PCF Export

CADmep can output Piping Component File (PCF) format that can be used for analysis in other products, such as AutoCAD Plant 3D.

PCF is an industry-standard file format that enables automatic generation of isometric spool drawings.

Setting Pipework End Type

In order to output CADmep models to PCF format, the "Pipework End Type" parameter must be set on all connectors to be exported.

The following choices are available for the “Pipework End Type” parameter:

To set the Pipework End Type, or to determine if it has been set, go to Database Fitting Connector Pipework End Type. Ensure that the appropriate connection type has been set on the Pipework End Type property.

To output PCF files:

  1. In CADmep, do one of the following:
    • In the drawing area, right-click CADmep Utilities Export PCF File.
    • At the command line, type PCFEXPORT and then press Enter.
  2. On the Export as PCF dialog, choose a location to save the PCF file, and type in a file name.
  3. Click Save.

Setting PCF Symbol Key (SKEY)

In CADmep, the PCF export function also supports the export of PCF SKEY values. When this information is specified on items, it is included in the PCF export file.

For more information, see Specifying PCF Symbol Key (SKEY) Values and Item Properties.