Tabular Results - Graphic Toolbars

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The graphic toolbars allow the graphics display to be manipulated.

Unavailable commands are listed, but inactive and greyed.

In addition to the main graphics toolbars there are two specialist toolbars to set the General Options and the Results Options for the graphics.

For dynamic analysis (only) there is also an animation/video toolbar.

Outline Procedure

Right-clicking in any toolbar gives a variety of toolbarcustomizationcustomisation options.

Toolbars may be locked or unlocked. If unlocked they may be repositioned or converted to floating by dragging and dropping to dock/undock them.

Placing the cursor over any of the icons causes a 'tool-tip' message (that says what the button is used for) to be displayed.

Graphic Toolbars

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Displays Tabular Results - Graphic help.

F1 is a shortcut for this command.

Print Preview

Displays and focuses on the Print Preview Form.

Print Previews opened using this command (i.e. from the Graphic) contain ONLY the graphic. (For a mixture of graphic and results open Print Preview from the Tabular Results Form File Menu).

On closing the Print Preview Form control reverts to the Graphic.

Page Setup

Displays and focuses on the Page Setup Form.

Print Graphics

Displays and focuses on a standard windows Print form.

Pan View

Switches the graphics cursor to a 'Drag' icon.

Pressing down the left mouse button when the cursor is in the graphics window causes the currently displayed view of the structure to be dragged around the screen with every movement of the cursor. Releasing the button leaves the view at the last position it was dragged to.

Ctrl P is a shortcut for this command.

Fit View

Fits the current view of the structure within the graphics window at the largest scale possible.

F4 is a shortcut for this command.

Zoom In

Clicking on this button magnifies the structure model.

F7 is a shortcut for this command.

Rolling the mouse wheel is an alternative and finer option.

Zoom Out

Clicking on this button reduces the scale of the structure model.

F8 is a shortcut for this command.

Rolling the mouse wheel is an alternative and finer option.

Zoom Window

Clicking on this button and moving to the graphic window causes a selection box cursor to be displayed. The mouse should be moved so that the 'cross' at the top-left of the selection box cursor is at one corner of the rectangle of interest. The left mouse button should then be clicked. Rubber-band cross-hairs then define the selection box. The mouse should be moved to define the diagonally opposite corner of the rectangle of interest. Clicking the left mouse button again causes the selection box to close and the view to zoom in to include the extents of the viewing area that was defined by the selection box.

Ctrl W is a shortcut for this command.

Dynamic View

Switches the graphics cursor to a 'Drag' icon.

Pressing down the left mouse button when the mouse pointer is in the graphics window causes the currently displayed view of the structure to be rotated in space around the mid-point of the structure with every movement of the cursor. Releasing the button leaves the view at the last position it was dragged to.

F10 is a shortcut for this command.

Dynamic View (List)

Displays a menu:

Item Description
Dynamic F10 As for Dynamic View (above)
Isometric Offers viewpoints from the South west, South east, North east and North west.

The created views look down at an angle of 45°.
Elevation Offers elevations from the East, South, West and North.
Plan Ctrl+F10 Switches the display to plan and exits the menu.
More... Displays a form showing the vector of the direction of the current view.

The vector fields may be edited directly and the view in the graphic window is updated immediately to reflect very change made.

Alternatively, a Rotate Structure spinner allows the structure to be rotated. The two horizontal spin controllers cause rotation about the Z axis. The two vertical spin controllers cause rotation about the Y axis.

Save View

Displays a Save View form, allowing the current view to be saved (within the file for this structure) to a user-defined identifying name.

Restore View

Displays a menu:

Item Description
Save View... As for Save View (above)
Edit View List... Offers viewpoints from the South west, South east, North east and North west.

The created views look down at an angle of 45 degrees.
Previously saved view 1 Left clicking with the cursor over this previously saved view causes it to become the current view.
Previously saved view 2 " "
etc... " "

Member Selection Filter

Displays the Member Selection Filter form that allows a selection of members to be defined.

Select Member Set

Enables quick selection to be made by accessing a list of all saved member selection sets, sub models and longitudinal and transverse beams.

Toggle Auto Redraw Mode

Clicking on this button causes the Auto Redraw mode to be switched on or off.

When it is switched on then the structure is completely redrawn every time the view is modified. Repainting the graphics can be very time consuming for a complex structure.

When it is switched off then a wire-line representation of the structure is shown. This repaints instantly. The wire-line is converted to a full representation using Redraw Graphics (below) or by Toggle Auto Redraw Mode.

The default setting of this mode is set in the 'Graphics' tab of the Preferences form.

Redraw Graphics (Ctrl+R)

Converts a wire-line representation of the structure into a full view.

Leaves the Redraw Mode as presently set.

Show Loading Objects

This button toggles the view type. The load objects associated with the current Result Type are shown when the button is switched on. The results view is shown when switched off.

Results For

This field lists all the possible directions for which the results selected in the Results Controller are available.

Selecting one or more of these will cause results to be displayed for the appropriate direction. Multiple selection is not available for all effect types.

Video / Animation

This menu controls the way the deflected shape can be shown as an animation or saved as an .avi video file.

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