Morph milling strategy

The Morph toolpath machines an area between two or more curves. The toolpath is guided by the basic shape of the curves. The chained curves can be open or closed boundaries. The system varies the toolpath to match the basic shape of the boundary curves.

Select the chains so they all flow in the same direction. The amount cut per pass can be controlled by a Number of Passes or a Stepover distance.

3d morph strategy

Morph toolpath on a 3D model.

The Contour Offset parameter can be use to spread out the cuts across the selected area. Number of Offset Stepovers can be used to add or remove passes along the edge of the chains. Controls exist for containing the toolpath to a specific area. Use Machining Boundaries to contain the machining area in X and Y. Use the Heights parameters to contain the machining areas in Z.