Activity 9: Machine fillets using pencil milling
In this activity, you will use a Pencil strategy. A 6 mm ball mill is used for the finishing toolpaths, but the fillets between the base and bosses have a radius of 4 mm. Parallel pencil passes are used to machine the fillets.
Part with Horizontal clearing applied to it (left). Part after using Pencil milling for fillets (right).
- You have applied a Horizontal strategy to machine the base of the part (Activity 8).
From the Pencil dialog, select the 21 - Ø6 mm - ball tool.
- On the Manufacture toolbar, Milling tab, select 3D > Pencil .
- On the Tool tab , click Select to access the tool library.
- Select the 21 - Ø6 mm - ball tool from the Tutorial4 library.
- Click Select to close the Select Tool dialog.
Specify the machining passes.
- Click the Passes tab .
- Set Overthickness to 1.2 mm. Note: The Overthickness parameter is used to generate pencil passes where they would not exist for the specified tool. Here the tool radius of 3 mm is smaller than the fillet radius of 4 mm. With Overthickness set to 1.2 mm, the pencil passes are generated for a larger tool radius and used to guide the smaller tool into the fillets.
- Set Stepover to 0.03 mm.
- Set Number of Stepovers to 5.
- Enable the Stock to Leave checkbox.
- Set Radial Stock to Leave to 0.05 mm.
- Set Axial Stock to Leave to 0.05 mm. This value should update automatically.
- Click OK to automatically start calculating the toolpath. A preview appears on the canvas.
Activity 9 summary
In this activity, you used a Pencil strategy to machine the fillets of the part.