Activity 2: Using pocket clearing

In this activity, you orient the part with a 3+2 machining setup and use an pocket clearing strategy to create the plus "+" shaped feature.

Before and after for pocket clearing

Before machining the part (left), after using pocket clearing (right).



  1. On the Manufacture toolbar, Milling tab, select 3D > Adaptive Clearing Pocket clearing icon.

  2. In the Pocket Clearing dialog, set the tool to #4 – Ø5 mm (Flat end mill).

    1. Select Tool tab icon, Tool tab, on the pocket dialog, if not already selected.
    2. Click the Select button.
    3. In the Select Tool dialog, in the left panel, scroll to the bottom and select Tutorial Tools (Metric).
    4. In the list of tools, click the tool #4 – Ø5 mm (Flat end mill).

    Select 5 mm flat tool

    The Tutorial Tools (Metric) library is selected, then the specific tool is selected.

  3. Click Select to select the tool and close the Select Tool dialog.

  4. Define the orientation and the plus "+" geometry to machine.

    Define plane for machining

    Plane defining the z axis direction (1), edge defining the direction of the X axis (2), corner defining the origin (3).

    1. On the Pocket dialog, select Multi-Axis tab, Multi-Axis tab.
    2. Check the Tool Orientation box, to expand this group.
    3. Choose Select Z axis/plane & X axis from the Orientation drop-down menu.
    4. Ensure the Z Axis button is active and select the face containing the plus, to define a face defining the Z-axis.
    5. Ensure the X Axis button is active and select the longest edge of the face you just selected. This selection defines the X direction.
    6. Choose Selected point from the Origin drop-down menu.
    7. Click the Point button for the Tool Orientation Origin parameter.
    8. Click the bottom left corner of the trapezoidal plane the ellipse is in to define the new origin.
  5. Pick the plus shaped edge as the machining boundary.

    1. Choose Selection in the Machining boundary perimeter.
    2. Ensure the Machining boundary selection is active.
    3. Click on the edge of the Plus shape.
    4. Click OK on the Pocket dialog to start calculating the tool path.

Finished selecting the area to cut an finished machining

Before machining the part (left), after using pocket clearing (right).

Activity 2 summary

In this activity, you used a 3+2 machining technique to orient the part so the plane, containing the plus shape, is normal to the machine’s Z-axis. Then, you used pocket clearing to rough cut the plus shaped pocket.

Before and after for pocket clearing