Fabrication and Installation Times

Manufactured fittings usually refer to Look-up Tables to establish the fabrication time, or installation time, assigned to an item. Fabrication times and installation times can be accessed from the Database Costing Tab Fabrication (or Installation) Times option. These times are used to assign to items and then calculated against Labor Rates to establish the cost for fabrication or installation.

Fabrication tables can be designed to include all ancillaries and have a combined time for fabrication, or can be used to solely insert the carcass assembly time and have flanges separately using connector fabrication time.

You can use basic or advanced methods for assigning this time information to an item. For example, a basic method would be using breakpoint tables to determine this time information according to the width and or depth of an item. A more advanced method would be using a filter to determine which type of time information is allocated to the item based on which seaming convention the item uses. See the Value Sets for more information on how this can be achieved.

On this dialog, the following drop-down options that display along the top of the table let you specify a variety of factors that influence how the cost information is calculated and assigned to the part.

Labour: The labour can be specified as a variety of different types, including Low Skilled, Skilled, High Skilled, and Tradesman Sheet Metal Avg.

Units: This drop-down specifies the type of units the fabrication or installation time is displayed in; for example, in the Cost Breakdown dialog as well as in other dialogs. You can specify seconds, minutes, hours, lb/secs, lb/mins, or lb/hrs. When changing the Units type, the following prompt dialog displays: "Change Table Values as well? (mins) -> (hrs)"

Clicking Yes at this prompt immediately updates the numeric values in the table according to the new Units type selected. Clicking No at this prompt leaves the numeric values in the table set as they are currently set (does not update the numeric values in the table); however the Units type is updated.

Include If: This field lets you specify a variety of conditions for assigning the cost information, if the part meets the requirement specified here.

As Decoiled Length: This drop-down lets you specify the following methods that can be used to assign cost information to the part: As Whole, Decoiled Length, Small Length, Skin Decoiled Length, Skin Small Length.