Joints.add Method

Parent Object: Joints
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Components/Joints.h>


Creates a new joint.


"joints_var" is a variable referencing a Joints object.
returnValue = joints_var.add(input)
"joints_var" is a variable referencing a Joints object.

#include <Fusion/Components/Joints.h>

returnValue = joints_var->add(input);

Return Value

Type Description
Joint Returns the newly created Joint or null in the case of failure.


Name Type Description
input JointInput The JointInput object that defines the geometry and various inputs that fully define a joint. A JointInput object is created using the Joints.createInput method.


Name Description
BallJointMotion API Sample Demonstrates creating a joint with ball joint motion
CylindricalJointMotion API Sample Demonstrates creating a joint with cylindrical joint motion.
Joint API Sample Demonstrates creating a new joint.
Pin Slot Joint Motion API Sample Demonstrates creating a joint with pin slot joint motion
Planar Joint Motion API Sample Demonstrates creating a joint with planar joint motion
RevoluteJointMotion API Sample Demonstrates creating a joint with revolute joint motion.
SliderJointMotion API Sample Demonstrates creating a joint with slider joint motion.


Introduced in version July 2015