Activity 2: Create a tool Library

In this activity, create a tool library containing all the tools to be used for subsequent activities.

The tool library allows you to select from existing tools in a library as well as define new tools. Tool definitions can be saved in a library or just for the part you work on.


  1. Create a tool library containing all the tools to be used in the exercise.

    1. On the Manufacture toolbar, Milling tab, select Manage > Tool Library tool library icon.
    2. In the Fusion Tool Library dialog, in the left pane, right-click Local and select New Library.
    3. Name the new library Tutorial4 and press Enter to accept the new name.
  2. To add each of the tools, click New Tool image above the tool list, and then select the tool type and set parameters specified below.

    Find the parameters on the following tabs of the New Tool dialog:

    • The Number parameter - the Post Processor tab.
    • The Type, Diameter, Corner radius, Flute length, and Length below holder parameters - the Cutter tab.
    • The Spindle Speed and Cutting Feedrate settings - the Cutting data tab.
    • All other parameters should be left at their defaults.
Number Type Diameter (mm) Corner Radius (mm) Flute Length (mm) Length below holder (mm) Spindle Speed (rpm) Cutting Feedrate (mm/min)
10 Bull Nose End Mill 20 1 25 default 16,000 9,500
13 Bull Nose End Mill 6 1 default 45 30,000 6,000
20 Ball End Mill 10 n/a default default 30,000 1,800
21 Ball End Mill 6 n/a 15 45 30,000 6,000

Activity 2 summary

In this activity, you created a local tool library with four tools (two Bull Nose Mill tools and two Ball End Mill tools) and defined their settings.