Texture Editor

When specifying an image for an appearance asset for a material, use the Texture Editor to change the image's sample size, position, rotation, and more.

You can open the Texture Editor in any of the following ways:

The Texture Editor displays different settings depending on how the image is being used in the appearance asset. The following information describes the most common settings. For legacy appearance assets that use procedural maps, the Texture Editor may display additional settings not listed below.

Note: A complicated design or texture for an appearance asset can increase the amount of time required to render an image. Do not use images larger than 10K.


Thumbnail: The image displays at the top of the dialog. Drag the arrow in the lower right corner to enlarge or shrink the image.

To change the size that the thumbnail represents, use the Sample Size settings.

Source: Displays the file name. Click the file name to select a different image file.

Revit supports image files of the following types: BMP, JPG, JPEG, and PNG.

Brightness: Defines the brightness of the image as a percentage. A value of 100 makes no change. If you specify 50, the brightness of the image is reduced by half.

To change the value, drag the slider, or enter a value between 0 (black) and 100 (full brightness).

Invert Image: For an image that defines a color, Invert reverses the light and dark colors in the image. For an image that defines a texture, Invert reverses the high and low points of the texture pattern.


Link texture transforms: Select this option so that all changes made to the Position, Scale, and Repeat settings of this attribute are propagated to all other attributes within the material that use a texture.


Offset X, Y: Enter a distance to move the starting point of the image map along the X and Y axes.

Constrain: To lock the aspect ratio of the X and Y offsets, click . When one value changes, the other value adjusts as needed to maintain the aspect ratio.

Rotation: To rotate the image in a clockwise direction, drag the slider or enter a value between 0º and 360º. The thumbnail image reflects the rotation.


Sample Size Width, Height: Specify the size that the image represents. Changes to Sample Size Width and Height are reflected in the image thumbnail at the top of the dialog.

Constrain: To lock the aspect ratio of width to height, click . When one value changes, the other value adjusts as needed to maintain the aspect ratio.

Depth or Depth Amount: This setting is available if the image map is used to create the Relief (Bump) effect. Under Advanced, specify the Data Type as Height Map or Normal Map.

The Depth value specifies the distance between peaks and valleys of the bump effect. Enter 0 to make the surface flat. Enter higher values to increase the depth of the surface irregularities.


Horizontal, Vertical: Use these settings to control the tiling of the image map along the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) axes.


Data Type: This setting defines the type of image used to create the Relief (Bump) effect. Select Height Map or Normal Map. The amplitude of the bump effect is controlled by the Depth parameter in the Scale group.