Integration with Robot

Use the Advance Export, Advance Import, and Advance Synchronization features to transfer a model from and to Robot.

In Advance Steel, click Export & Import, and select a transfer action: Advance Export, or Advance Import, or Advance Synchronization.

Transfer Actions

Advance Export
Exports an Advance Steel model to an SMLX file.
Advance Import
Imports the whole model from an SMLX file. Use it when transferring your model for the first time.
Note: Using Import, you cannot track modifications to the model done in Robot.
Advance Synchronization
Allows you to track and update model modifications made in Robot using an SMLX file.

After you select this option, the Synchronisation dialog opens. It displays a list of all modifications to your model made during the recent transfer in Advance Steel. You can select modifications to synchronize. It will update your model with only these modifications.