invalid and not to reprocess the entire mesh just the vertices that changed.
#define MESH_TEMP_1   (1<<13)
#define MESH_TEMP_2   (1<<14)
#define MESH_DONTTRISTRIP   (1<<15)
#define MESH_UVW_INVALID   (1<<20)
#define MESH_CLEARMAPCHANNEL   (1<<21)
 Mesh Flag if set new tv face data will be cleared otherwise it will use a default planar.
#define SUBHIT_SELONLY   (1<<0)
 Selected only.
#define SUBHIT_UNSELONLY   (1<<2)
 Unselected only.
#define SUBHIT_ABORTONHIT   (1<<3)
 Abort hit testing on the first hit found.
#define SUBHIT_SELSOLID   (1<<4)
 This treats selected items as solid and unselected items as not solid.
#define SUBHIT_USEFACESEL   (1<<23)
 When this bit is set, the sel only and unsel only tests will use the faces selection when doing a vertex level hit test.
#define SUBHIT_VERTS   (1<<24)
 Hit test vertices.
#define SUBHIT_FACES   (1<<25)
 Hit test faces.
#define SUBHIT_EDGES   (1<<26)
 Hit test edges.
#define SUBHIT_CHECK_ONLY   (1<<28)
 Use this flag for Mesh::SubObjectHitTest or MNMesh::SubObjectHitTest to check if any or all sub-objects are hit.
#define SUBHIT_IGNOREOCCLUDED   (1 << 30)
 Indicates that occluded sub-objects should be ignored.
#define MESH_OBJECT   (1<<0)
 Object level.
#define MESH_VERTEX   (1<<1)
 Vertex level.
#define MESH_FACE   (1<<2)
 Face level.
#define MESH_EDGE   (1<<3)
 Edge level.
 Turn off normal display.
#define MESH_DISP_FACE_NORMALS   (1<<0)
 Specifies that faces won't be collapsed across a material boundary.
 Specifies that faces won't be collapsed across a dissimilar smoothing group boundary.
#define OPTIMIZE_AUTOEDGE   (1<<2)
 Specifies that the edge visibility should be set automatically based on the angle between adjacent surface normals.
#define VERTEX_DOT2   0
 equivalent to SMALL_VERTEX_DOTS
#define VERTEX_DOT3   1
 equivalent to LARGE_VERTEX_DOTS
#define VERTEX_DOT4   2
#define VERTEX_DOT5   3
#define VERTEX_DOT6   4
#define VERTEX_DOT7   5
#define HANDLE_BOX2   0
#define HANDLE_BOX3   1
#define HANDLE_BOX4   2
#define HANDLE_BOX5   3
#define HANDLE_BOX6   4
#define HANDLE_BOX7   5
#define VERTEX_DOT_MARKER(vtype)   (MarkerType)(vtype - VERTEX_DOT2 + DOT2_MRKR)
#define HANDLE_BOX_MARKER(htype)   (MarkerType)(htype - HANDLE_BOX2 + BOX2_MRKR)
#define MESHBOOL_UNION   1


typedef int(* INTRFUNC) ()


DllExport ChannelMask MapChannelID (int mp)
 Returns the Channel ID of the map channel.
DllExport int MapChannelNum (int mp)
 Similar to MapChannelID, but this returns the CHAN_NUM version:TEXMAP_CHAN_NUM, VERTCOLOR_CHAN_NUM, etc.
DllExport int VertexDataType (int vdID)
 Return the data type of the specified vertex data channel.
DllExport voidVertexDataDefault (int vdID)
 Returns a pointer to a default value for the specified channel.
DllExport void setMeshIntrFunc (INTRFUNC fn)
DllExport void setUseVisEdge (int b)
DllExport int getUseVisEdge ()
DllExport void setUseVertexDots (int b)
DllExport int getUseVertexDots ()
DllExport void setVertexDotType (int t)
DllExport int getVertexDotType ()
DllExport void setHandleBoxType (int t)
DllExport int getHandleBoxType ()
DllExport void setDisplayBackFaceVertices (int b)
DllExport int getDisplayBackFaceVertices ()
DllExport VertexNormalsControlGetVertexNormalsControl ()
DllExport int CalcBoolOp (Mesh &mesh, Mesh &mesh1, Mesh &mesh2, int op, MeshOpProgress *prog=NULL, Matrix3 *tm1=NULL, Matrix3 *tm2=NULL, int whichInv=0, int weld=TRUE)
 Matrix3 *tm2 = NULL, int whichInv = 0, int weld = TRUE); Note: This method is still in the SDK, but it is now obsolete.
DllExport void CombineMeshes (Mesh &outMesh, const Mesh &mesh1, const Mesh &mesh2, const Matrix3 *tm1=nullptr, const Matrix3 *tm2=nullptr, int whichInv=0)
 This function is available in release 2.0 and later only.
DllExport BOOL SliceMesh (Mesh &mesh, Point3 N, float off, bool split=FALSE, bool remove=FALSE, AdjEdgeList *ae=nullptr)
 Slices a single mesh.
DllExport MeshCreateNewMesh ()

Macro Definition Documentation


#define MESH_USE_EXT_CVARRAY   (-32767)

An argument for the mapChan parameter in Mesh::setVCDisplayData().

If mapChan parameter is set to MESH_USE_EXT_CVARRAY then the data in VCArray and TVFace is stored for internal use and consequent drawing.



TRUE turns on mp vertex transformation.



for "cage" orange gizmo meshes in EMesh, EPoly, Mesh Select, etc.


#define NEWMESH


#define MAX_MESHMAPS   100

The higher limit of the mapping channels (map channel can be from 0 to MAX_MESHMAPS - 1)


#define MAX_VERTDATA   100

The maximum channel index for developers' defined data.


#define VDATA_USER   10

Third parties should use this channel or higher.


#define MAX_WEIGHT   ((float)1e5)


#define MIN_WEIGHT   ((float)1e-5)


#define MESH_TEMP_1   (1<<13)


#define MESH_TEMP_2   (1<<14)


#define MESH_DONTTRISTRIP   (1<<15)

Mesh flag to determine whether to use tri-striping or not



Mesh flag to determine if selection state of vertices, edges or faces has changed or not.



Mesh flag to determine if soft selection weight of vertices has changed or not.


#define MESH_UVW_INVALID   (1<<20)

Mesh flag that means any MapChannel data is changed.


#define MESH_CLEARMAPCHANNEL   (1<<21)

Mesh Flag if set new tv face data will be cleared otherwise it will use a default planar.



Mesh flag that means any of the vertex color channel data is changed.






#define VERTEX_DOT_MARKER (   vtype)    (MarkerType)(vtype - VERTEX_DOT2 + DOT2_MRKR)


#define HANDLE_BOX_MARKER (   htype)    (MarkerType)(htype - HANDLE_BOX2 + BOX2_MRKR)

Typedef Documentation


typedef int(* INTRFUNC) ()

Function Documentation

◆ MapChannelID()

DllExport ChannelMask MapChannelID ( int  mp)

Returns the Channel ID of the map channel.

if mp>=1, this always returns TEXMAP_CHANNEL. For mp<1, including the hidden map channels, this is currently always VERTCOLOR_CHANNEL. In the future it may include map channels that are actually part of GEOM_CHANNEL or something.

mpThe map channel.

◆ MapChannelNum()

DllExport int MapChannelNum ( int  mp)

Similar to MapChannelID, but this returns the CHAN_NUM version:TEXMAP_CHAN_NUM, VERTCOLOR_CHAN_NUM, etc.

mpThe map channel.

◆ VertexDataType()

DllExport int VertexDataType ( int  vdID)

Return the data type of the specified vertex data channel.

vdID- One of the values from Vertex Data Index Options
The data type of the specified channel (see Data Types for Mesh Vertices, above).

◆ VertexDataDefault()

DllExport void * VertexDataDefault ( int  vdID)

Returns a pointer to a default value for the specified channel.

vdIDOne of the values from Vertex Data Index Options

◆ setMeshIntrFunc()

DllExport void setMeshIntrFunc ( INTRFUNC  fn)

◆ setUseVisEdge()

DllExport void setUseVisEdge ( int  b)

This is used internally.

◆ getUseVisEdge()

DllExport int getUseVisEdge ( )

This is used internally.

◆ setUseVertexDots()

DllExport void setUseVertexDots ( int  b)

◆ getUseVertexDots()

DllExport int getUseVertexDots ( )

◆ setVertexDotType()

DllExport void setVertexDotType ( int  t)

◆ getVertexDotType()

DllExport int getVertexDotType ( )

◆ setHandleBoxType()

DllExport void setHandleBoxType ( int  t)

◆ getHandleBoxType()

DllExport int getHandleBoxType ( )

◆ setDisplayBackFaceVertices()

DllExport void setDisplayBackFaceVertices ( int  b)

◆ getDisplayBackFaceVertices()

DllExport int getDisplayBackFaceVertices ( )

◆ GetVertexNormalsControl()

DllExport VertexNormalsControl * GetVertexNormalsControl ( )

◆ CalcBoolOp()

DllExport int CalcBoolOp ( Mesh mesh,
Mesh mesh1,
Mesh mesh2,
int  op,
MeshOpProgress prog = NULL,
Matrix3 *  tm1 = NULL,
Matrix3 *  tm2 = NULL,
int  whichInv = 0,
int  weld = TRUE 

Matrix3 *tm2 = NULL, int whichInv = 0, int weld = TRUE); Note: This method is still in the SDK, but it is now obsolete.

Calls to CalcBoolOp() should be replaced with calls to the new MNMesh form of Boolean. Please see the method MNMesh::MakeBoolean in Class MNMesh for details. This function stores the result of a boolean operation between mesh1 and mesh2 into mesh. This operation may be a union, intersection or difference. If tm1 or tm2 are non-NULL, the points of the corresponding mesh will be transformed by these matrices before the boolean operation. The mesh will be transformed back by either Inverse(tm1) or Inverse(tm2) depending on whichInv (a value of 0 will use tm1, a value of 1 will use tm2, unless whichInv is -1 in which case it will not be transformed back).

meshThe result of the boolean operation is stored here. mesh = mesh1 op mesh2.
mesh1The first operand.
mesh2The second operand.
opThe boolean operation. One of the values from Boolean Operations for Meshes
prog= NULL A callback to display a progress. See Class MeshOpProgress.
tm1= NULL If non-NULL then the points of mesh1 will transformed by this matrix before the boolean operation.
tm2= NULL If non-NULL then the points of mesh2 will transformed by this matrix before the boolean operation.
whichInv= 0 If 0, the resulting mesh will be transformed by Inverse(tm1). If 1, the resulting mesh will be transformed by Inverse(tm2). If -1, the mesh will not be transformed back.
weld= TRUE If TRUE, the vertices of the resulting mesh are welded.
Nonzero if the operation completed successfully; otherwise zero.

◆ CombineMeshes()

DllExport void CombineMeshes ( Mesh outMesh,
const Mesh mesh1,
const Mesh mesh2,
const Matrix3 *  tm1 = nullptr,
const Matrix3 *  tm2 = nullptr,
int  whichInv = 0 

This function is available in release 2.0 and later only.

This function may be used to simply combine two meshes into one.

outMeshThe result of the combine operation is stored here. mesh = mesh1+mesh2.
mesh1The first operand.
mesh2The second operand.
tm1If non-NULL then the points of mesh1 will transformed by this matrix before the boolean operation.
tm2If non-NULL then the points of mesh2 will transformed by this matrix before the boolean operation.
whichInvIf 0, the resulting mesh will be transformed by Inverse(tm1). If 1, the resulting mesh will be transformed by Inverse(tm2). If -1, the mesh will not be transformed back.

◆ SliceMesh()

DllExport BOOL SliceMesh ( Mesh mesh,
Point3  N,
float  off,
bool  split = FALSE,
bool  remove = FALSE,
AdjEdgeList ae = nullptr 

Slices a single mesh.

The Point3 N and the float offset define a slicing plane (by DotProd (N,X) = offset). Default behavior is to split faces that cross the plane, producing 1-2 new faces on each side and a new vert in the middle of each edge crossing the plane. split means to add 2 different but coincident points to the top and bottom sets of faces, splitting the mesh into two meshes.

meshThe mesh to slice
NThe slicing plane
offThe offset on the slicing plane
splitIndicates that mesh should be split into two along the plane, otherwise faces are created with shared vertices. Ignored is remove is TRUE
removeIndicates that the faces below the plane should be removed
aeContains a pointer to the AdjEdgeList for the mesh if precomputed. Providing this will aid in calculation speeds if pre-computed. The contents are not updated after the slice operation.
TRUE if slice operation resulted in a change in the mesh.

◆ CreateNewMesh()

DllExport Mesh * CreateNewMesh ( )