Troubleshooting: Google Chrome Plug-In

Chrome users should install the latest update in order to view BIM 360 Glue in the Google Chrome Browser.

  1. Go to the Google Chrome Web Store and in the IE Tab, click Add to Chrome and install the plug-in as instructed.
  2. Launch Chrome.
  3. Activate the IE Tab by clicking the plugin icon next to the address bar.
  4. Follow the instructions to install the IE Tab. Notice your new IE address bar appears below your Chrome address bar.
  5. On the new IE Tab address bar, click Settings .
  6. In the Auto URLs pane, in the Add field, paste the full BIM 360 Glue domain name followed by an asterisk:* then click Add.
  7. Open a new window in Chrome sign and into BIM 360 Glue as normal.