TemporaryBRepManager.createSilhouetteCurves Method

Parent Object: TemporaryBRepManager
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/BRep/TemporaryBRepManager.h>


Calculates the silhouette curve geometry for a given face as viewed from a given direction.


"temporaryBRepManager_var" is a variable referencing a TemporaryBRepManager object.
returnValue = temporaryBRepManager_var.createSilhouetteCurves(face, viewDirection, returnCoincidentSilhouettes)
"temporaryBRepManager_var" is a variable referencing a TemporaryBRepManager object.

#include <Fusion/BRep/TemporaryBRepManager.h>

returnValue = temporaryBRepManager_var->createSilhouetteCurves(face, viewDirection, returnCoincidentSilhouettes);

Return Value

Type Description
BRepBody Returns a SurfaceBody object that will contain one or more BRepWire objects that represent the silhouette curve(s). This method can return null in the case where there is not a silhouette curve for the specified face.


Name Type Description
face BRepFace Input BRepFace object to calculate the silhouette curve for.
viewDirection Vector3D Input Vector3D object that defines the view direction to calculate the silhouette curve relative to. The silhouette curve(s) will lie along the path where the face normal is perpendicular to the view direction.
returnCoincidentSilhouettes boolean Input Boolean that specifies if silhouette curves that are coincident to the edges of the face should be returned or not. If true, these curves will be returned.


Name Description
TemporaryBRepManager API Sample TemporaryBRepManager related functions


Introduced in version December 2017