Vault Installation Pre-checks

Pre-checks are designed to make sure that the environment is ready for the Vault installation. If the system fails a pre-check during the pre-installation process, an error is displayed.

Which Diagnostics Are Performed?

Before Autodesk Vault Server is installed, a series of diagnostic checks is performed to verify that your operating system environment is compatible with the Autodesk data management framework.

If all the conditions are met, the installation continues without interruption.

If either a warning or an error is encountered, a report of the system tests is displayed indicating which of the conditions have passed successfully, generated a warning, or failed. The report includes the name of each condition that is checked along with a link to help you correct any conditions that have failed. The report is also stored in a log file named setup_mm-dd-yyyy.log.

Note: The Autodesk Vault server is not installed until all failed test conditions are corrected. If any of the tests fail, you can continue installing other products, but the server will not be installed.

The diagnostic checks can be performed again at any time after the Autodesk Vault server is installed by running the Autodesk Server Diagnostic Tool.

How Do Warnings and Errors Differ?

The System Tests list indicates which of the pre-installation test conditions have passed successfully, generated a warning, or returned an error.


A warning is a non-critical condition that does not require immediate attention. The warning can be corrected, but it is not necessary for the installation of the server to continue.


An error is a critical condition that requires immediate attention. If a test condition returns an error, the installation stops and the System Tests list indicates which of the test conditions returned the error.

The server is not installed until all failed test conditions are corrected. You can continue installing other products, but the server will not be installed.

  1. For a failed test, click the link displayed below the error and follow the trouble-shooting suggestions to correct the error
Note: The IIS Timeout and ASP Status pre-checks are automatically fixed when you click Re-Test in the next step. If you would prefer to fix them manually, click the link displayed below and follow the instructions.
  1. Click Re-Test to run the pre-installation test conditions again and verify that the error has been corrected.

    • If the error has been corrected, click Continue to proceed with the installation. - If the error has not been corrected, review the trouble-shooting help topic for another course of action or contact Autodesk support for assistance correcting the error.
    Note: You can only use Auto-fix once for an error. If it does not repair the error, you will have to take care of the issue manually or contact Autodesk support for help.
If the errors cannot be resolved at this time, you can click Continue without correcting the errors to proceed with installing the other Autodesk products but without installing the server; or click Cancel to stop the entire installation process.